Sample Gardening PLR Newsletters Autoreponder
Message Titles:
Adding Interest to Your
Choosing Plants that are Healthy
Compost a Gardeners Delight
Consider a Potager
Crop Rotation for Vegetable
Desktop Gardening
Diseases in the Garden
Feed for Your Plants
Feeding Your Plants
Frost Damaged Plants
Garden Lighting
& more
Sample Gardening PLR Newsletters Autoresponder
Subject: {!name} -
Adding Interest to Your Garden
Hey {!name},
QUOTE: I have never had so many good ideas day after day as when I
worked in the garden.
- John Erskine
There are many ways that you can add interest to a garden.
Anything that becomes a focal point will add interest and that can
range from garden sculptures to the types of plants you choose.
Adding block planting of a particular specimen can become a focal point
in the garden.
Even adding areas of variegated foliage can create a focal point in the
Website Of Interest:
Seats are another item that can add interest to the garden and
additionally they can offer a nice place to rest and relax while you
admire your work.
Mirrors that are strategically placed can enhance the garden in many
They can bring reflected light to dark corners of the garden.
They can also give the impression that the garden is bigger or
alternatively they can give the impression that the open space is
Placed at various angles, mirrors can add a lot of fun and interest to
a garden and help to lead a visitor on to other areas.
Using hedges can also add interest to the garden while offering
protection to the plants.
Hedges are also an excellent way to gain privacy without feeling closed
Water features are a favorite for many people and the sound of running
water in the corner of a garden can add an atmosphere of calm and
Water features can also be good for the birds in the garden
particularly in the summer months when they might find it difficult to
find water lying around to suit their needs.
As with sculptures, stones, rocks and pebbles can add interest and
offer areas where you can walk even when the surrounding ground might
be too wet.
Shells also make a good cover on the ground for paths that can remain
dry in the wet season.
There are so many different things that you put in your garden to add
Everything from old cartwheels to wind chimes, aviaries or anything
else you can imagine.
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