How to Build a Detailed Business Plan That Stands Out [Free Template]

How to Build a Detailed Business Plan That Stands Out [Free Template]

When you already have a well-established business and need a business plan, it’s usually not difficult because you know everything inside out. But when you’re a startup and need to create your first detailed business plan, it’s a challenge. A serious challenge. Been there — done that. My first business plan was, to put it … Read more

How to Create the Perfect Project Timeline [Template + Examples]

How to Create the Perfect Project Timeline [Template + Examples]

Creating a project timeline where everyone involved knows what they‘re working on (and when it’s due) can help ward off project creep and nail those important deadlines. It’s essential for keeping projects — and the people completing them — on track. As a caretaker, I have project timelines running invisibly in my mind at all … Read more

Google Ads Tutorial: How to Leverage AI Video Enhancements

google ads tag installation tutorial

Earlier this year, Google introduced new AI features into its Google Ads platform to help streamline work for many advertisers. One of those new features comes in the form of AI video enhancements. This is no surprise since video makes up over 65% of all internet traffic. Read on to learn more about the AI … Read more

The Power of Storytelling in Marketing

The Power of Storytelling in Marketing

How many episodes of Shark Tank have you watched where the contestants are faced with the questions, “But what’s your USP?”,  “Why should I choose your brand?”  Their answer will normally begin with a story. The origin story normally pulls at The Shark’s heartstrings, makes them reflect on their values, needs and desires or makes … Read more

How Newsletters Make Money

How Newsletters Make Money

Welcome to Trends, a weekly newsletter with the zestiest business trends and actionable insights for entrepreneurs. Summary Great Margins: Newsletters are a simple yet profitable business (e.g., Ben Thompson’s Stratechery is estimated to gross between $6-7m.) Ads or Subs: Core newsletter business models include ad-supported (The Skimm, Morning Brew) and subscription-based (Stratechery, 2PM) Newsletter Media … Read more

How to Use AI Personalization Tactics to Scale Marketing Growth

How to Use AI Personalization Tactics to Scale Marketing Growth

AI is better at guessing at scale than humans — but how do you integrate it into your growth marketing plan while maintaining a personal touch? As businesses grow, marketing teams often find themselves caught in a balancing act: scaling their efforts to reach more customers, while still trying to maintain the campaign personalization strategies … Read more

Why You Shouldn't Buy Instagram Followers (& What Experts Say to Do Instead)

Why You Shouldn't Buy Instagram Followers (& What Experts Say to Do Instead)

You might know your Instagram content is good, but imagine how much better it will seem if it looks like 10,000 people agree. Whether you’re trying to become a social media celebrity or simply looking to spread brand awareness on Instagram, it can be tempting to take shortcuts wherever you can in order to expand … Read more

9 Tips To Optimize Crawl Budget For SEO

9 Tips To Optimize Crawl Budget For SEO

Crawl budget is a vital SEO concept for large websites with millions of pages or medium-sized websites with a few thousand pages that change daily. An example of a website with millions of pages would be, and websites with tens of thousands of pages that update frequently would be user reviews and rating websites … Read more

How Positioning Can Align Product and Marketing Teams

How Positioning Can Align Product and Marketing Teams

Listen NEW! Listen to article Sign in or sign up to access this audio feature! No worries … it’s FREE! Getting product and marketing teams on the same page is critical for a company’s success. When they’re not aligned, things can get messy: People misunderstand each other, resources get wasted, opportunities slip by, and everyone … Read more

The Best Time to Post on TikTok in 2024 (+ Free Heatmap)

When is the Best Time to Post on TikTok in 2024?

While it’s always a good time to watch TikToks — the average viewer streams 24 hours of content a month on the app — figuring out the best time to post a TikTok is a bit more complicated. And yet, knowing when to post on TikTok can be a game-changer for content creators and small business owners alike. After … Read more

Google Revamps Entire Crawler Documentation

Google Revamps Entire Crawler Documentation

Google has launched a major revamp of its Crawler documentation, shrinking the main overview page and splitting content into three new, more focused pages.  Although the changelog downplays the changes there is an entirely new section and basically a rewrite of the entire crawler overview page. The additional pages allows Google to increase the information … Read more

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