What Is Sustainable E-commerce and Is it Achievable?

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When you hear “sustainable e-commerce,” what comes to mind? Is it just a buzzword, or is there a deeper significance that could reshape how we do business online? Sustainable e-commerce is more than a fancy term. It’s about integrating eco-friendly practices into the very heart of online business operations. From how products are sourced and … Read more

Effective Content Marketing Strategies for Pharma

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Let’s face it, the pharmaceutical industry isn’t your typical marketplace. It’s a realm where cutting-edge science meets stringent regulations, and every piece of information can profoundly impact someone’s health and well-being. This complexity often makes marketers in the pharma world feel like they’re lost, juggling regulatory compliance and the need to drive results. But here’s … Read more

Adapting to Changes in Pharma Advertising Regulations

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The pharmaceutical industry in the United States is red hot, with consumers spending more money on prescription drugs, over-the-counter meds, and other healthcare products in the States than anywhere else. Given the demand, it sounds like a good industry to be in, doesn’t it? However, there’s one distinct drawback, and that’s the ever-changing pharma advertising … Read more

Transforming Professional Services with AI: A Game-Changing Approach

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There’s something big happening in the professional services sector. What I’m talking about goes beyond digital marketing in professional services.  Artificial intelligence is a real game-changer for how professional services do business. Don’t get me wrong. Businesses like accounting, public relations, and legal firms still need the human touch. However, there’s nothing wrong with using … Read more

Profit and Loss Statement: What Is It and Why Your Business Needs One

P and L statement

Running your business can be incredibly fulfilling. Creating innovative products, determining the path your business takes, and being a kickass entrepreneur on the daily. But when it comes to the numbers, things aren’t quite so fun. Those pesky numbers. Any business owner will tell you that keeping up with all the administrative requirements can get … Read more

Create Viral Infographics That Boost Your Organic Traffic


If a picture’s worth a thousand words, how much is an infographic worth? How about a 400% increase in revenue, like Venngage achieved by creating infographics for influencers? Or backlinks from CNN and TechCrunch, like WordStream got thanks to two infographics? When we think of growth hacks to drive traffic to our site, we often … Read more

55% of Marketers are Positive About Google SGE

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With the rollout of generative AI in search, there were a lot of mixed emotions among digital marketers. From unbothered to nervous to excited, the emotions and attitudes towards Search Generative Experience (SGE) ran the gamut.  Now that digital marketers have had time to settle into the news, how have those attitudes changed? In this … Read more

Consulting Fees: How Much Should You Charge as a Consultant?

Consulting fees

Setting your consultation fees is the best and worst part of running a consulting business. It’s the best because you get to decide your worth (not management or HR)—and it’s the worst because you likely hate talking money with your clients. We get it. It’s not easy. Yet, setting your consulting rates doesn’t need to … Read more

How to Create a Video Sales Letter (Tips and Tricks from a 7-Figure Copywriter)

video sales letter vsl

If you want to generate more leads at a fraction of the cost, increase your conversion rates, and grow your bottom line, the video sales letter, or VSL, can be a powerful tool to add to your marketing arsenal. Video tends to be more engaging than text and is fast becoming the preferred medium for consumers … Read more

Shopify vs. Etsy: Pick an Online Store That Gives You More


On the one hand, you want a platform that holds your hand throughout the setup process, making things as quick as possible with a professionally completed online storefront. On the other hand, you also want a platform that has plenty of opportunities for personalization, allowing you to fully embed your branding and tone of voice … Read more

Shopify vs WooCommerce: Which Is Better for Building Your Online Store?


WooCommerce or Shopify: which platform is better for building your ecommerce store? When it comes to launching your online store, one of the most overwhelming moments can be choosing the right platform. All the forums and community discussions have different advice, you then have one friend who tells you that Shopify is the way to … Read more

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