Sample Debt Management Niche PLR Newsletters
Autoreponder Message Titles:
Determining What Your
Current Debt Is
Budget To Gain Control
Making The Right Moves When Debt Is Excessive
Managing Debt Collectors
Take Care Of The Most Important Debts
Understanding Debt Better
Improving Your Credit History
Understanding Why You Spend
Income And Spending
Changing Your Attitudes To Money
Managing A Budget Deficit
Which Debts Need Paying First
What To Do With A Budget Surplus
Slashing Your Spending
Making More Money
Handling Your Creditors
& More
Sample Debt Management Niche PLR Newsletters
Subject: {!name} -
Determining What Your Current Debt Is
Hi {!name},
Quote: The safe way to double your money is to fold it over once and
put it in your pocket.
- Frank Hubbard
The very first thing that you need to do to address your current
financial position and reduce and eliminate your debt is to determine
exactly what your current debt is.
Now this might seem very obvious and when you ask most people they
would probably say that they know how much money they owe but more
often than not it comes as a great surprise to them when they sit down
with a pen and paper to work out exactly what the current debt actually
It is very difficult to remember precisely how much you owe on so many
different areas of debt and it is only when you do take account of all
the individual debts and add them up that you can actually see the
extent of your debt.
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Be prepared for a surprise because that is what happens most often and
it will give you a really good picture of why you are struggling to
make ends meet each week and why all the income that might seem
reasonable isn't enough to cover your outgoings.
So step number one on your debt management program is to address the
It is only after you have done this that you will be able to create a
budget that will help you move towards eliminating debt from your life.
You will be able to compare your monthly spending to your monthly
income and that will give you the opportunity to see how much is left
over if any to start reducing your debt.
When you are making a note of your debt you must ensure that you put
down everything that you owe even the most minor of debts because at
some stage they need to be settled and even small debts that are left
unpaid can give you a bad credit rating.
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