Your Guide to Email Personalization for eCommerce

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“Hey [FirstName], check out these hot deals just for you!”Yawn. Is that really the best we can do?

If you’re still relying on basic name insertion as your go-to personalization strategy, it’s time for an upgrade. In the cutthroat world of eCommerce, generic emails are about as exciting as lukewarm coffee. And let’s face it, your customers deserve better.

But here’s the kicker: truly effective email personalization for eCommerce isn’t just about slapping a name in the subject line. It’s about crafting experiences that make your subscribers feel like you’ve read their minds (in a non-creepy way, of course).

After analyzing mountains of data and chatting with our savviest eCommerce clients, we’ve uncovered some eye-opening truths:

  • Relevance is king: 40% of consumers want brands to know more about their style preferences.
  • Data is gold: 80% of consumers are willing to share their personal data in exchange for deals or offers.
  • Personalization is a priority: 65% of marketers believe personalized emails have the biggest impact of all their email efforts.
  • Customers want more: 72% of consumers want marketing materials targeted to them. 

Yet, despite its importance, 63% of digital marketing leaders still struggle with personalization.

So, how do you crack the code and create eCommerce emails that feel like they were handcrafted for each subscriber? That’s exactly what we’re going to dive into.

Grab your favorite caffeinated beverage, and let’s learn how to transform your eCommerce emails from snooze-worthy to scroll-stopping. We’ll explore everything from leveraging customer data to implementing advanced personalization strategies that’ll have your competition wondering what your secret sauce is.

Ready to make every send count? Let’s dive in.

Email personalization and the eCommerce customer journey

Picture this: Your customer’s inbox is a bustling city, and your email? It’s trying to be the hottest restaurant in town. But instead of a one-size-fits-all menu, you’re serving up a personalized feast at every stage of their customer journey.

Let’s break it down:

  • Window shopping (Awareness Stage): You wouldn’t yell “BUY NOW!” at someone who just walked by your store, right? Same goes for email. Use personalization to pique interest with tailored content based on browser behavior. “Hey there, we noticed you’ve been eyeing our snazzy sneakers…”
  • Trying things on (Consideration Stage): This is where you become their personal stylist. Showcase products they’ve viewed, offer comparison guides, and sprinkle in some social proof. “Still thinking about those red pumps? Here’s how other fashionistas are styling them…”
  • At the checkout (Decision Stage): The moment of truth. Personalized incentives, tailored product bundles, and a sprinkle of FOMO can seal the deal. “Psst… that limited edition watch you loved? Only 2 left in stock!”
  • Post-purchase glow (Retention Stage): Don’t ghost them after they’ve bought! Personalized follow-ups, product care tips, and complementary item suggestions keep the romance alive. “Your new gadget arrives tomorrow! Here’s how to make the most of it…”

Remember, it’s not just about what you say, but when and how you say it. Timing is everything in the eCommerce tango.

Benefits of using email personalization for eCommerce

“But wait,” you might be thinking, “is all this personalization mumbo-jumbo really worth the effort?”

Spoiler alert: It absolutely is. Let’s count the ways:

  1. Cha-ching, more opens: Personalized emails don’t just look pretty—they convert. We’re talking higher open rates and lower bounce rates. Cha-ching indeed!
  2. Loyalty that lasts: When customers feel like you “get” them, they stick around. Personalization boosts customer lifetime value faster than you can say “repeat purchase.”
  3. Inbox invisibility cloak, begone: Generic emails are the sweatpants of marketing—comfortable, but not impressive. Personalized emails stand out like a tuxedo at a pajama party, dramatically improving open and click-through rates.
  4. Waste not, want not: Why spend money showing vegan customers your latest leather goods? Personalization means your marketing budget goes further, targeting the right people with the right products.
  5. Data-driven decisions: The more you personalize, the more you learn. These insights can inform everything from product development to inventory management.
  6. Reduced cart abandonment: Personalized reminders and incentives can rescue those poor, abandoned carts. It’s like being a superhero for lost sales.
  7. The “wow” factor: In a world of “Dear Valued Customer,” personalization makes people feel special. And guess what? Special people become loyal customers.

