Sample Golf PLR Newsletters Autoreponder Message
Your Own Personal Golf
Pro at Every Game
A Balanced Approach
A Few Putting Tips
A Unique Putting Tip
Accuracy First and Distance Will Follow
Are You a Leftie?
Are You Better on the Front or Back Nine
Are You Playing with the Right Golf Balls?
Are You Still Thinking about Your Last Shot?
Consistency is the Key
& more
Sample Golf PLR Newsletters Autoresponder
Subject: {!name} - Your
Own Personal Golf Pro at Every Game
Hey {!name},
QUOTE: I have a tip that can take five strokes off anyone's golf game:
it's called an eraser.
- Arnold Palmer
Have you ever considered what the source of your problems might have
been when you just finished a poor round of golf?
Many people will be surprised to know that most of their problems
stemmed from the way they were holding their clubs.
You probably already know the situation I am about to describe.
You hit a bad shot and then you tell yourself that the next shot has to
be better to compensate and the pressure begins to grow.
Along with the increasing pressure is a tendency to grip the clubs too
Tension has a tendency to make us do that.
Along with this tight grip we have on the club goes a corresponding
loss of control.
The ball starts flying in all directions, and the tension builds ever
more, until you look at your knuckles and they are white from the
If your clubs had to breath you would have choked them by now.
More Information:
I had a playing partner who had a simple list of instructions that he
would read when his game started to fall apart and at the top of that
list was 'don't strangle the clubs'
It's simple and we all know about it, but this visual reminder was all
that it would take to get his game back on course and ensure that the
tension wasn't there in the rest of his game.
This technique of having written guidelines was so powerful that
several other people started using it.
It was like having your own personal golf pro walking with you and
giving you the necessary instructions when things started to go wrong.
Those words would allow him to focus on the next shot and release all
the tension that would have otherwise crept into his game.
Try carrying your own list of 'game savers' around with you next time
and don't hesitate to read them at the first sign your game might be
falling apart.
It is an incredibly powerful technique.
More Information:
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