Sample Baby Care Niche PLR Newsletters Autoreponder
Message Titles:
Babies and Animals
Baby Bedding
Baby Skin Care
Baby Stools
Be Prepared for Change
Bottle Feeding Your Baby
Burping Your Baby
Buying a Baby Crib
Cleanliness is Essential
Clothing and Nappies - What's Best
& More
Sample Baby Care Niche PLR Newsletters Autoresponder
Subject: {!name} - Mixed
Emotions with a New Baby
Hi {!name},
Quote: Making the decision to have a child is momentous.
It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside
your body.
- Elizabeth Stone
It is not uncommon for you to have mixed emotions when your baby is
born as there are many changes to your hormones during pregnancy and
for many new mothers it can take some time before they feel a bond with
their new baby.
You should not question your ability to be a good mother due to these
emotions as it is something that many women experience.
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Having an understanding partner or the help and support of friends and
family will go a long way to help you get through this period should it
happen to you.
On the other hand you will also have to attend to the needs of your
newborn and having friends and family around too often can actually
make it difficult for you to concentrate on developing a relationship
with your baby.
A newborns senses and reflexes are surprising well developed right from
the beginning of their life. In some circumstances where you and the
baby are forced to be apart after childbirth, where there might be some
additional care required by the hospital nursing staff and doctors in
special care units, you will need time to be with your baby and start
developing your bond.
It is a big change to your life to have a newborn baby and such a
change can take time to get accustomed to so don't try to rush things
along and always follow the advice of your doctor.
Once you start getting involved more in the care of your baby you might
find that any strange emotions begin to subside and you will begin to
feel the love that you expected towards your child.
You should always feel free to discuss anything that is concerning you
and in particular your doctor and nurses as they are dealing with
similar situations on a daily basis and it is better to listen to
informed advice rather than the opinions of people who might not
understand the situation.
Such feelings might not affect you whatsoever but it always good to
know the facts in advance should this happen to you as you will be
better able to deal with it.
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