Making Python Scripts Work In Browser For Web App Creation

Making Python Scripts Work In Browser For Web App Creation

Making Python Scripts work in a web browser involves handling web app functions inside a web page via Python Programming Language. Since JavaScript is the main programming language for making a web browser work, and a web page interactive, Python is usually used for data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. Even if we have … Read more

Keywords Hidden For 46% Of Google Search Console Clicks: Ahrefs Study

Keywords Hidden For 46% Of Google Search Console Clicks: Ahrefs Study

A new study by Patrick Stox, Brand Ambassador at Ahrefs, finds that, on average, Google Search Console hides the keyword term for 46.08% of clicks. The study examined one month of data across 146,741 websites, involved close to 9 billion total clicks, and reveals that Google likely leaves many longtail keyword data hidden from GSC … Read more

Googlebot Crawls & Indexes First 15 MB HTML Content

Googlebot Crawls & Indexes First 15 MB HTML Content

An update to Googlebot’s help document contains confirmation that it will crawl the first 15 MB of a webpage and anything after this cutoff will not be included in rankings calculations. Google specifies in the help document: “Any resources referenced in the HTML such as images, videos, CSS and JavaScript are fetched separately. After the … Read more

New Updates To Google Page Experience Scoring Revealed At SEODay

New Updates To Google Page Experience Scoring Revealed At SEODay

In an online session at SEODay 2022, Google Search Advocate John Mueller spoke about the impact of page experience on search engine rankings and changes to how the search engine scores sites. One of the changes revealed was that Google now bases desktop search results on a site’s desktop experience – and mobile search results … Read more

How Public Web Data Helps Small Business SEO Strategies

How Public Web Data Helps Small Business SEO Strategies

This post was sponsored by Bright Data. The opinions expressed in this article are the sponsor’s own. SEO is a never-ending battle that has everyone vying for the top spot, both literally and figuratively. The competition between marketing teams across the world has changed the way consumers seek out and buy products and services. SEO … Read more

SEO & Local Market Orientation For International Expansions

SEO & Local Market Orientation For International Expansions

In my last column, I addressed the business benefits of an International SEO Strategy, and the first benefit was to complement your broader global strategic plan. This is a critical alignment especially when it comes to how you plan to deploy websites to target these markets. Managing multiple global websites not only requires resources to … Read more

7 Top Ways To Gain Visibility

7 Top Ways To Gain Visibility

Online search is more often than not the starting point in a local consumer’s quest for products and services nearby. In fact, 78% use the Internet to find information about local businesses in their area more than once a week – and 21% are searching locally every day, according to BrightLocal’s most recent local consumer … Read more

How To Calculate Your Total Addressable Market (TAM) For SEO

How To Calculate Your Total Addressable Market (TAM) For SEO

When launching a new product/company or pitching for additional funding, forecasting against your TAM (total addressable market) is a key component. The TAM is a key part of a user acquisition strategy and your SEO campaign alike. It can help you prioritize optimization activities and forecast traffic potential based on your pre-determined keyword sets. Your … Read more

7 Methods To Research & Analyze Your Audience For SEO

7 Methods To Research & Analyze Your Audience For SEO

When I describe SEO, I explain that it is a mix of marketing, technical know-how, and psychology. From a marketing perspective, you must have an overall understanding of your product, the problems it solves, and how to best communicate to your audience. From a technical perspective, you must be able to create a foundation for … Read more

What Is The Difference Between Search Queries And Keywords?

What Is The Difference Between Search Queries And Keywords?

Marketers use the terms search query and keyword interchangeably with no ill intention, but how the two terms differ needs to be clarified. Because not knowing the difference between a query and a keyword can lead to poor-performing search marketing strategies. This article will examine the key aspects of both search queries and keywords, starting with … Read more

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