Sample Wedding PLR Newsletter Autoreponder Message
Wedding Vows
Wedding Speech
Wedding Cakes
Bridal Party Dresses and Suits
Wedding Invitations
Wedding Poetry
Wedding Hairstyles
Wedding Songs
Wedding Flowers
Wedding Rings
& more
Sample Wedding PLR Newsletters Autoresponder
Subject: {!name} -
Wedding Vows
Hi {!name},
Quote: Happy marriages begin when we marry the ones we love, and they
blossom when we love the ones we marry.
- Tom Mullen
You should take your time when deciding on your wedding vows and
personalize them to suit you and your partner and don't be influenced
by what other people expect you to do.
This is one of the most important parts of the wedding because it is
after the recital of your vows that you will be officially married.
More Information:
More and more people are becoming very creative with their wedding vows
and this adds a personal touch that represents what you and your
partner believe your marriage means to the both of you.
It is a chance for you to both express your true thoughts on why you
are getting married and what it will mean for you in the future.
Here are the typical wedding vows…
“I [your name] take you [your partners name] for my lawful
[wife/husband] to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better,
for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until
death do us part”
Many people use these traditional vows as the foundation that they will
modify to suit their needs by adding personalized touches where they
Some people find the traditional vows a bit too formal and the wording
no longer appropriate to get the true meaning of their care for one
another across. If that’s the way you feel then changing them is the
right solution for you.
These words are more important than all the wedding speeches combined
so it is well worth spending as much time as necessary to come up with
something that is really special.
Get ideas from books and poetry and songs. Bounce ideas off one another
and you will soon know when you have hit the perfect combination that
will lead you into your married life.
Just remember to never stop having fun because that’s what it’s all
about – getting the most happiness in your life by sharing it with
someone you love.
More Information:
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