How To Build A Diverse & Healthy Link Profile

How To Build A Diverse & Healthy Link Profile

Search is evolving at an incredible pace and new features, formats, and even new search engines are popping up within the space. Google’s algorithm still prioritizes backlinks when ranking websites. If you want your website to be visible in search results, you must account for backlinks and your backlink profile. A healthy backlink profile requires … Read more

Google Answers Question About Toxic Link Sabotage

Gary Illyes answers a question about how to notify Google about toxic link sabotage

Google’s Gary Illyes answered a question about how to notify Google that someone is poisoning their backlink profile with “toxic links” which is a problem that many people have been talking about for at least fifteen years. Question About Alerting Google To Toxic Links Gary narrated the question: “Someone’s asking, how to alert Google of … Read more

Google On Traffic Diversity As A Ranking Factor

Google answers the question of whether traffic diversity is a ranking factor for SEO

Google’s SearchLiaison tweeted encouragement to diversify traffic sources, being clear about the reason he was recommending it. Days later, someone followed up to ask if traffic diversity is a ranking factor, prompting SearchLiaison to reiterate that it is not. What Was Said The question of whether diversity of traffic was a ranking factor was elicited … Read more

What You Need To Generate Leads With Content

A hand holds a large red and white horseshoe magnet, much like how effective content attracts colorful plastic game pieces on a white surface, effortlessly generating leads.

This is an excerpt from the B2B Lead Generation ebook, which draws on SEJ’s internal expertise in delivering leads across multiple media types. What, exactly, do you need to create a sustainable and scalable lead generation strategy with content? It starts with an exceptional piece of content that the leads want – your “lead magnet” … Read more

Should H1 & Title Tags Match?

Should H1 & Title Tags Match?

Google’s Office Hours podcast answered the important question of whether it matters if the title element and the H1 element match. It’s a good question because Google handles these elements in a unique way that’s different from how traditional SEO thinks about it. How Important Is It For H1 & Title Tags To Match? The … Read more

What Is Schema Markup & Why Is It Important For SEO?

What Is Schema Markup & Why Is It Important For SEO? is a collection of vocabulary (or schemas) used to apply structured data markup to web pages and content. Correctly applying schema can improve SEO outcomes through rich snippets. Structured data markup is translated by platforms such as Google and Microsoft to provide enhanced rich results (or rich snippets) in search engine results pages or … Read more

LinkedIn Rolls Out New Newsletter Tools

LinkedIn Rolls Out New Newsletter Tools

LinkedIn is launching several new features for people who publish newsletters on its platform. The professional networking site wants to make it easier for creators to grow their newsletter audiences and engage readers. More People Publishing Newsletters On LinkedIn The company says the number of LinkedIn members publishing newsletter articles has increased by 59% over … Read more

When Is Duplicate Content Acceptable For Local SEO? Google Explains

When Is Duplicate Content Acceptable For Local SEO? Google Explains

Google’s John Mueller clarified that localized duplicate content across regional websites is acceptable. Unique content is still recommended for specific page types. Google doesn’t penalize duplicate content on localized websites. Translating or customizing core content for local markets is acceptable. However, unique content is still needed for certain pages. Source link

Google’s Response to Affiliate Link Heavy Content

Does having lots of affiliate links on a page affect rankings?

Google’s John Mueller responded to a question about whether affiliate links have a negative impact on rankings, touching on factors that affiliate sites should keep in mind. Hypothesis: Google Targets Affiliate Sites There is a decades-long hypothesis that Google targets affiliate sites. SEOs were talking about it as far back as Pubcon Orlando 2004 and … Read more

Google’s Stance On AI Translations & Content Drafting Tools

Google's Stance On AI Translations & Content Drafting Tools

In a recording of Google’s June SEO office-hours Q&A session, John Mueller, a Google’s Search Relations team member, discussed the impact of AI-generated content on SEO. The discussion focused on two key areas: the indexing of AI-translated content and using AI tools for initial content drafting. As the use of AI in content creation grows, … Read more

Why Now’s The Time To Adopt Schema Markup

Why Now's The Time To Adopt Schema Markup

There is no better time for organizations to prioritize Schema Markup. Why is that so, you might ask? First of all, Schema Markup (aka structured data) is not new. Google has been awarding sites that implement structured data with rich results. If you haven’t taken advantage of rich results in search, it’s time to gain … Read more

Vulnerabilities In WooCommerce And Dokan Pro Plugins

Vulnerabilities In WooCommerce And Dokan Pro Plugins

WooCommerce published an advisory about an XSS vulnerability while Wordfence simultaneously advised about a critical vulnerability in a WooCommerce plugin named Dokan Pro. The advisory about Dokan Pro warned that a SQL Injection vulnerability allows unauthenticated attackers to extract sensitive information from a website database. Dokan Pro WordPress Plugin The Dokan Pro plugin allows user … Read more

Google Warns Of Quirk In Some Hreflang Implementations

Google hreflang quirk

Google updated their hreflang documentation to note a quirk in how some websites are using it which (presumably) can lead to unintended consequences with how Google processes it. hreflang Link Tag Attributes is an HTML attribute that can be used to communicate data to the browser and search engines about linked resources relevant to the … Read more

Want More Clicks? Use Simple Headlines, Study Advises

keep it simple inspirational writing - reminder note on a brown textured mulberry paper

A study conducted by researchers at Harvard University has found that readers are more likely to click on and engage with news headlines that use simple language. The study, published in Science Advances, analyzed over 30,000 experiments involving nearly 9,000 headline tests and 24,000 headlines from The Washington Post and Upworthy. The findings suggest that … Read more

Google Launches Custom Event Data Import For GA4

Google Launches Custom Event Data Import For GA4

Google announced a new feature for Google Analytics 4 (GA4), rolling out support for custom event data import. This allows you to combine external data sources with existing GA4 data for more comprehensive reporting and analysis. Google’s announcement reads: “With this feature, you can use a combination of standard fields and event-scoped custom dimensions to … Read more

David Vs. Goliath [Part 2]: Algorithm Updates Have Become The Biggest Risk In SEO

Kevin Indig's Growth Memo for SEJ

Boost your skills with Growth Memo’s weekly expert insights. Subscribe for free! Taking a break from analyzing leaked Google ranking factors and AI Overviews, let’s come back to the question, “Do big sites get an unfair advantage in Google Search?” In part 1 of David vs. Goliath, I found that bigger sites indeed grow faster than smaller … Read more

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