Google Found in Violation of Antitrust Law, Judge Rules

Google Found in Violation of Antitrust Law, Judge Rules

A federal judge has ruled that Google violated U.S. antitrust law by illegally maintaining monopolies in the markets for general search services and general search text advertising. Judge Amit P. Mehta of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, ruling in a case brought against Google by the Justice Department, said that Google … Read more

Google’s Latest Tool Flags SEO Opportunities You’re Missing

Google's Latest Tool Flags SEO Opportunities You're Missing

Google unveils new Search Console feature offering personalized SEO recommendation to simplify website optimization. Google launched a new “recommendations” feature in Search Console. It provides personalized SEO suggestions based on site data. The feature is rolling out gradually as an experimental tool. Source link

Step-By-Step Guide To Earning Your Google Ads Certification

Step-By-Step Guide To Earning Your Google Ads Certification

Getting Google Ads Certified is a great way to demonstrate a baseline learning effort and level of exposure to PPC and managing Google Ads. Whether you’re coming out of school, entering a career that involves Google Ads, or simply want to learn, it is a great place to get started. Some employees may list it … Read more

Facebook Attracts Gen Z Users While TikTok’s Boomer Audience Grows

Facebook Attracts Gen Z Users While TikTok's Boomer Audience Grows

According to a recent report by eMarketer, Facebook is experiencing a resurgence among Gen Z users, while TikTok is gaining traction with baby boomers. Despite these shifts, both platforms maintain a stable core user base. Facebook’s Gen Z Renaissance Facebook’s seeing unexpected Gen Z growth despite overall decline. U.S. Gen Z users are projected to … Read more

Understanding & Optimizing Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)

Understanding & Optimizing Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) is a Google Core Web Vitals metric that measures a user experience event. CLS became a ranking factor in 2021 and that means it’s important to understand what it is and how to optimize for it. What Is Cumulative Layout Shift? CLS is the unexpected shifting of webpage elements on a … Read more

Google Confirms Robots.txt Can’t Prevent Unauthorized Access

Google Confirms Robots.txt Can't Prevent Unauthorized Access

Google’s Gary Illyes confirmed a common observation that robots.txt has limited control over unauthorized access by crawlers. Gary then offered an overview of access controls that all SEOs and website owners should know. Common Argument About Robots.txt Seems like any time the topic of Robots.txt comes up there’s always that one person who has to … Read more

Google Ads Experiencing Outage Impacting Key Features

Google Ads Experiencing Outage Impacting Key Features

Google Ads is currently experiencing a widespread outage that has affected several components of its platform. The incident, which began on August 1, 2024, at 15:27 UTC, has left many advertisers unable to access vital tools and reports. According to the Google Ads Status Dashboard, multiple features are currently unavailable: Report Editor Dashboards Saved Reports … Read more

Google Clarifies Autocomplete Functionality Amid User Concerns

Google Clarifies Autocomplete Functionality Amid User Concerns

Google’s Communications team recently took to X to clarify its Search Autocomplete feature following user complaints and misconceptions. Autocomplete’s Purpose & Functionality Addressing claims of search term censorship Google stated: “Autocomplete is just a tool to help you complete a search quickly.” Google notes that users can always search for their intended queries regardless of … Read more

Google Introduces INP Improvement For Publisher Tag Ads Library

Google Introduces INP Improvement For Publisher Tag Ads Library

Google has released an update to its Publisher Tag Ads Library, introducing a new feature to improve Interaction to Next Paint (INP) scores. The update focuses on yielding during out-of-viewport ad slot insertions when using Single Request Architecture (SRA). INP Improvement: Focus On Ad Loading Efficiency The new feature allows for more strategic ad loading, … Read more

Video Advertising Metrics & Brand Advertising With Greg Jarboe

Video Advertising Metrics & Brand Advertising With Greg Jarboe

Last week Greg Jarboe wrote an article for SEJ covering insights from the 2024 IAB Digital Video Ad Spend & Strategy Report which was the second part of a two-part report. The first part reported that overall spending on digital video advertising in the U.S. is projected to grow 16% and that in the last … Read more

Ask An SEO: Should I Delete My GBP If I Am Selling My Product Nationwide?

Ask An SEO: Should I Delete My GBP If I Am Selling My Product Nationwide?

This week’s Ask an SEO question is from Ursula, who asks: Should a small business with a local office (more workshop than sales office) and a Google Business Profile listing delete the GBP listing if they want to focus on selling their product nationwide? Great question, Ursula! I hear this question all the time at … Read more

Is Perplexity AI’s Revenue Share Plan Fair?

Perplexity AI's publisher revenue share model raises doubts about its fairness and effectiveness

AI-powered answer engine Perplexity AI announced a revenue-sharing plan with publishers when their content is referenced, but there are few details on how smaller publishers will benefit. Some in the digital marketing community expressed skepticism that only the biggest and most powerful publishers will be paid. Perplexity AI Revenue Share Perplexity recently announced the establishment … Read more

How People Search: Understanding User Intent

How People Search: Understanding User Intent

In its earlier days, Google relied heavily on plain text data and backlinks to establish rankings through periodic monthly refreshes (then known as the Google Dance). Since those days, Google Search has become a sophisticated product with a plethora of algorithms designed to promote content and results that meet a user’s needs. To a certain … Read more

Google Search Algorithm Update Targeting Explicit Deepfakes

Google Search Algorithm Update Targeting Explicit Deepfakes

Google updates search algorithm to combat explicit deepfakes, improving content removal and adjusting rankings to protect users from non-consensual imagery. Google updated its algorithm to combat explicit deepfakes. Content removal processes are now easier and more comprehensive. Search rankings will demote sites with frequent policy violations. Source link

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