Despite these juicy benefits, only some online retailers send personalized product recommendations via email.

Translation? There’s a massive opportunity for savvy eCommerce marketers to swoop in and steal the show.

Just ask Bulk Powders, Europe’s fastest-growing supplier of sports supplements. They flexed their personalization muscles using Litmus Personalize and saw gains that would make any marketer’s biceps bulge with envy. 

By crafting a welcome journey that collected customer fitness goals and automatically tailored content to match, they pumped up customer engagement across 12 countries. Talk about a personalization power lift! They turned more than 20,000 newbies into goal-crushing, brand-loyal beefcakes. Now, that’s what we call gains!

So, are you ready to transform your emails from generic snooze-fests to personalized powerhouses? Stick around, because we’re just getting started.

Collecting and leveraging customer data

Alright, data enthusiasts, it’s time to put on your detective hats. We’re about to go on a treasure hunt for the golden nuggets of customer information that’ll supercharge your eCommerce personalization efforts.

But remember, with great data comes great responsibility. We’re not aiming for “creepy stalker” vibes here. Think of it more as being a mind-reading concierge—helpful, not invasive.

Types of data to collect

  • The basics (But Don’t Be Basic): 
    • Name, email, birthday (because who doesn’t love a birthday discount?)
    • Location (for those “You won’t believe what’s happening in [City Name]!” subject lines)
    • Gender (if relevant—let’s not assume everyone fits neatly into boxes)
  • Shopping behavior:
    • Purchase history (the bread and butter of personalization)
    • Browser history (what they’re eyeing but not buying… yet)
    • Cart abandonment data (the ones that got away)
    • Average order value (big spenders vs bargain hunters)
  • Engagement metrics:
    • Email open rates and click-throughs (what catches their eye?)
    • Time of day they’re most active (night owls vs early birds)
    • Device preferences (mobile shoppers vs desktop diehards)
  • Preferences and interests:
    • Product categories they love
    • Brand affiliations
    • Style preferences (vintage lover or trend-setter?)
  • Social media intel:
    • Follows and interactions (with your permission, of course)
    • User-generated content (those Instagram tags are gold)

Tools for your data collection

Now, let’s talk about the gadgets and gizmos that’ll help you become a data-collecting wizard:

CRM systems

The mothership of customer data. Options like Salesforce, HubSpot, or Zoho can be your new best friends.

Email marketing platforms

Litmus, anyone? (Wink, wink.) But seriously, with email personalization tools like Litmus Personalization, you’ll strut into inboxes knowing your personalized masterpieces are pixel-perfect and ready to dazzle.

Website analytics

Google Analytics is the old faithful, but don’t sleep on heat mapping tools like Hotjar for extra insights.

Survey tools

Sometimes, the best way to know what customers want is to ask. Try Typeform or SurveyMonkey for slick surveys.

Social media listening tools

Hootsuite, Sprout Social, or Mention can help you tune into the social chatter.

Customer data platforms (CDPs)

For the data nerds who want it all in one place. Segment or Tealium might be your jam.

Email building tools

While not traditional data collectors, these visual wizards deserve a spot on the list. Email building tools like Litmus Email Builder let you craft stunning, responsive emails that make your personalized content shine. Because what good is all that data if your emails look like they were designed in the Stone Age? 

Email personalization strategies for eCommerce

Alright, eCommerce rockstars, it’s time to turn that shiny data into email marketing gold. Let’s dive into the strategies that’ll have your subscribers thinking you’ve got ESP (Email Sending Prowess, of course).

