Meta AI Introduces AI-Generated Photos to All Platforms

Meta AI Adds AI-Generated Images to Social and Messaging Platforms and Expands Availability to More Languages and Countries

Meta just released multiple updates to Meta AI which brings advanced image generation and editing capabilities directly to Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp feeds, plus availability in more countries and languages. New Meta AI Creative Tools Meta AI is bringing AI generated and AI Edited photography that can be generated at the moment a user is … Read more

System Builders – How AI Changes The Work Of SEO

AI is terraforming tech. The content and SEO ecosystem is undergoing a massive structural change. Human-written content gains value faster for LLM training than for end consumers as the pure profit licensing deals between LLM developers and publishers show. Publishers struggle to survive from digital subscriptions but get millions that go straight to their bottom … Read more

Trending Content Output Compared In ChatGPT, Gemini, And Claude

“Should we use ChatGPT, Gemini, or Claude to create trending content?” That’s a good question – and one that I’m frequently asked when teaching a live class about engaging audiences through content. You might mistakenly assume that instructors are supposed to answer questions like that. But my colleagues and I do something different. We give … Read more

OpenAI GPT-4o Mini Costs Less & Wallops Competition

OpenAI rolled out GPT-4o mini, a replacement for GPT 3.5 Turbo that is more powerful than other models in its class. Because it’s hyper efficient, GPT 4o mini will make AI available to more people at a cheaper price through better end-user applications. GPT-4o mini GPT-4o mini is a highly efficient version of GPT-4o that … Read more

Research Confirms Google AIO Keyword Trends

New research by enterprise search marketing company BrightEdge reveals dramatic changes to sites surfaced through Google’s AI Overviews search feature and though it maintains search market share, the data shows that AI search engine Perplexity is gaining ground at a remarkable pace. Rapid & Dramatic Changes In AIO Triggers The words that trigger AI Overviews … Read more

Anthropic Announces Free Claude AI Chatbot For Android

Anthropic announced the release of a new Claude Android app that uses their powerful Claude 3.5 Sonnet language model. The app is available free (with usage limits) and also with paid plans. Anthropic Claude Claude is a powerful AI chatbot that offers advanced reasoning, can do real-time image analysis, and can translate languages in real-time. … Read more

Unlocking The Power Of LLM And Knowledge Graph (An Introduction)

We are in an exciting era where AI advancements are transforming professional practices. Since its release, GPT-3 has “assisted” professionals in the SEM field with their content-related tasks. However, the launch of ChatGPT in late 2022 sparked a movement towards the creation of AI assistants. By the end of 2023, OpenAI introduced GPTs to combine … Read more

GraphRAG Is A Better RAG And Now It’s Free

Microsoft is making publicly available a new technology called GraphRAG, which enables chatbots and answer engines to connect the dots across an entire dataset, outperforming standard Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) by large margins. What’s The Difference Between RAG And GraphRAG? RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) is a technology that enables an LLM to reach into a database like … Read more

AIO Pullback: Google Shows 2/3 Fewer AIOs And More Citations

It has become quiet around AI Overviews. One month after my initial traffic impact analysis, I updated my data for AIOs. The results are important for anyone who aims for organic traffic from Google as we’re seeing a shift in AIO structures. Shortly after Google just launched AI Overviews on May 14, I looked at 1,675 … Read more

User-Directed AI Content: On Perplexity, Users Can Direct AI To Create Content

Boost your skills with Growth Memo’s weekly expert insights. Subscribe for free! Perplexity’s strategy behind its new Pages feature created a deep rift with publishers, but the reaction seems blown out of proportion. It’s much more interesting as a case study for user-directed AI content (UDC instead of UGC). Perplexity Pages allows users to “create beautifully designed, comprehensive articles on … Read more

OpenAI’s Rockset Acquisition And How It May Impact Digital Marketing

OpenAI acquired a technology from Rockset that will enable the creation of new products, real-time data analysis, and recommendation systems, possibly signaling a new phase for OpenAI that could change the face of search marketing in the near future. What Is Rockset And Why It’s Important Rockset describes its technology as a Hybrid Search, a … Read more

The Impact Of AI And Other Innovations On Data Storytelling

This edited extract is from Data Storytelling in Marketing by Caroline Florence ©2024 and is reproduced and adapted with permission from Kogan Page Ltd. Storytelling is an integral part of the human experience. People have been communicating observations and data to each other for millen­nia using the same principles of persuasion that are being used … Read more

MozCon 2024: Britney Muller On How To Use Gen AI In Marketing

At the 20th annual MozCon, Britney Muller, Founder of Data Sci 101, delivered an eye-opening presentation on AI and its impact on digital marketing. Her session, “The Hidden Side of AI: What Marketers Need to Know,” provided a comprehensive overview of AI’s current and future potential. Muller discussed the ethical considerations, practical applications, and limitations … Read more

How SEO Experts Can Utilize ChatGPT For BigQuery With Examples

AI is shaping every field by making skills (such as coding or data visualization) accessible to everyone, which weren’t available in the past. An AI operator who can run the right prompts can perform low- and medium-level difficulty tasks, allowing more focus on strategic decision-making. In this guide, we will walk you through step by … Read more

Google’s AI Overviews Go Viral, Draw Mainstream Media Scrutiny

Google’s rollout of AI-generated overviews in US search results is taking a disastrous turn, with mainstream media outlets like The New York Times, BBC, and CNBC reporting on numerous inaccuracies and bizarre responses. On social media, users are sharing endless examples of the feature’s nonsensical and sometimes dangerous output. From recommending non-toxic glue on pizza … Read more

New Google Lens Ads Mimic AI Search Results

A keynote at Google’s Marketing Live event showed a new AI-powered visual search results that feature advertisements that engage users within the context of an AI-Assisted search, blurring the line between AI-generated search results and advertisements. Google Lens is a truly helpful app but it becomes unconventional where it blurs the line between an assistant … Read more

Google To Prioritize AI Overviews Ads Over Organic Search

Speakers at Google’s Marketing Live event demonstrated how they will utilize user search queries and AI Overviews content to show interactive shopping ads that will push organic search results even lower, stating that Google is “focused on opening up new opportunities for your business.” Google: We’re Not Building A Better Search Engine The first speaker, … Read more

Google’s AI Vision Driven By Panic, Not User Needs: Former Product Manager

A 16-year Google veteran is raising concerns about the company’s current focus on AI, labeling it a “panic reaction” driven by fear of falling behind competitors. Scott Jenson, who left Google last month, took to LinkedIn to critique the tech giant’s AI projects as “poorly motivated and driven by this mindless panic that as long … Read more

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