5 Marketing Experts Share Trends to Jump On (and Which to Avoid)

Discover how to optimize your online presence in a crowded and noisy digital environment. Image credit: SFIO CRACHO | Shutterstock Terry Rice VIP Contributor Digital Marketing Expert-in-Residence, Entrepreneur October 3, 2019 6 min read Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Warren Buffet once told Forbes, “Ultimately, there’s one investment that supersedes all others:…

Source: Nike has picked up Russell Wilson’s Tally/TraceMe in a rare acquisition

Nike has long been synonymous with premium sneakers and other sports gear, but now the company could be extending its brand into another area — digital media — thanks to the rumored acquisition of a Seattle-based startup. TechCrunch has learned and confirmed that the multibillion-dollar sports giant has acquired TraceMe, which originally built an app…

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