How to Launch a Kickstarter Campaign, Hit Your Goal And Build a Brand

How to Launch a Kickstarter Campaign, Hit Your Goal, and Build a Brand in the Process

In 2014, I began bringing to life an idea for a product and brand that did not yet exist in the market—elevated, everyday, and American-made paper goods to inspire productivity and creativity. I spent nearly a year fleshing out this idea, prototyping, designing, researching manufacturers, and writing a business plan. It was immediately clear that … Read more

Elite Coaching Promo Video – Dave Albano [VIDEO]

Dave Albano Dave is a dynamic and dedicated Digital Marketing Expert, Business Strategist and Inspired Speaker and Trainer. Founder & CEO of Joza Marketing and Creator of his famous 2-Day Business Intensives, Dave’s high impact strategies and done-for-you services get more Customers into your business, more Productivity from your day, and more Excitement into your … Read more

When Hiring We Screen Candidates for our Values, Here’s How and Why

When Hiring We Screen Candidates for our Values, Here's How and Why

Hiring generally comes with ebbs and flows. During one six-month stretch in 2021, a particularly busy season, I spent more than 120 working hours in six months asking more than 350 individuals the same seven questions for our Buffer values screen. At the end of each conversation, I’d turn the conversation over to them, and … Read more

Our Vision for Location-Independent Salaries at Buffer

Our Vision for Location-Independent Salaries at Buffer

I’m happy to share that we’ve established a long-term goal that salaries at Buffer will not be based on location. We made our first step towards this last year, when we moved from four cost-of-living based location bands for salaries to two bands. We did this by eliminating the lower two location bands. The change … Read more

The Ad Grid | Build Traffic Campaigns that Convert and Scale

The Ad Grid is the method DigitalMarketer uses to increase our ad success rate 20 times over.It’s how we plan, test, and measure paid traffic campaigns. It’s the way we organize and systemize our traffic strategy. The Ad Grid takes the guess work out of creating an ad campaign.It looks like this:But, the Ad Grid is … Read more

Unauthorized access to some Buffer accounts has been resolved, here’s what happened

Unauthorized access to some Buffer accounts has been resolved, here’s what happened

On February 26th, our team became aware that access was obtained to a number of Buffer accounts and those accounts were used to spread support for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The accounts affected did not have two factor authentication (2FA) enabled, indicating that this was likely related to reused passwords as there continues to be … Read more

Buffer’s 2022 Pay Analysis: Unadjusted Gender Pay Gap Below 1%

2022 Pay Analysis: Our Unadjusted Gender Pay Gap is Below 1%

For the first time since we started analyzing the gender pay gap at Buffer, our unadjusted gender pay gap is below one percent. Although this number will certainly fluctuate with team changes, we’re proud and happy to see this progress. ❤️ As a reminder, unadjusted means that we are comparing all salaries across Buffer. Adjusted … Read more

Why Web Accessibility Is the Ideal Business Opportunity for Agencies

Why Web Accessibility Is the Ideal Business Opportunity for Agencies

You might think your website gives a peak user experience. But have you considered all your potential customers? Accessibility solutions can open the door for people who might otherwise be unable to fully use your site–and it’s good for business, too. Read the full article at MarketingProfs Source link

Look for These Five Characteristics in a Highly Effective MES

Highly Effective MES

A manufacturing execution system (MES) is the basis for almost every smart manufacturing, Industry 4.0, and digital project in the 21st Century. A manufacturing execution system (MES) is the basis for almost every smart manufacturing, Industry 4.0, and digital transformation project since it is a cornerstone of the fourth industrial revolution. And it offers enhanced … Read more

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