Simplifying AI Can Optimize Your Entire Business

Simplifying AI

Artificial intelligence is becoming less of a futuristic technology and a more integral aspect of today’s business landscape. The usage of AI across the business universe is revolutionizing every industry, and Gartner reports that at least 75% of organizations use deep neural networks today. In financial departments, AI is automating menial tasks and reducing errors in traditional manual … Read more

The Simplicity of a Press Badge with Jeff J Hunter [VIDEO]

Jeff Hunter Jeff is the Chief Growth Officer of Branded Media where he creates solid, recognizable, legacy driven personal brands for legitimate companies and influencers. Over the last half decade, and 1000+ paying clients later, Jeff has tested and perfected proven branding strategies, processes, and systems. Jeff is also the Founder and “King of Outsourcing” … Read more

Hawke AI: A Digital Marketing Tool That Optimizes Performance-Driven Metrics

digital marketing tool metrics

Marketing isn’t an easy activity. From strategizing to putting campaigns in motion to conducting follow-ups and making adjustments, there are a lot of areas to consider. Consequently, along with a competent marketing team, most businesses need a CMO (chief marketing officer) to oversee everything. Whichever direction they decide to go, having some sort of digital … Read more

Offering Accessible Education is the First Step in Workforce Diversity

Offering Accessible Education is the First Step in Workforce Diversity

The social justice demonstrations of summer 2020 awakened something in everyday Americans. Many people and companies vowed to do better — but if creating more diverse and equitable workplaces were as easy as making a lofty public pledge, the demographics of our workforce would already reflect those of the world around us. Instead, Black employees comprise less than … Read more

How These Sisters Turned Their Passion for the Alaskan Wilderness into a Small Business

How These Sisters Turned Their Passion for the Alaskan Wilderness into a Fulfilling Small Business

For sisters Anna and Kelly, life was anything but ordinary growing up in Fairbanks, Alaska. On chilly school mornings, as they’d make their way towards the bus stop, it wasn’t uncommon for moose to be idling nearby. Careful not to alert the striking creatures, the girls would nimbly make their way around the animals while … Read more

2023’s Digital Marketing Trends for Small Business

The recent turn of events has digitized business operations throughout the world. Business leaders from various industries are using technology to run their commercial ventures.  Businesses are extensively leveraging digital marketing to up their game. With the increasing advancements in this area, it is evident that this trend will continue to thrive as we move … Read more

Powerful Brand Strategy: The Winning Elements

Brand Strategy

In a competitive world, only the best manage to remain top of mind for consumers. That’s why it is essential to focus on how your brand is perceived by shoppers. Considering that retail is an industry with many direct and indirect competitors, brands need to find their voice and learn how to share it with … Read more

The Biggest Mistake on Your Homepage with Michael Buzinski [VIDEO]

Michael Buzinski Michael Buzinski is a life-long entrepreneur, digital marketing thought leader and best-selling author. Dubbed a “visionary marketer” by the American Marketing Association, Michael’s sole mission is to reduce the prevalence of entrepreneurial poverty in the US. Buzz, as most call him, has simplified digital marketing success with the Rule of 26 to help … Read more

Instructions on How to Incorporate and Create Engaging Email Marketing Videos

Engaging Email Marketing Videos

Image by StartupStockPhotos Using videos in email marketing is the next level of creative inbox delivery. Video gives subscribers an element of interactivity that piques curiosity and increases engagement and retention. Customer relationship management (CRM) platform,, surveyed its audience of marketers about email marketing videos and the results were astounding. They found that attaching … Read more

How Twitter Super Followers Works and How These Creators Leverage the Feature

How Twitter Super Followers Works and How These Creators Leverage the Feature

Twitter has been an amazing platform for content creators and small business owners to build community, showcase their work and knowledge, and express distinct viewpoints. In our series, Social Proof, we’ve spoken to content creators who’ve literally built their careers by tweeting about their interests and passions. And the power of Twitter can be leveraged … Read more

Community Building for Retention, Awareness, Loyalty, Content, & Member Advocacy

A little birdy told me you want to know what this “Community” stuff is you keep hearing about. I promise it’s not scary, at least not as frightening as Data Tracking and Analytics.  Ahh, Numbers! No need to worry, you’re safe here, and the data can’t get you. At least, not in this particular post.  … Read more

8 Tips For A Building a Recession Proof Business

Recession Proof Business

The Great Recession of 2008 was one that left many business owners in the United States feeling defeated, angry, and overwhelmed. Now, with the economy showing signs of yet another downturn, it’s time for business owners to take a step back, reassess their activities, and think about ways to become recession-proof. Few companies out there … Read more

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