Segmentation: The art of divide and conquer

Treat your email audience like a fancy cheese board—it’s all about the right pairings. Slice and dice your target audience based on:

  • Purchase history (The “I’ll take one of everything” crowd vs the “Is this on sale?” gang)
  • Browse behavior (Shoe addicts, gadget geeks, or fashion-forward folks)
  • Engagement levels (Your ride-or-die fans vs the “Who are you again?” crowd)
  • Customer lifecycle (Newbies, regulars, or the “We miss you” clan)

In our latest State of Email Trends Report, we found that out of the tactics and technologies we asked about, email segmentation was the only one that more than 90% of respondents said boosted performance at least some. So get your pairing started sooner rather than later!

Dynamic content: The shape-shifter of emails

This is where the magic happens. Dynamic content adapts your email like a chameleon, based on who’s opening it. We’re talking:

  • Product recommendations tailored to their browsing history

Source: Really Good Emails

  • Location-based offers (No more promoting swimwear to your customers in Alaska… in December)

Source: Litmus

  • Weather-triggered content (Umbrella sale when it’s raining? Genius!)

Source: Really Good Emails

Source: Really Good Emails

And if you use Litmus for your dynamic content, you can:

  • Personalize images based on subscriber data (Your name in lights! Or at least in a nice font on a pretty background.)

Source: Litmus

  • Use weather-triggered content that makes meteorologists jealous

Source: Litmus

  • Create location-based offers that make your subscribers feel like you’re right next door.

Source: Litmus

Product recommendations: Your AI salesperson

Source: Really Good Emails

Let your data play matchmaker. Use algorithms to suggest products based on:

  • Previous purchases (“You loved X, you’ll adore Y!”)
  • Items frequently bought together (The old “fries with that?” trick)
  • Wishlist items (“That dress you’ve been eyeing? It’s now on sale!”)

Abandoned cart emails: The digital shopping cart roundup

Source: Really Good Emails
Don’t let those carts wander off into the sunset. Wrangle them back with:

  • Friendly reminders (“Oops, you forgot something!”)
  • Limited-time offers (“20% off if you complete your purchase in the next 4 hours”)
  • Social proof (“100 other people bought this item today!”)

Triggered emails: The “right place, right time” champions

Source: Really Good Emails

Set up emails that fire off based on specific actions (or inactions):

  • Welcome series for new subscribers (Make ’em feel special from day one)
  • Post-purchase follow-ups (How about some care tips for that new gadget?)
  • Re-engagement campaigns for inactive users (We miss you… and here’s 15% off to prove it)
  • Birthday or anniversary emails (Because who doesn’t love a good birthday treat?)

Next-level personalization: The “how did they know that?” tactics

Take your email personalization to a new level with these interactive elements and personalized tactics. They’ll take your email game from “meh” to “mind-blowing” in no time.


Source: Litmus

Who doesn’t love a good scratch-off? It’s like a lottery ticket, but everyone’s a winner! Hide promo codes or special offers behind a virtual scratch panel and watch your engagement rates soar faster than a caffeinated squirrel.

Countdown Timers

Source: Litmus

Nothing says “Buy now or forever hold your FOMO” like a ticking clock. Use these bad boys for sales, events, or even to countdown to your CEO’s next dad joke. (Please don’t actually do that last one.)

Live Polls

Source: Litmus

Want to know what your customers really think? Ask ’em! Live polls turn your emails into a two-way street. Plus, people love sharing their opinions. It’s like X, but without the trolls.


Source: Litmus

Make sure your events are more popular than free pizza Friday. With one click, your subscribers can add your shindig to their calendar. No more “Oh, was that today?” excuses.

Rule-Based Images

​​Source: Litmus

Remember when we said “No more promoting swimwear to your customers in Alaska”? Well, with rule-based images, you can show parkas to your Alaskan friends and bikinis to your Hawaiian crew. It’s like having a psychic stylist in every email.

Interest Signals

​​Source: Litmus

Show off what’s hot and what’s not with live click totals. It’s social proof on steroids. “500 people clicked on this cat video in the last hour? I better check it out!”

