Why these Small Businesses are Turning Down Big Money

Why these Small Businesses are Turning Down Big Money

🖊️ Small Business, Big Lessons is a podcast from Buffer that goes behind the scenes with inspirational small businesses to explore how they are questioning the best ways to build a business and uncover the big lessons we can learn from their journeys (so far). Check out the second episode here. In 2014, Buffer was … Read more

Improve Your Close Rate with The 4 W’s with Alex Schlinsky [VIDEO]

1. Where Are You Now? 2. Where Do You Want to Go? 3. What is the Obstacle? 4. What is the Urgency? Alex Schlinsky runs an entrepreneurial mastermind and mentorship community, Prospecting On Demand. His agency has won multiple awards and he offers a 5X ROI guarantee to all his clients. https://www.alexschlinsky.com/ EXTRA RESOURCES: The … Read more

How to Get More Views on TikTok

Keenya Kelly Keenya is the CEO of If You brand It, a marketing and consulting firm in San Diego, CA where she strategically helps business owners develop video marketing strategies Keenya decided to learn about the TikTok platform as a way to market her business during the pandemic. In just 2 years Keenya has grown … Read more

3 Video Steps for Beginners with Atiba de Souza [VIDEO]

Video marketing is skyrocketing, and it’s time for you to get started! Atiba de Souza, of Client Attraction Pros, teaches us all how to get started in this booming market. His top tip? Get in front of a camera and start talking! Just do it! Checklist Download Extra Resources: A Beginner’s Guide to Video Marketing … Read more

5 Small Businesses to Support this Hispanic Heritage Month

5 Small Businesses to Support this Hispanic Heritage Month

Every year, the U.S. observes Hispanic Heritage Month from September to October. The celebration got its start in California when congressman George. E. Brown introduced legislation to create a week acknowledging the positive contributions of the Hispanic community. That same year, President Lyndon B. Johnson proclaimed September 17, 1968, as Hispanic Heritage Week. In 1988, … Read more

How to Write a Sales Page

Need to write a sales page for an upcoming launch? Looking to improve the existing copy in your funnel or website? If so, I’m going to teach you the 10 things your sales page MUST include if you want to make sure your copy creates trust, builds authority and converts like craaaaaaazy. Hey Posse! What’s … Read more

Why More Startups are Considering Outsourcing Software Development

Outsourcing Software Development

Launching a product startup and keeping it afloat demands a substantial investment. And when it comes to managing resources, they are scarce for most startups. Not only for human resources but financially as well. Less than 1% of startups are backed by solid investments. Building an in-house development team costs far more than outsourcing software … Read more

Social Proof: Katelyn Bourgoin on Knowing Your Audience

Social Proof: Katelyn Bourgoin on Knowing Your Audience

Welcome to the sixth and final (for now) installment of Social Proof with Katelyn Bourgoin. Katelyn is an entrepreneur and creator who’s built several companies and agencies and even sold one successfully. She’s currently working as the CEO and Lead Trainer at Customer Camp, a company dedicated to helping its clients better understand buyer psychology. … Read more

Where Influencers Wield the Most Influence

Where Influencers Wield the Most Influence

People in Brazil, India, and China are the most likely to say they’ve bought something because a celebrity or influencer promoted it. That’s according to a survey conducted by Statista of people ages 18-64 in eight countries: Brazil, China, Denmark, India, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States. An infographic (below) summarizes findings … Read more

Cultural Spotlights: Morocco

Cultural Spotlights: Morocco

💡 Learning about experiences and perspectives that are different from our own supports our journey of inclusion by reducing bias, building respect and increasing empathy, while providing an opportunity to celebrate our differences and similarities. At Buffer, we regularly share cultural spotlights from colleagues to connect our global team, and help us understand one another … Read more

Understanding Hashtags on TikTok – DigitalMarketer

TikTok hashtags work differently when compared to  Instagram and Facebook. On TikTok, hashtags help get you discovered by your ideal audience, help you find your community and can increase your reach.  Since the workings of hashtags on TikTok are unique, you need to understand how the algorithm deals with hashtags and how you can use … Read more

What Is Marketing Strategy? A Brief Introduction

What Is Marketing Strategy? A Brief Introduction

“What is the definition of marketing strategy?” is a common question among marketing professionals and others in the business world. So let’s cover some basic ideas that separate marketing strategy from other aspects of marketing. First, the focus of a marketing strategy is broad—it takes a helicopter view of the marketing landscape. As such, it … Read more

The Important Benefits of Outsourcing Your E-Commerce Business

Outsourcing E-Commerce Business

Nowadays, the impact of e-commerce is being felt in nearly everybody’s life. E-commerce is changing how we do business around the world. Additionally, despite its relatively recent ascension, e-commerce has changed significantly with the passage of time. Approximately $3 trillion USD was spent online globally in 2018. That demonstrates that an astounding 15% of all … Read more

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