B2B Email Campaign Ideas to Drive Engagement – Litmus


B2B marketers continue to rely on their most effective channel—email—due to its proven performance and high return on investment (ROI). Since potential customers are already 57% of the way to making a decision before they actively engage with sales, marketers must be savvy. It’s important to be intentional with how and when you communicate your message … Read more

Os 12 Melhores Exemplos de Landing Page 

image 37 - Os 12 Melhores Exemplos de Landing Page 

Você prefere ter um site bonito ou um site que seus clientes adoram? De um ponto de vista de negócios, você não deveria escolher nenhum dos dois. Sua resposta deve ser 100% “eu quero um site de alta conversão”. Porque, se as pessoas compram, é porque elas gostaram e você vai poder escalar seu negócio … Read more

Community Building for Retention, Awareness, Loyalty, Content, & Member Advocacy

A little birdy told me you want to know what this “Community” stuff is you keep hearing about. I promise it’s not scary, at least not as frightening as Data Tracking and Analytics.  Ahh, Numbers! No need to worry, you’re safe here, and the data can’t get you. At least, not in this particular post.  … Read more

Amazon FBA Fees: How to Calculate What FBA Will Cost You

Amazon fba fees phone and packaging

Have you heard about the wonders of Fulfillment by Amazon (better known as Amazon FBA) and how it works? No, it’s not too good to be true. Amazon FBA is a legit way to streamline your storage, shipping, and customer service. You can operate anywhere, any time, and still guarantee reliable, on-time delivery. However, it’s … Read more

8 Tips For A Building a Recession Proof Business

Recession Proof Business

The Great Recession of 2008 was one that left many business owners in the United States feeling defeated, angry, and overwhelmed. Now, with the economy showing signs of yet another downturn, it’s time for business owners to take a step back, reassess their activities, and think about ways to become recession-proof. Few companies out there … Read more

What’s the Most Profitable Business to Start in 2022?

Most profitable businesses rocket graphic

While profit may not be the only impetus for starting a business, it’s certainly among the deciding factors. Whether or not a new business succeeds or fails depends on its ability to generate a profit. Building an audience/customer base, marketing, developing a solid business plan are all important elements of the most successful business, and … Read more

5 Tips To Get The Results You Want

5 Tips To Get The Results You Want

Over 200 million people trust their websites to Wix. That’s a lot of people creating a lot of websites and putting up a lot of web content. And that’s why it’s really important to talk about some of the ins and outs of doing SEO on a Wix site. While I could write a generic … Read more

WhatsApp New Features: Spelling Actions, Status Reactions, And So Much More!

WhatsApp New Updates

Only last week, the world’s most popular messaging platform, WhatsApp, announced seven brand new updates for Android, iOS, and Desktop versions. If you are mostly on your phone, then you must have noticed all the many notifications that keep popping up for regular updates recently.  WhatsApp New Features: Good News For Users! Like most social … Read more

Google Search Console: A Guide for SEOs (2022 Update)

shutterstock 1136045849 - Google Search Console: A Guide for SEOs (2022 Update)

Want to know how your SEO efforts are paying off? Google provides a free tool called Google Search Console that offers a ton of detailed information about your site’s performance, security issues, errors, and more. How does it work? That’s what we’re going to cover today. What is Google Search Console? Google Search Console is … Read more

Elon Musk Hints At New Social Media Site Amidst Feud With Twitter

Elon Musk Hints At New Social Media Site Amidst Feud With Twitter

On August 10, Elon Musk teased a bit about starting his own social media site X.com on Twitter. He used the microblogging platform Twitter to post about his plans as he replied to another user’s comment. In case you were wondering about the meaning behind X.com, it was the name of the domain associated with … Read more

Google Experiences Rare, Widespread Outage

Google Experiences Rare, Widespread Outage

Reports flooded in from Twitter on Monday evening as Google experienced a rare, widespread outage. Searchers around the world were met with this error message for a brief period when using Google:   According to Down Detector, the outage occurred around 9:39 p.m Eastern and lasted for a little over ten minutes. Image Credit: Screenshot … Read more

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