What to Sell on Amazon: 8 Tips to Find Profitable Products

What to sell on amazon box with woman looking in

Want to know what to sell on Amazon? The better question might be what not to sell on Amazon. Amazon Marketplace sellers list more than 350 million unique products on the platform. Think about your favorite products. They’re probably all on Amazon. Now, think about a product you wish existed. Search for it—there’s a good … Read more

5 Ways to Deal With Negative Comments on Social Media

5 Steps for Dealing with Social Media Negativity

Life on the Internet can be stressful –  even more for anyone who’s selling a product or service. Negative comments and reactions on your social media are standard and almost expected whether you’re a brand or an individual. Receiving these comments is inevitable, but the important thing is how you handle them. Poor handling can … Read more

5 Effective Best Practices for Data Governance Success

Data Governance

By 2022, the total enterprise data volume is estimated to be more than 2.02 petabytes. As a result, businesses that work in highly data-intensive environments need robust data management capabilities to monitor, manage, store, access, secure, and share information in a streamlined and standardized way. You’ll Want Your Business to Have the Best Practices in Data … Read more

The Ultimate Guide to Bullet Points in HTML Email – Litmus


Are HTML bullet points useful in emails? Bullet points in plain text emails are an incredibly useful tool for content hierarchy. They allow subscribers to read the key elements of your emails quickly and easily. They are a great way to set apart important information from the rest of the email. As so often in … Read more

How To Build a WordPress Website

wordpressdotorg How To Build a WordPress Website - How To Build a WordPress Website

Disclosure: This content is reader-supported, which means if you click on some of our links that we may earn a commission. WordPress powers more than 43% of all websites on the internet.  With an excellent reputation and loyal user base, It’s arguably the most reliable way to start and run a website. I use WordPress … Read more

10 Best Sitemap Generators For Faster, More Productive Crawls

10 Best Sitemap Generators For Faster, More Productive Crawls

Sitemaps are a powerful tool for SEO pros and webmasters. They help Google and other search engines navigate through a website and find new pages and content. It’s not guaranteed that search engines will index the content but telling them what pages are important can make a significant difference. Sitemaps can help you: Get an … Read more

How Charitable Giving Helped Take Our Dog Daycare to $1M in Revenue

How Charitable Giving Helped Us Take Our Dog Daycare to $1M in Revenue

When we weren’t feeling fulfilled in our corporate jobs, we knew we were tired of working for someone else, but we were also looking for more ways to get involved with our community. We had become those typical working Americans who close our garage doors after coming home from work and don’t emerge to connect … Read more

4 Reasons To Consider Taking An Executive Leadership Course

Leadership Course

In any organisation, obstacles can arise anytime and derail progress, whether minor or significant. To avoid this, leaders or managers are appointed so that these challenges (when they do occur) are responded to quickly with professionalism, intelligence, and strategy. As well as helping to prevent complications, the influence of a great leader should resonate throughout … Read more

The 7 Most Crucial Ecommerce Metrics You Should Be Tracking Right Now

The 7 Most Crucial Ecommerce Metrics You Should Be Tracking Right Now

There’s an ocean of data available to ecommerce store owners. The number of sales by day, week, month. The average value of all items purchased. Cart abandonment. Buy-to-detail rates. Funnel dropouts – on and on the list goes. But, you don’t want to get lost in the depths of information available to you. These seven … Read more

Any Risk In Deleting A Disavow File?

Any Risk In Deleting A Disavow File?

Google’s John Mueller answered whether it’s okay to delete a disavow file since Google is so good at not counting the average junk links that sites acquire typically, through no fault or effort on the part of the website publisher. Mueller mentioned an interesting quality about these links that sets them apart from links that … Read more

How Melissa Clayton’s Tiny Tags Went from Side Hustle to Meryl Streep Endorsed – Q&A

Melissa clayton tiny tags

Melissa Clayton is the founder and CEO of motherhood jewelry brand Tiny Tags. She is a former CPA who is passionate about entrepreneurship and motherhood and is committed to sharing the lessons she has learned along the way with other women. As of 2022, Melissa has grown Tiny Tags to a multi-million dollar business without … Read more

What’s the Impact So Far?

What’s the Impact So Far?

Google releases one or two changes to its algorithms daily; most of them are not noticeable. And a few times a year, Google will officially announce a “core update.” A core update refers to broad changes to Google’s algorithm and systems that cause notable fluctuations in search results. This article is an up-to-date summary of … Read more

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