Certified Partner Interview – Uzair Kharawala of SF Digital Studios [VIDEO]

Uzair Kharawala Uzair Kharawala is one of the few professionals who is both a Google Partner & YouTube Certified. His YouTube channel has over 20,000 subscribers & 1300+ videos. Uzair has been running SF Digital Studios along with his wife Farzana since 2002. Using the power of video marketing & video ads, Uzair has reached … Read more

Making Your Website Look Expensive with Simon Trafford [VIDEO]

Simon Trafford Simon is the Co-Founder and Head Coach of Merchant Mastery, an 8-week intensive training and coaching program dedicated to helping Shopify store owners master advertising, email marketing, and conversions to grow their ecommerce empire. He is also the Managing Director of Social Lite Communications, a full-stack digital marketing and design agency with expertise … Read more

Is Robotic Process Automation (RPA) the Next Big Thing in Automation?

Robotic Process Automation

A McKinsey Global Survey on Automation in 2020 revealed that 66% of organizations had automated one or more functions or business units, which was 57% in 2018. There is an increase in the number of organizations implementing automation. As Alain Dehaze, CEO of Adecco, observed, “Warp speed developments in technology — automation, artificial intelligence, and the … Read more

The 4 Biggest Differences Between Facebook & Instagram Ads

So you want to advertise, but you’re not sure which of these two mega social media platforms is “best” for your business. Well, to be honest, no matter how much your budget is… who your audience is… or what you’re offering…  The answer is BOTH… and IT DEPENDS. This article will explain why as well … Read more

Ask Buffer: Will Scheduling Posts Affect My Engagement?

Ask Buffer: Will Scheduling My Social Media Posts Affect My Engagement?

Question: I’m trying to grow the social media accounts for my small business, but I’ve heard that using scheduling tools can cause low engagement and reach. Is this true? The short answer is: no. Consistency is more likely to raise your reach and audience engagement — which is the primary service offered by third-party scheduling … Read more

Are Your Guarantees Hurting Your Online Sales? with Simon Trafford [VIDEO]

Simon Trafford Simon is the Co-Founder and Head Coach of Merchant Mastery, an 8-week intensive training and coaching program dedicated to helping Shopify store owners master advertising, email marketing, and conversions to grow their ecommerce empire. He is also the Managing Director of Social Lite Communications, a full-stack digital marketing and design agency with expertise … Read more

5 Ways to Deal With Negative Comments on Social Media

5 Steps for Dealing with Social Media Negativity

Life on the Internet can be stressful –  even more for anyone who’s selling a product or service. Negative comments and reactions on your social media are standard and almost expected whether you’re a brand or an individual. Receiving these comments is inevitable, but the important thing is how you handle them. Poor handling can … Read more

5 Effective Best Practices for Data Governance Success

Data Governance

By 2022, the total enterprise data volume is estimated to be more than 2.02 petabytes. As a result, businesses that work in highly data-intensive environments need robust data management capabilities to monitor, manage, store, access, secure, and share information in a streamlined and standardized way. You’ll Want Your Business to Have the Best Practices in Data … Read more

How Charitable Giving Helped Take Our Dog Daycare to $1M in Revenue

How Charitable Giving Helped Us Take Our Dog Daycare to $1M in Revenue

When we weren’t feeling fulfilled in our corporate jobs, we knew we were tired of working for someone else, but we were also looking for more ways to get involved with our community. We had become those typical working Americans who close our garage doors after coming home from work and don’t emerge to connect … Read more

Why Hardware Spending Remains on Top, Despite the Shift to Cloud

Hardware Spending

Before COVID-19, the winds of change were already gently guiding workloads towards public cloud platforms such as AWS and Azure. Then in 2020, the pandemic-driven shift to remote work catalyzed change and propelled cloud migration plans forward in many organizations. Despite the shift to cloud — hardware spending still remains on top. On-Premises Servers Are … Read more

Is Your Content The Right Fit For Your Audience? Learn About Context Marketing And How to Apply it

Successful businesses know ‌their consumers are constantly evolving. The modern consumer is selective when they consume media. They don’t appreciate top-down marketing strategies anymore. Rather, they want businesses to cater their content according to their needs and not the other way round. Context marketing is an excellent solution for any brand that wants to up … Read more

Why People Don’t Respect Marketers & How to Elevate the Marketing Profession

As a marketer, you aren’t getting the respect you deserve. You are a hard worker that loves what you do. You have spent years learning an ever-evolving list of skills, testing and refining your craft as technology and society have chaotically shifted drastically. You help businesses to make more money, allowing them to hire more … Read more

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