Sample Quit Smoking Niche PLR Newsletters
Autoreponder Message Titles:
Understanding Nicotine
The Health Risks Of Smoking
The Reasons Why People Smoke
Smoking Triggers
Have You Become Addicted To Smoking?
What Has And Hasn't Worked For You
Breaking The Habit
You Will Get Benefits At Any Age
Smokeless Tobacco And Its Problems
Nicotine Patches
Other Stop Smoking Aids
& More
Sample Quit Smoking Niche PLR Newsletters
Subject: {!name} -
Understanding Nicotine
Hi {!name},
Quote: To cease smoking is the easiest thing I ever did.
I ought to know because I've done it a thousand times.
- Mark Twain
It is no wonder that smoking is such a difficult habit to break as
nicotine is one of the most addictive drugs in the world.
It is in fact at least as addictive as such hard drugs as cocaine and
Most smokers would never consider taking such drugs but the fact that
they are smoking creates a situation where the addictive nature of
nicotine can create many different health conditions and the smoker has
extreme difficulty stopping even when the health problems become life
More Information:
Once a person has been smoking for a while it takes a lot more than
willpower to stop due to the addictive nature of tobacco.
Nicotine is so powerful that it can kill you if a small amount of pure
nicotine is placed on your skin. Fortunately the amount in cigarettes
is nowhere near that strong but it is enough to get you addicted and
that is how the cigarette companies get you coming back for more even
when you know it is killing you and you desperately want to stop.
If you inhale when you are smoking then the nicotine travels directly
to your brain in a matter of seconds and once there it stimulates the
brain to make you feel good. It causes the release of dopamine which
will help to improve your mood and this is one of the reasons why
people who are stressed, sad or depressed often seek comfort in the
form of a cigarette.
After a while the body will become tolerant to the nicotine and require
more and more to get the same affect. This leads to a stronger and
stronger addiction where people can smoke up to several packs a day.
Aside from the obvious expense of having to pay for so many packs of
cigarettes each week there are additional loads placed on a persons
health from the damage that all the smoking is doing yet the addiction
grows stronger and it becomes all the harder to quit.
Every day that you postpone quitting smoking you are making it harder
to give up and that is precisely what the tobacco companies want.
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