Product Feeds

​​Source: Litmus

Keep your emails fresher than a just-baked croissant by automatically displaying your newest or most popular products. It’s like having a 24/7 personal shopper for each subscriber.

Tips for creating personalized eCommerce email campaigns

Alright, email artisans, it’s time to roll up those sleeves and craft some personalized masterpieces. Let’s break it down into the key elements that’ll make your eCommerce emails pop like a neon sign in Times Square.

Subject lines: The pickup line of email marketing

Your subject line is like a first date—you’ve got seconds to make an impression. Make ’em count:

  • Use their name (but not every time, player)
  • Reference past purchases (“Love those sneakers? Here’s what’s next!”)
  • Create urgency (“Your cart items are about to disappear, [Name]!”)
  • Be intriguing (“We’ve got a hunch you’ll love this…”)

Pro tip: Keep it under 41 characters for mobile optimization. Short, sweet, and irresistibly clickable!

Design and visuals: The eye candy

Your email should be a feast for the eyes, but remember—we’re not designing the Sistine Chapel here.

  • Use dynamic images based on user preferences
  • Showcase products they’ve viewed or similar items
  • Incorporate user-generated content (nothing sells like social proof)
  • Keep it mobile-friendly (because who isn’t on their phone 24/7?)

Email copy: Words that wow

Now’s not the time for your novel debut. Keep it snappy, personal, and on-brand.

  • Address the reader by name (but don’t overdo it)
  • Reference their browsing or purchase history
  • Use their preferred language or tone (casual vs formal)
  • Tell a story that resonates with their interests

CTAs: The grand finale

Your CTA is the star of the show. Make it shine brighter than a diamond in a goat’s mouth.

  • Personalize based on their stage in the customer journey
  • Use action-oriented language (“Grab yours now!”)
  • Create FOMO (“Only 2 left in your size!”)
  • Make it stand out visually (but please, no glitter animations)

Discover the priorities of email marketers today and level up your strategy with Litmus’ State of Email Report.

eCommerce email personalization examples

Time for some show and tell! Let’s peek at some brands killing the personalization game:

The “We Know You Better Than Your Mom” Email:

Patagonia’s product recommendation emails are like that friend who always knows what you need before you do.

Source: Really Good Emails

The “Happy Birthday, Here’s a Treat” Email:

Sephora’s birthday emails make you feel like a VIP, with personalized product picks and a free gift.

Source: Pinterest

The “Oops, You Forgot Something” Email:

Adidas’ abandoned cart emails are like a gentle nudge from a fashionable friend.

Source: WebFX

The “Welcome to the Family” Email:

Airbnb’s welcome series feels like a warm hug, guiding you through their platform based on your interests.

Source: Really Good Emails

The “Don’t Forget About Us” Email:

Grammarly’s re-engagement emails remind you of the good times you had together, enticing you back with personalized stats and offers.

Source: Really Good Emails

How to measure the success of your personalized email campaigns

Alright, data detectives, it’s time to put on those analytical hats and dive into the numbers. Because if you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it (or brag about it at your next marketing meetup).

Essential metrics to track

All of these metrics help play into the bigger picture of your email marketing ROI.

  • Open rates: Are your subject lines working their magic? If not, it’s time for some wordsmith wizardry.
  • Click-through rates (CTR): The holy grail of engagement. Are they clicking? What are they clicking? Why aren’t they clicking?!
  • Conversion rates: Cha-ching! This is where the rubber meets the road. Are those clicks turning into cold, hard cash?
  • Revenue per email (RPE): Because at the end of the day, we’re all about that bottom line, baby.
  • List growth rate: Are you attracting more fans than a K-pop band? Or is your list shrinking faster than a wool sweater in hot water?
  • Unsubscribe rate: If your unsubscribe rates keep climbing, you may not be connecting with your audience the way you would like. 

