Sample Weight Loss Niche PLR Newsletter
Autoreponder Message Titles:
Age Is Not An Excuse
Are We Like Animals
Are You Ready To Lose Weight
But I Still Like Chocolate And Alcohol
Calories Revisited
Changing Bad Habits
Changing Your Routine
Difficult Dieting
Don't Make Dieting Difficult
Eating The Right Foods
Emotional Triggers
Enjoying Your Weight Loss
Everything In Moderation
Exercise Programs
Exercise To Reduce Appetite
& more
Sample Weight Loss Niche PLR Newsletters
Subject: {!name} - Your
Calorie Consumption
Hi {!name},
Quote: You have to stay in shape.
My grandmother, she started walking five miles a day when she was 60.
She's 97 today and we don't know where the hell she is.
- Ellen Degeneres
The amount of calories that you consume on a daily basis will determine
whether you gain or lose weight and this is one of the most important
aspects of any weight loss program that you decide to go on.
Studies have been taken where overweight people believed they were
eating no more food than other people they associated with who were
considerably slimmer than them.
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The overweight people were under the false impression that the reason
why they were heavier and gaining weight was due to their body's
When keeping a record of their food consumption over a specified period
of time it was shown that they were actually consuming more calories
and it had nothing to do with their metabolism but rather their choice
of food and the quantities they were eating.
You only need to reduce your calorie intake by 100 calories per day to
make a substantial effect on your weight over the period of the year.
This is a very manageable goal for almost everybody and it is not too
difficult to cut back by that amount, however many of the weight loss
programs are recommending considerably more reduction in calories
making it very difficult to maintain and as a result of this many
people are failing to achieve what they start out to do.
Now when you combine the fact that you only need to reduce calories by
that much, with additional supplementation of vitamins and minerals
that can help your overall health, you can see how you can stay
nutritionally balanced throughout the whole weight loss process and not
feel as though you are starving yourself.
For many people just knowing that the hurdle is not so great, and that
there are suitable supplements to assist them, is enough to ensure that
they can start and maintain a good weight loss program.
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