Study: Google Favors Ecommerce Sites & User-Generated Content

Person working on laptop computer shopping on e-commerce store.

A recent study by the digital marketing agency Amsive documented a notable change in Google’s search results rankings over the last year. The study found that Google is surfacing more ecommerce websites and sites featuring user-generated content while reducing the visibility of product review and affiliate marketing sites. Here’s a look at the findings and … Read more

Google Dials Back AI Overviews In Search Results, Study Finds

Photo of a mobile device in mans hand with generative google AI Overview on the screen.

According to new research, Google’s AI-generated overviews have undergone significant adjustments since the initial rollout. The study from SE Ranking analyzed 100,000 keywords and found Google has greatly reduced the frequency of AI overviews. However, when they appear, they’re more detailed than they were previously. The study digs into which topics and industries are more … Read more

Mastering Writing Samples for Jobs: Insight and Tips From My 9-Month Job Hunt

Mastering Writing Samples for Jobs: Insight and Tips From My 9-Month Job Hunt

Almost a year ago to the day, I found myself job hunting for the first time in a decade. It was unexpected. I didn’t have a current resume or a writing sample for job applications. Frankly, I was in over my head. And the market was ruthless. If you’re reading this feeling the same way: … Read more

Ask An SEO: What To Analyze On Competitors Sites For SEO

Ask An SEO: What To Analyze On Competitors Sites For SEO

This week’s Ask an SEO question comes from Sanjay in Coimbatore, who asks: “What are the things I need to analyze in our competitors site for SEO?” Sanjay, thank you for asking this question. The most important thing to keep in mind when analyzing a competitor or multiple competitors’ SEO techniques is to never do … Read more

10 Tips On How To Rock A Small PPC Budget

10 Tips On How To Rock A Small PPC Budget

Many advertisers have a tight budget for pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, making it challenging to maximize results. One of the first questions that often looms large is, “How much should we spend?” It’s a pivotal question, one that sets the stage for the entire PPC strategy. Read on for tips to get started or further optimize … Read more

Reddit Traffic Up 39%: Is Google Prioritizing Opinions Over Expertise?

Reddit Traffic Up 39%: Is Google Prioritizing Opinions Over Expertise?

Reddit’s website traffic has grown 39% compared to the previous year, according to data from Similarweb. This growth seems fueled by Reddit’s increased visibility in Google search results. Why is Reddit growing so fast, and what does this mean for businesses and SEO professionals? Here’s our take on it. Why Is Reddit Growing? Several factors, … Read more

Is Google Crawling Your Site A Lot? That Could Be A Bad Sign

Is Google Crawling Your Site A Lot? That Could Be A Bad Sign

According to a recent LinkedIn post by Gary Illyes, Analyst at Google, you should be cautious if Google starts aggressively crawling your website. While an uptick in crawling can be a good sign, Illyes says it may indicate underlying issues. Illyes cautions: “Don’t get happy prematurely when search engines unexpectedly start to crawl like crazy … Read more

The 49 Best Google Tools For Productivity & Marketing

The 49 Best Google Tools For Productivity & Marketing

Google might be a dominant search engine worldwide, but over the years, it has also experimented with many products and Google tools that make our lives easier. The very first Google tool was Adwords, launched on October 23, 2000. At the time, we couldn’t anticipate how much it would change the direction of commerce and … Read more

The Impact Of AI And Other Innovations On Data Storytelling

The Impact Of AI And Other Innovations On Data Storytelling

This edited extract is from Data Storytelling in Marketing by Caroline Florence ©2024 and is reproduced and adapted with permission from Kogan Page Ltd. Storytelling is an integral part of the human experience. People have been communicating observations and data to each other for millen­nia using the same principles of persuasion that are being used … Read more

Visual Storytelling in Marketing | MarketingProfs

Visual Storytelling in Marketing | MarketingProfs

Compelling websites turn visitors into customers, but what’s their secret? Visual storytelling. In my experience, however, many businesses and organizations underestimate the power of visual storytelling. It can engage people, hold their attention, and make them actually want to do business with you. That’s why it’s in every marketing professional’s best interest to master such … Read more

SEO & AI: How These Worlds Will Collide And Cause Chaos

SEO & AI: How These Worlds Will Collide And Cause Chaos

Welcome to Creator Columns, where we bring expert HubSpot Creator voices to the Blogs that inspire and help you grow better. Less than a year after launch, ChatGPT reported over 100 million weekly users according to OpenAI’s CEO Sam Altman. Our latest research found that there were roughly 127 million monthly visitors to OpenAI’s ChatGPT … Read more

How To Reduce Wasted Ad Budget: The Hidden Cost of Close Variants

How To Reduce Wasted Ad Budget: The Hidden Cost of Close Variants

This post was sponsored by Adpulse. The opinions expressed in this article are the sponsor’s own. As managers of paid media, one question drives us all: “How do I improve paid ad performance?”.  Given that our study found close variant search terms perform poorly, yet more than half of the average budget on Google & … Read more

Razorfish R-Index Turns Consumer Data Silos Into Strategic Insights

Razorfish R-Index

Razorfish launched a new technology called R-Index that measures disparate online and offline customer interactions (including for paid and owned interactions) and generates prescriptive insights on consumer sentiment, brand performance and business impact. R-Index turns otherwise disconnected data into strategic insights on consumer journeys and brand sentiment. R-Index is based on a custom algorithm that … Read more

I Tried Out the 8 Best Free Headline Analyzers — Here Are My Results

I Tried Out the 8 Best Free Headline Analyzers — Here Are My Results

Writing a headline can be harder than writing a 1,500-word article. But that’s no excuse for writing bad ones, especially when help is so easy to come by. Like email subject line testers, headline analyzers can help you get more clicks by using algorithms to assess factors like SEO, word count, and sentiment (is it … Read more

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