How HealthTap Puts Remote Healthcare into the Hands of Consumers

HealthTap Remote Healthcare

The Covid-19 pandemic put a never-seen-before spotlight on telehealth. Remote healthcare services stepped into a sudden reduction of in-person care created by fears and restrictions caused by the virus. While the most intense days of the pandemic are fading into the past, remote healthcare isn’t going anywhere. Much like remote work, the ability to provide … Read more

The #1 Reason Your Marketing Agency Is Failing

Running a marketing agency isn’t easy. It’s not even *slightly* hard. It’s really hard. The challenges you face will have you questioning why you chose to build an agency in the first place, and if it’s time to throw in the towel. Difficult clients, employees, and deliverables turn the romanticized dream of agency life into … Read more

My Experience From Three Years of Product Development

What I Wish I Had Known About Product Development Before I Spent Three Years Doing It

People always tell you that building a business isn’t a quick and easy journey and that the “overnight success” stories you see tend to downplay the years of work that go into creating that success. So, when I started my innovative undergarments company, Perkies, I expected it to be about the journey, not the destination. … Read more

Growth Of AI As A Service (AIaaS) Market – ReadWrite %

Digital Transformation in Supply Chain Management

Artificial intelligence as a service (AIaaS) refers to the use of pre-trained machine learning algorithms, robotic process automation (RPA) to natural language processing (NLP) in the cloud to automate business processes. In this respect, it is similar to software as a service (SaaS). However, AIaaS allows business users to access AI models without requiring advanced … Read more

How These 6 Women-Owned Small Businesses Are Doing Good

How These 6 Women-Owned Small Businesses Are Doing Good

Contrary to their name, small businesses provide big dividends to the U.S. economy. Not only do they generate 44 percent of economic activity, but they also create over 60 percent of net new jobs and inspire American innovation. And while the industry is mostly dominated by men, women are increasingly making gains as small business … Read more

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