Barriers To Audience Buy-In With Lead Generation

Barriers to audience buy-in with lead generation

This is an excerpt from the B2B Lead Generation ebook, which draws on SEJ’s internal expertise in delivering leads across multiple media types. People are driven by a mix of desires, wants, needs, experiences, and external pressures. It can take time to get it right and convince a person to become a lead, let alone … Read more

The 13 Best Free Graphic Design Software for Marketers and Beginners

The 13 Best Free Graphic Design Software for Marketers and Beginners

When it comes to website success, what you see is what you get. If the budget is tight or non-existent, free graphic design software can make a real impact on how you present yourself in digital spaces. As an admittedly lousy product photographer, please believe me when I say that graphic design software is a … Read more

How To Think About SEO, Content & PR Measurement (Indicated In The Google Leak)

How To Think About SEO, Content & PR Measurement (Indicated In The Google Leak)

Google’s recent leak highlighted engagement as part of the ranking system, alluding to the importance of influencing audience behavior to drive SEO-specific metrics, like ranking or organic visibility. That said, I’ve been using simple variations of these measures for a while to evaluate the impact of integrated PR and SEO campaigns. I don’t think the … Read more

Google’s Unconventional Advice On Fixing Broken Backlinks

Google's advice on fixing broken links for SEO

Google’s Gary Illyes recently answered the question of whether one should spend time fixing backlinks with wrong URLs that are pointing to a website, known as broken backlinks. The answer is interesting because it suggests a way of considering this issue in a completely unorthodox manner. Google: Should Broken Backlinks Be Fixed? During a recent … Read more

15 Ways To Improve Conversion Rates In Google Ads

15 Ways To Improve Conversion Rates In Google Ads

Are you tired of pouring money into Google Ads campaigns with poor conversion rates? You’re not alone. Many businesses struggle to convert ad clicks into meaningful actions like purchases, sign-ups, or leads. But fear not, because in this article, we’re diving into real-life tips and tactics that can make a tangible difference to your conversion … Read more

How To Build A Diverse & Healthy Link Profile

How To Build A Diverse & Healthy Link Profile

Search is evolving at an incredible pace and new features, formats, and even new search engines are popping up within the space. Google’s algorithm still prioritizes backlinks when ranking websites. If you want your website to be visible in search results, you must account for backlinks and your backlink profile. A healthy backlink profile requires … Read more

Google Answers Question About Toxic Link Sabotage

Gary Illyes answers a question about how to notify Google about toxic link sabotage

Google’s Gary Illyes answered a question about how to notify Google that someone is poisoning their backlink profile with “toxic links” which is a problem that many people have been talking about for at least fifteen years. Question About Alerting Google To Toxic Links Gary narrated the question: “Someone’s asking, how to alert Google of … Read more

The Most Popular Email Design Tools: Figma, Adobe, and More – Litmus

Kayla Voigt

It takes an email marketing team an average of 2 weeks to produce a single email. That’s two weeks of tinkering with email copy, email design, and email coding before it’s ready for approvals, testing, and finally, sending it out to the world. And at any given time, 46% of email marketers have up to … Read more

Google On Traffic Diversity As A Ranking Factor

Google answers the question of whether traffic diversity is a ranking factor for SEO

Google’s SearchLiaison tweeted encouragement to diversify traffic sources, being clear about the reason he was recommending it. Days later, someone followed up to ask if traffic diversity is a ranking factor, prompting SearchLiaison to reiterate that it is not. What Was Said The question of whether diversity of traffic was a ranking factor was elicited … Read more

What is a RACI Chart? Project Uses, Examples & Free Template

What is a RACI Chart? Project Uses, Examples & Free Template

Your project’s success hinges on a single crucial factor: clarity. When we say clarity, we’re talking about crystal-clear instructions on who does what. Everyone involved in the project, from employees to stakeholders, should know their roles and responsibilities inside out. Any confusion or oversight can lead to misunderstandings or conflicts, derailing your project faster than … Read more

What You Need To Generate Leads With Content

A hand holds a large red and white horseshoe magnet, much like how effective content attracts colorful plastic game pieces on a white surface, effortlessly generating leads.

This is an excerpt from the B2B Lead Generation ebook, which draws on SEJ’s internal expertise in delivering leads across multiple media types. What, exactly, do you need to create a sustainable and scalable lead generation strategy with content? It starts with an exceptional piece of content that the leads want – your “lead magnet” … Read more

Should H1 & Title Tags Match?

Should H1 & Title Tags Match?

Google’s Office Hours podcast answered the important question of whether it matters if the title element and the H1 element match. It’s a good question because Google handles these elements in a unique way that’s different from how traditional SEO thinks about it. How Important Is It For H1 & Title Tags To Match? The … Read more

Mastering Social Media for Nonprofit Promotion: Insights and New Data from Experts

Mastering Social Media for Nonprofit Promotion: Insights and New Data from Experts

As a digital marketing expert, I’ve tried several strategies over the years. And one thing I’ve learned is that marketing nonprofits requires a specialized approach. Unlike businesses, nonprofits don’t sell products or services. Instead, they want people to support a noble cause. Their marketing budget is also usually limited, but social networks come to the … Read more

Social Media Marketing – The Rise of Virtual Influencers [Infographic]

Social Media Marketing - The Rise of Virtual Influencers [Infographic]

Americans are more and more becoming familiar with virtual influencers and considering purchasing products endorsed by virtual influencers. That’s according to a recent survey conducted by The Influencer Marketing Factory among 1,000 people age 16 and older in the United States. An infographic (below) covers key findings from the research. It looks at people’s familiarity … Read more

What Is Schema Markup & Why Is It Important For SEO?

What Is Schema Markup & Why Is It Important For SEO? is a collection of vocabulary (or schemas) used to apply structured data markup to web pages and content. Correctly applying schema can improve SEO outcomes through rich snippets. Structured data markup is translated by platforms such as Google and Microsoft to provide enhanced rich results (or rich snippets) in search engine results pages or … Read more

Dreamcars Crypto Project Makes It Possible to Own a Luxury Car that Pays You – Here’s How

Dreamcars Crypto Project Makes It Possible to Own a Luxury Car that Pays You - Here’s How

A new cryptocurrency project called Dreamcars aims to change the luxury car industry by allowing anyone to own a piece of fancy vehicles like Mercedes-Benz, Bentley, and Lamborghini for as little as $10. This idea combines the multi-billion dollar cryptocurrency and luxury car markets by using blockchain technology and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) to let people … Read more

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