Continued A/B testing

Think of A/B testing as the scientific method for marketers. Here’s your lab coat:

  • Test one element at a time (subject lines, CTAs, images, etc.)
  • Use a significant sample size (no, your mom and your dog don’t count)
  • Run tests for long enough to gather meaningful data
  • Be prepared for surprises (sometimes the “ugly” version wins)

Analyzing and interpreting your results

Now for the fun part—making sense of all those numbers!

  • Look for patterns: Do certain types of personalization consistently outperform others?
  • Segment your analysis: Different customer groups might respond differently. Dive deep!
  • Compare against industry benchmarks: Are you crushing it or getting crushed?
  • Don’t just look at the what, ask why: Why did that emoji-filled subject line bomb? Why did that product recommendation email skyrocket?
  • Turn insights into action: The best analysis in the world means nothing if you don’t use it to improve your next email marketing campaign.

Explore Litmus’ robust collection of email templates to help your campaigns stand out.

template hero - Your Guide to Email Personalization for eCommerce

Best practices for personalized eCommerce emails

Let’s wrap up our personalization masterclass with some golden rules. Think of these as the Ten Commandments of eCommerce email personalization (but we’ll keep it to five because, let’s face it, we’re all busy here).

  1. Know thy customer: Collect data ethically and use it wisely. There’s a fine line between “Wow, they get me!” and “How do they know I just bought cat food at 3am?”
  2. Test, test, and test again: Your gut feeling isn’t enough. A/B test everything from subject lines to send times. Let the data be your guide.
  3. Balance personalization with brand consistency: Your emails should feel tailored, but still unmistakably you. Don’t lose your brand voice in the quest for personalization.
  4. Keep it dynamic and up-to-date: Stale data leads to stale personalization. Regularly update your customer profiles and adjust your strategies accordingly.
  5. Start simple, then scale: Don’t try to boil the ocean. Begin with basic personalization and gradually increase complexity as you learn and grow.

Personalize emails the way you want to, with or without complex code.

hero example email.png - Your Guide to Email Personalization for eCommerce

Take your eCommerce emails from meh to marvelous with personalization

The days of “Hey {First_Name}!” being enough are long gone. Today’s eCommerce email game is all about serving up personalized experiences that make your subscribers feel like you’ve got a crystal ball into their shopping desires.

Armed with the right data, tools, and a sprinkle of creativity, you can transform your emails from generic blasts to personalized powerhouses. Remember, knowing your customers is key (without crossing into creepy territory, of course).

So go forth and personalize with confidence! Your engagement rates will thank you, your revenue will love you, and your subscribers? They’ll be clicking “add to cart” faster than you can say “dynamic content.”

“@context”: “”,

“@type”: “FAQPage”,

“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “How do I create personalized product recommendations?”,
“acceptedAnswer”: {
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: “Think of yourself as a digital matchmaker. Use data on past purchases, browsing history, and customer preferences to suggest products they’ll love. Implement an AI-powered recommendation engine to do the heavy lifting for you. And remember, context is key—recommendations should make sense based on where the customer is in their journey.

} },{

“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “How can I ensure my personalized emails comply with data privacy regulations?”,
“acceptedAnswer”: {
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: “First rule of data club: Always get explicit consent. Be transparent about what data you’re collecting and how you’re using it. Familiarize yourself with data privacy regulations like GDPR and CCPA. Provide easy opt-out options. And when in doubt, consult a legal expert. Better safe than sorry!

} },{

“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “How often should I update my personalization strategy?”,
“acceptedAnswer”: {
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: “As often as Beyoncé drops surprise albums. Okay, maybe a bit more frequently than that. Aim for quarterly reviews of your overall marketing strategy, but be ready to make smaller tweaks on the fly based on performance data. The eCommerce world moves fast—your personalization strategy should keep pace.

