Sample Face Care PLR Newsletters Autoreponder
Message Titles:
Anti Aging Skin Care
Applying Foundation
As the Skin Ages
Baggy Eyes and a Brow Lift
Circulation for Your Aged Skin
Cleaning Your Face
Cleanliness and Your Skin Condition
Collagen Injections
Contouring to Change Your Face
Does Dry Skin Cause Wrinkles
Dry Skin
& more
Sample Face Care PLR Newsletters Autoresponder
Subject: {!name} - Skin
Hi {!name},
Quote: A man's face is his autobiography.
A woman's face is her work of fiction.
- Oscar Wilde
There are several different classifications for skin types and these
are all determined according to the amount of oil that your skin
Your skin type will also affect the types of problems you might have to
endure throughout various stages of your life.
Normal skin will have medium sized pores and an even texture.
This is obviously the ideal skin and will appear smooth and healthy
This skin will have good circulation and color and the only area where
there might be a problem is a tendency to become a little dry around
the cheeks.
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Oily skin on the other hand will show in a more shiny skin tone and the
larger pores that are associated with oily skin will also make
blackheads and blemishes more prevalent.
Dry skin will feel tight and more so after cleansing.
It will be more prone to fine wrinkles, red patches and flaking.
It can also appear dull, and to some extent this is due to the buildup
of dead skin.
Sensitive skin is delicate, thin and has fine pores.
People with thin skin will appear to blush more easily and can be
susceptible to rashes and other skin irritations.
Broken capillaries are also another problem that faces people with
sensitive skin.
These are the main skin types but there are other factors that can
affect the condition of ones skin.
Naturally your genes will determine what type of skin you are likely to
have but our lifestyle can also have a bearing on the condition of our
Stress, nutrition, medication and many more factors can change the
condition of skin.
No matter what type of skin you have, addressing these issues will
ensure that you will make the most of the skin that you have inherited
and reduce the problems that are associated with your skin type.
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