11 LinkedIn Carousel Ideas (And Examples)

9+ Ideas for Your Next LinkedIn Carousel (+Examples)

LinkedIn carousels are a great content format for many reasons. First, the LinkedIn algorithm prioritizes this content format, probably thanks to the visual appeal and subsequent engagement. Much like Instagram carousels, they tend to be very appealing because they differentiate from the other types of content you might come across on your feed. 0:00 /0:17 … Read more

Marketing Budgeting in a Recession

Marketing Budgeting in a Recession

In the ever-evolving world of B2B marketing, professionals often find themselves at a crossroads: choosing between immediate, visible campaign results and long-term strategic planning for company longevity. That dilemma becomes even more pronounced during economic downturns. However, challenging times can also present unique opportunities for marketers to refocus on long-term goals. Marketing Smarts Live Show … Read more

5 Tips To Improve Consistency As A Content Creator

5 Tips That Made Me A Consistent Content Creator

Think about five content creators you admire. Regardless of who they are, there’s a common thread: consistency.  Now, consistency might sound simple, but let’s be real—it’s tough. I know firsthand because I struggled with it myself. Before 2019, I was a freelance writer trying to make a name for myself. I joined LinkedIn hoping for … Read more

B2B2C Linkage Data | MarketingProfs

B2B2C Linkage Data | MarketingProfs

Listen NEW! Listen to article Sign in or sign up to access this audio feature! No worries … it’s FREE! In today’s complex and dynamic digital landscape, made up of countless advertising channels and disparate identifiers, achieving a reliable understanding of your ideal audiences can be a challenge for businesses and B2B marketers. Many solutions … Read more

How I Went Viral on X (Formerly Twitter): An In-Depth Analysis

How I Went Viral on X (Formerly Twitter): An In-Depth Analysis

Anyone trying to grow a personal brand online eventually has to choose which social media platforms to focus on and why. For me, it was LinkedIn and X (formerly Twitter).  Since then, I’ve been posting, engaging, commenting, sharing, messaging, and interacting on a near-daily basis — slowly but steadily attracting my tribe of B2B marketers.  … Read more

Mastering The Laws of Marketing in Madness

Navigating through the world of business can be chaotic. At the time of this publication in November 2023, global economic growth is expected to remain weak for an undefined amount of time. However, certain rules of marketing remain steadfast to guide businesses towards success in any environment. These universal laws are the anchors that keep … Read more

I Asked 13 Buffer Leaders for Advice on Succeeding in My New Role

I Asked 13 Buffer Leaders for Advice on Succeeding in My New Role

As part of my comprehensive Buffer onboarding — which had me up and running at full speed in a matter of weeks — I was tasked with setting up intro calls with the company executives.  The prospect of sitting down (even virtually) with our CEO and other senior Bufferoos was daunting for a newbie. I … Read more

Revolutionizing Auto Retail: The Game-Changing Partnership Between Amazon and Hyundai

In a groundbreaking alliance, Amazon and Hyundai have joined forces to reshape the automotive landscape, promising a revolutionary shift in how we buy, drive, and experience cars. Imagine browsing for your dream car on Amazon, with the option to seamlessly purchase, pick up, or have it delivered—all within the familiar confines of the world’s largest … Read more

Videoconferencing fatigue is a real phenomenon, Austrian study finds

zoom fatigue

In today’s digital age, where videoconferencing has become a staple in both professional and academic settings, a new study sheds light on the phenomenon of videoconferencing fatigue. Conducted by a team of Austrian researchers, the study, published in Scientific Reports, a journal by Nature Reports, delves into the real and measurable effects of prolonged videoconferencing … Read more

What Is Disruptive Innovation? | Marketing Smarts Live Show

What Is Disruptive Innovation? | Marketing Smarts Live Show

This episode of the Marketing Smarts Live Show features David Aaker, a renowned figure in the world of marketing. Together with host George B. Thomas, he delves into the fascinating concept of disruptive innovation and its impact on B2B branding, storytelling, and social efforts. Let’s dive into the key takeaways from this episode and explore … Read more

39 Emotions Digital Marketers Can Use In Advertising

39 Emotions Digital Marketers Can Use In Advertising

In a previous article, How To Make A Video Go Viral, I mentioned research that shows videos that evoked the emotion of hilarity, inspiration, astonishment, and exhilaration tended to be shared the most. People shared videos that elicited “high-arousal” or intense emotions twice as much as ones that elicited “low-arousal” or moderate emotions.” For the … Read more

“Undercover” Case Studies: Why the Future of Marketing Is Proving Yourself in the Field

If generative AI is the future of marketing (and media in general), how can you compete with other marketers if ALL OF US have access to the same tools? We can all create amazing images, videos (soon), and articles. We can all use the most amazing copywriter as a template to write our own copy. … Read more

Digital Marketing Tactics for Biotech Companies

Digital Marketing Tactics for Biotech Companies

Listen NEW! Listen to article Sign in or sign up to access this audio feature! No worries … it’s FREE! Many biotech companies approach marketing as if it were some Field of Dreams-style fantasy world where their science alone would make all their dreams come true. Unfortunately, the biotech industry, like most, is super-competitive, requiring … Read more

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