} },{

“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “What are some common challenges in eCommerce email personalization and how can I overcome them?”,
“acceptedAnswer”: {
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: ”
Data silos: Break ’em down! Integrate your systems for a unified customer view.
Over-personalization: Don’t be a digital stalker. Use data judiciously.
Scale: Start small, use automation, and gradually expand your efforts.
Keeping content fresh: Use dynamic content and AI to help generate relevant recommendations.
Measuring impact: Set clear KPIs and use robust analytics tools to track performance.

} },{

“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “How can I use personalization to reduce cart abandonment?”,
“acceptedAnswer”: {
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: “Think of yourself as a digital shopping assistant. Use abandoned cart emails with personalized product images, urgency-creating countdown timers, and maybe even a discount code. “Hey there, looks like you forgot something fabulous in your cart! Here’s 10% off if you complete your purchase in the next 2 hours.” Boom! Watch those abandoned carts turn into cha-chings.

} },{

“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “How can I personalize my post-purchase emails to encourage repeat business?”,
“acceptedAnswer”: {
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: “The first rule of retail club: A customer gained is just the beginning. Use purchase history to recommend complementary products. “Loving your new sneakers? Here are some moisture-wicking socks to keep your feet happy!” And don’t forget to ask for reviews—nothing sells like social proof. Maybe throw in a loyalty program invite while you’re at it. Repeat customers are the gift that keeps on giving!

} },{

“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “How can I use personalization for seasonal promotions without being generic?”,
“acceptedAnswer”: {
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: “As often as the seasons change, my friend. Use customer data to tailor your seasonal offers. If a customer bought swimwear last summer, hit ’em with beach accessories this year. For the winter holidays, segment based on past purchase values to offer appropriate gift guides. And remember, not everyone celebrates the same holidays—use location and preference data to keep it relevant.

} },{

“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “How can I use personalization to compete with larger eCommerce players?”,
“acceptedAnswer”: {
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: “Think of personalization as your secret weapon in the David vs. Goliath retail battle. Use your agility to create hyper-personalized experiences. Leverage your customer data to create ‘VIP’ experiences, exclusive early access to sales, or personalized product drops. Remember, big players might have more resources, but you can be quicker and more personal. It’s not the size of the dog in the fight, it’s the personalization of the email in the inbox!

} },{

“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “How can I use email personalization to drive in-store traffic for my omnichannel retail business?”,
“acceptedAnswer”: {
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: “Blend the digital and physical worlds like a pro. Use location data to send personalized emails about in-store events or exclusive in-store offers. “Hey there, fancy trying on that jacket you’ve been eyeing online? Pop into our downtown store this weekend for a personal styling session!” Don’t forget to use add-to-calendar functions for events and personalized maps showing the nearest store. It’s like being a digital signpost, but way cooler.

} },{

“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “How can I personalize my emails for different stages of the customer lifecycle in eCommerce?”,
“acceptedAnswer”: {
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: “Think of your email strategy like a choose-your-own-adventure book. For new subscribers, use welcome series with progressive profiling to learn their preferences. For first-time buyers, focus on building trust with product care tips and gentle cross-sells. For loyal customers, offer early access to sales or exclusive products. And for those at risk of churning? Hit ’em with personalized win-back campaigns faster than you can say “We miss you!” Remember, in eCommerce, one size fits none!

} },{

“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “How often should I send personalized emails to avoid overwhelming my customers?”,
“acceptedAnswer”: {
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: “There’s no one-size-fits-all answer, but here’s a good rule of thumb: Quality over quantity. It’s better to send fewer, highly relevant emails than to bombard customers with daily messages. Pay attention to engagement metrics and offer preference centers where customers can choose their desired email frequency. And remember, even the timing of your emails can be personalized based on when each customer is most likely to engage!

} } ]

Frequently Asked Questions

You’ve got questions, we’ve got answers. Let’s tackle some of the most burning questions about eCommerce email personalization.

How do I create personalized product recommendations?

