For Holiday Ads, Nothing Says Tradition Like Cardi B’s Twerk Shop

Media|For Holiday Ads, Nothing Says Tradition Like Cardi B’s Twerk ShopADVERTISINGMultimillion-dollar seasonal campaigns like Pepsi’s were a TV standard, but fewer companies are making a big splash beyond their usual digital strategies.Pepsi’s multimillion-dollar ad campaign featuring the rapper Cardi B and her holiday helpers is really something of a throwback as companies shift toward targeted…

How Artificial Intelligence Can Improve Marketing For Any Size Business

Marketing is one of the most important functions of a company that is ripe for an AI transformation. Every company can benefit from a lift in their marketing results and streamlining their marketing processes. Consumers of all types are accessible via digital channels and marketers can get access to incredible amounts of data. Marketing is … Read more

Easy Tips on Using LinkedIn for Your Marketing Purposes

Marketing guru Eric Siu speaks with a LinkedIn pro about leveraging the platform to promote your business. November 14, 2019 2 min read Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. In this video, Entrepreneur Network partner Eric Siu speaks with marketing friend Gaetano Dinardi about his experience using LinkedIn to increase his marketing presence. Dinardi says too many people simply…

The Three Key Elements of Influential Digital Marketing

Ever see a numbered headline like the one above and try to guess what the three things are? Sometimes it’s easy; sometimes it’s not. In this case, you could be thinking I’m going to talk about content, copy, and email. And while you’re right that those things are important, that’s not what this article is…

5 Marketing Experts Share Trends to Jump On (and Which to Avoid)

Discover how to optimize your online presence in a crowded and noisy digital environment. Image credit: SFIO CRACHO | Shutterstock Terry Rice VIP Contributor Digital Marketing Expert-in-Residence, Entrepreneur October 3, 2019 6 min read Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Warren Buffet once told Forbes, “Ultimately, there’s one investment that supersedes all others:…

Source: Nike has picked up Russell Wilson’s Tally/TraceMe in a rare acquisition

Nike has long been synonymous with premium sneakers and other sports gear, but now the company could be extending its brand into another area — digital media — thanks to the rumored acquisition of a Seattle-based startup. TechCrunch has learned and confirmed that the multibillion-dollar sports giant has acquired TraceMe, which originally built an app…

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