8% Of Automattic Employees Choose To Resign

8% Of Automattic Employees Choose To Resign

WordPress co-founder and Automattic CEO announced today that he offered Automattic employees the chance to resign with a severance pay and a total of 8.4 percent. Mullenweg offered $30,000 or six months of salary, whichever one is higher, with a total of 159 people taking his offer. Reactions Of Automattic Employees Given the recent controversies … Read more

Google’s AI Overviews Avoid Political Content, New Data Shows

Google's AI Overviews Avoid Political Content, New Data Shows

Study reveals Google’s cautious approach to AI-generated content in sensitive search results, varying across health, finance, legal, and political topics. Google shows AI Overviews for 50% of YMYL topics, with legal queries triggering them most often. Health and finance AI Overviews frequently include disclaimers urging users to consult professionals. Google avoids generating AI Overviews for … Read more

Google Rolls Out AI-Organized Search Results Pages

Google Rolls Out AI-Organized Search Results Pages

Google is introducing AI-organized search results pages in the United States. The new feature, set to launch this week, returns a full page of multi-format results personalized for the searcher. Google’s announcement states: “This week, we’re rolling out search results pages organized with AI in the U.S. — beginning with recipes and meal inspiration on … Read more

The 10 Best Headless CMS Platforms To Consider

The 10 Best Headless CMS Platforms To Consider

Headless CMSs are becoming more popular as companies want more flexible content management tools. These systems separate the content creation from how it’s displayed, giving more options for publishing content across different platforms. In this article, we’re reviewing ten top headless CMS options. We’re examining them based on the following criteria: How well they work … Read more

Harnessing the Power of Content Automation and Personalized Product Recommendations

Harnessing the Power of Content Automation and Personalized Product Recommendations

Your subscribers don’t want another cookie-cutter email. They want relevance—something that feels like it was crafted just for them. With inboxes overflowing and attention spans shrinking, generic emails become easy to ignore. What if your emails could cut through that noise and make every recipient feel like you really get them? The key lies in … Read more

SEO Reinvented: Responding To Algorithm Shifts

SEO Reinvented: Responding To Algorithm Shifts

A lot has been said about the remarkable opportunities of Generative AI (GenAI), and some of us have also been extremely vocal about the risks associated with using this transformative technology. The rise of GenAI presents significant challenges to the quality of information, public discourse, and the general open web. GenAI’s power to predict and … Read more

YouTube Extends Shorts To 3 Minutes, Adds New Features

YouTube Extends Shorts To 3 Minutes, Adds New Features

YouTube expands Shorts to 3 minutes, adds templates, AI tools, and the option to show fewer Shorts on the homepage. YouTube Shorts will allow 3-minute videos. New features include templates, enhanced remixing, and AI-generated video backgrounds. YouTube is adding a Shorts trends page and comment previews. Source link

How Go-to-Market Teams Can Grow With AI, According to HubSpot’s Head of Product

How Go-to-Market Teams Can Grow With AI, According to HubSpot’s Head of Product

Easy, fast, and unified. We’ve talked to a lot of customers about what they need from their tools to grow, and it always comes back to these three words. So why does go-to-market feel so hard, slow, and disconnected? Two words: legacy CRM. The concept of customer relationship management (CRM) has existed for decades, and … Read more

Google Expands Structured Data Support for Product Certifications

Google Expands Structured Data Support for Product Certifications

Google has announced an update to its Search Central documentation, introducing support for certification markup in product structured data. This change will take full effect in April and aims to provide more comprehensive and globally relevant product information. New Certification Markup For Merchant Listings Google has added Certification markup support for merchant listings in its … Read more

Public Relations – Seven Tips for Running a Successful PR Campaign [Infographic]

Public Relations - Seven Tips for Running a Successful PR Campaign [Infographic]

All too often, PR campaigns begin with great expectations but end up falling flat. How can you avoid that fate? An infographic (below) from Media Update looks at what it takes to run a PR campaign that reaches the right people and benefits the business. Specifically, it explores seven keys to success: setting the right … Read more

An Introduction To SEO Strategy For A Digital Presence

An Introduction To SEO Strategy For A Digital Presence

This edited extract is from Digital and Social Media Marketing: A Results-Driven Approach  edited by Aleksej Heinze, Gordon Fletcher, Ana Cruz, Alex Fenton ©2024 and is reproduced with permission from Routledge. The extract below was taken from the chapter Using Search Engine Optimisation to Build Trust co-authored with Aleksej Heinze, Senior Professor at KEDGE Business … Read more

Brand Tracking: How to Streamline This Process With AI

Brand Tracking: How to Streamline This Process With AI

The future of brand tracking is here — and it’s powered by AI. Brand tracking is an essential marketing strategy for measuring brand performance, customer loyalty, and market positioning. Traditionally, companies rely on surveys, panels, and market research to gather this data. But these methods can be slow, often taking weeks or months to deliver … Read more

Ask An SEO: How To Stop Filter Results From Eating Crawl Budget

How To Find The Right Long-tail Keywords For Articles

Today’s Ask An SEO question comes from Michal in Bratislava, who asks: “I have a client who has a website with filters based on a map locations. When the visitor makes a move on the map, a new URL with filters is created. They are not in the sitemap. However, there are over 700,000 URLs … Read more

WordPress Co-Founder & Automattic Sued For Attempted Extortion

WordPress co-founder Matt Mullenweg and Automattic sued in federal court by WP Engine

WP Engine, the managed web host recently banned from WordPress.org, has filed a federal lawsuit against WordPress co-founder Matt Mullenweg and Automattic, alleging attempted extortion as well as seeking relief from trademark infringement claims. The goal of the federal lawsuit is to stop Mullenweg from continuing to “harm” WP Engine and the WordPress ecosystem as … Read more

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