Think of yourself as a digital matchmaker. Use data on past purchases, browsing history, and customer preferences to suggest products they’ll love. Implement an AI-powered recommendation engine to do the heavy lifting for you. And remember, context is key—recommendations should make sense based on where the customer is in their journey.

First rule of data club: Always get explicit consent. Be transparent about what data you’re collecting and how you’re using it. Familiarize yourself with data privacy regulations like GDPR and CCPA. Provide easy opt-out options. And when in doubt, consult a legal expert. Better safe than sorry!

As often as Beyoncé drops surprise albums. Okay, maybe a bit more frequently than that. Aim for quarterly reviews of your overall marketing strategy, but be ready to make smaller tweaks on the fly based on performance data. The eCommerce world moves fast—your personalization strategy should keep pace.

  • Data silos: Break ’em down! Integrate your systems for a unified customer view.
  • Over-personalization: Don’t be a digital stalker. Use data judiciously.
  • Scale: Start small, use automation, and gradually expand your efforts.
  • Keeping content fresh: Use dynamic content and AI to help generate relevant recommendations.
  • Measuring impact: Set clear KPIs and use robust analytics tools to track performance.

Think of yourself as a digital shopping assistant. Use abandoned cart emails with personalized product images, urgency-creating countdown timers, and maybe even a discount code. “Hey there, looks like you forgot something fabulous in your cart! Here’s 10% off if you complete your purchase in the next 2 hours.” Boom! Watch those abandoned carts turn into cha-chings.

The first rule of retail club: A customer gained is just the beginning. Use purchase history to recommend complementary products. “Loving your new sneakers? Here are some moisture-wicking socks to keep your feet happy!” And don’t forget to ask for reviews—nothing sells like social proof. Maybe throw in a loyalty program invite while you’re at it. Repeat customers are the gift that keeps on giving!

As often as the seasons change, my friend. Use customer data to tailor your seasonal offers. If a customer bought swimwear last summer, hit ’em with beach accessories this year. For the winter holidays, segment based on past purchase values to offer appropriate gift guides. And remember, not everyone celebrates the same holidays—use location and preference data to keep it relevant.

Think of personalization as your secret weapon in the David vs. Goliath retail battle. Use your agility to create hyper-personalized experiences. Leverage your customer data to create ‘VIP’ experiences, exclusive early access to sales, or personalized product drops. Remember, big players might have more resources, but you can be quicker and more personal. It’s not the size of the dog in the fight, it’s the personalization of the email in the inbox!

Blend the digital and physical worlds like a pro. Use location data to send personalized emails about in-store events or exclusive in-store offers. “Hey there, fancy trying on that jacket you’ve been eyeing online? Pop into our downtown store this weekend for a personal styling session!” Don’t forget to use add-to-calendar functions for events and personalized maps showing the nearest store. It’s like being a digital signpost, but way cooler.

Think of your email strategy like a choose-your-own-adventure book. For new subscribers, use welcome series with progressive profiling to learn their preferences. For first-time buyers, focus on building trust with product care tips and gentle cross-sells. For loyal customers, offer early access to sales or exclusive products. And for those at risk of churning? Hit ’em with personalized win-back campaigns faster than you can say “We miss you!” Remember, in eCommerce, one size fits none!

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer, but here’s a good rule of thumb: Quality over quantity. It’s better to send fewer, highly relevant emails than to bombard customers with daily messages. Pay attention to engagement metrics and offer preference centers where customers can choose their desired email frequency. And remember, even the timing of your emails can be personalized based on when each customer is most likely to engage!

And there you have it, folks! You’re now armed with the knowledge to turn your eCommerce emails from generic snooze-fests into personalized powerhouses. Now go forth and make every send count!

Deliver the 1:1 experiences subscribers expect–at scale–without the heavy lift

Try email personalization for free.

hero example email.png - Your Guide to Email Personalization for eCommerce

The post Your Guide to Email Personalization for eCommerce appeared first on Litmus.

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