How to Create an Effective Facebook Ads Strategy in 2024

How to Create an Effective Facebook Ads Strategy in 2024

Facebook is a dominant force in social media advertising. Most marketers say it consistently delivers a better ROI than any other social media platform. As a chief content curator, I’ve created many Facebook ads, and I can attest to this. The platform’s sophisticated targeting options make it an incredibly effective tool for reaching my audience. … Read more

New WordPress Plugin Solves Site Navigation Problem

Fewer Tags WordPress Plugin

Joost de Valk, the creator of Yoast SEO plugin, has created a new (and free) plugin for solving a site architecture problem that can silently diminish a website’s ability to rank. Site Architecture Site architecture is an important SEO factor because a well-organized website with clear navigation helps users quickly get to the content and … Read more

30 Hidden Messages In Logos of Notable Brands

30 Hidden Messages In Logos of Notable Brands

You know those instantly recognizable logos like Nike’s swoosh? Even though we’ve all seen them hundreds of times, most people don’t truly grasp the full meaning of these designs. There’s often more to them than meets the eye, and those little details make them even more special. In this post, I’ll share 30 hidden messages … Read more

Google’s AI Overviews Shake Up Ecommerce Search Visibility

Google's AI Overviews Shake Up Ecommerce Search Visibility

An analysis of 25,000 ecommerce queries by Bartosz Góralewicz, founder of Onely, reveals the impact of Google’s AI overviews on search visibility for online retailers. The study found that 16% of eCommerce queries now return an AI overview in search results, accounting for 13% of total search volume in this sector. Notably, 80% of the … Read more

Google Analytics Adds Direct Export To Google Sheets

Google Analytics Adds Direct Export To Google Sheets

Google Analytics introduces direct export to Google Sheets, streamlining data analysis and collaboration. Google Analytics now lets you export reports directly to Google Sheets. Exporting to Sheets enables deeper analysis and easier team collaboration. Additional export options like PDF, CSV, and APIs are also available. Source link

Google Rolls Out Search Profile Feature For Reviewers

Google Rolls Out Search Profile Feature For Reviewers

Google is rolling out a new social profile feature that will allow you to view, manage, and share written reviews across Google’s various platforms. This feature was announced via an email to people who have contributed reviews to Google Search. In the email notification, Google states that the primary purpose of this feature is to … Read more

Google’s AI Overviews Go Viral, Draw Mainstream Media Scrutiny

Google's AI Overviews Go Viral, Draw Mainstream Media Scrutiny

Google’s rollout of AI-generated overviews in US search results is taking a disastrous turn, with mainstream media outlets like The New York Times, BBC, and CNBC reporting on numerous inaccuracies and bizarre responses. On social media, users are sharing endless examples of the feature’s nonsensical and sometimes dangerous output. From recommending non-toxic glue on pizza … Read more

Artificial Intelligence – AI Can’t Write Thought Leadership (But It Can Do Something Else)

Artificial Intelligence - AI Can’t Write Thought Leadership (But It Can Do Something Else)

Hot take: All that content you’ve been creating? It’s not thought leadership. Or at least most of it isn’t, especially if you leave the writing to AI. In many marketers’ eyes, including many “experts,” content marketing and thought leadership are the same. But although thought leadership can be a pillar of your content strategy, it’s … Read more

How to Grow a Podcast Audience in 9 Easy Steps

06 How to Grow a Podcast Audience in 9 Easy Steps 700x420 - How to Grow a Podcast Audience in 9 Easy Steps

Have you ever launched a podcast episode, eagerly awaited the flood of listens and feedback, only to hear…crickets? If you’re nodding along, you’re not alone. Many digital marketers and content creators find themselves puzzled by the silence. The truth is, creating the podcast is just the beginning—growing its audience is where the real challenge lies. … Read more

Make Every Subscriber a Winner: How to Use Email Scratch-Offs – Litmus

Kimberly Huang

On average, subscribers only spend 8.97 seconds with an email. In the fast-paced realm of digital marketing, standing out amidst the clutter of promotional emails is no small feat.  That’s why we’re thrilled to welcome the newest quick-start template on the Litmus Personalize block: Scratch-Offs! With just a few clicks, you can bring a sense … Read more

How to Whitelist an Email in Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo, and More

How to Whitelist an Email in Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo, and More

Imagine waiting for an important email, never receiving it, and then discovering it in your junk folder months later. It’s probably happened to you, and I know it’s happened to me. I had to contact my IT team, who taught me how to whitelist an email address. Whitelisting emails is a helpful tech skill. I … Read more

I Used this Product Launch Checklist to Start 5 Ecom Brands

product launch checklist

Launching a product can feel incredibly daunting. There are so many different factors to consider, and trying to get everything in order and your timing on point can feel difficult at the best of times and downright impossible at the worst. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve made a few product launch mistakes along the way, … Read more

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