What Are The 10 Best Free SEO Tools Suitable For The Beginners In 2022?

free SEO tools

Do you want to know the best free SEO tools available for beginners in 2022? If yes, follow this article to get a better idea. But, first, you need to track specific patterns that can help you make the correct choices at your end. Without appropriate SEO tools, you cannot develop your site metrics in … Read more

How To Improve Your Organic Growth: & Start Earning Them

How To Improve Your Organic Growth: & Start Earning Them

Have so-called “link building experts” burned you in the past? Did their methods, results, and communication around backlink services seem “off”? The sad reality is that too many link building efforts are morally questionable or just plain ineffective. The good news is there are other ways to dramatically improve your backlink profile without doing what … Read more

How to GROW your podcast audience with SEO in 2022

We are going to discuss what SEO is and how to use it to grow your podcast if you’ve been a podcaster for any amount of time, and one of your goals is audience growth. You have undoubtedly heard of SEO, but what is it? Why use it? How do we use it and will … Read more

Creating SMART SEO Goals For Your Enterprise Business

Creating SMART SEO Goals For Your Enterprise Business

A goal is only as useful as the thoughtfulness of creating it. Like many overused marketing terms and cliches, a “goal” can become an overbearing or meaningless word or purposeless objective. Employers may hand them down without fully understanding the feasibility of accomplishment. Employees may feel pressured to meet assigned goals, realistic or unrealistic, without … Read more

7 Ways To Tweak Your Content For Better SEO

7 Ways To Tweak Your Content For Better SEO

Every marketer will tell you – creating high-quality content is no easy feat and getting page views, shares, and conversions is even harder. But useful, engaging, and easy-to-find content is critical to successful digital strategies – so where do we start? Defining high-quality in this space is essentially about the balance of two things: the … Read more

Should Guest Post Links Be Marked Sponsored? Ask An SEO

Should Guest Post Links Be Marked Sponsored? Ask An SEO

This week’s Ask an SEO question comes from John in London, England, who asks: “I came here from your post Should You Use Nofollow, Sponsored, or UGC Links? In the ‘Affiliate Links’ paragraph you write, ‘These should be sponsored because you are posting them with the goal of earning a commission.’ My question is, should … Read more

Which One Should You Use?

Which One Should You Use?

When it’s time to launch a new site, undergo a site migration or change your CMS, launch a new product, or make another major change, what overarching site structure to use is one of the most common questions. Should we use or change over to a subdirectory, subdomain, or use a country code top-level domain … Read more

Site Dependence On JavaScript A Problem For Googlebot?

Site Dependence On JavaScript A Problem For Googlebot?

In a recent Google Search Central SEO office-hours hangout, a question was submitted to Google’s Search Advocate John Mueller asking if it’s a bad for a website to be dependent on JavaScript for basic functionality. Might this have a negative effect on Googlebot when it comes to crawling and indexing? Mueller observed that it’s probably … Read more

Similarweb Acquires SEO & Rank Tracking Company Rank Ranger

Similarweb Acquires SEO & Rank Tracking Company Rank Ranger

On May 16, Similarweb announced it has acquired Rank Ranger, an SEO and rank tracking company. This allows the Tel Aviv, Israel-based digital intelligence provider to offer term rank tracking alongside its keyword research and analysis tools. With cross-search engine capabilities, the combined power of these companies seeks to provide search professionals with better insights … Read more

5 Times You Absolutely Must Hire An SEO Pro

5 Times You Absolutely Must Hire An SEO Pro

There are plenty of business owners and digital marketing generalists who can handle the everyday management of their own SEO. Even at the enterprise level, you may have web developers, content creators, and others taking care of tasks that support your SEO program. However, there are some situations that absolutely require an experienced SEO professional … Read more

8 White Hat SEO Techniques To Double Your Search Traffic

8 White Hat SEO Techniques To Double Your Search Traffic

Stuck in a cycle of optimizations that don’t move the needle? This post reveals white hat techniques that can potentially double, triple, or even 10x your traffic from organic search. The Google system for ranking websites incorporates a series of algorithms designed to give the “best” results. These algorithms take into consideration many factors, including … Read more

5 Key Enterprise SEO Priorities CMOs Need To Get Right [Ebook]

5 Key Enterprise SEO Priorities CMOs Need To Get Right [Ebook]

Even as marketing budgets were being reevaluated and pared back due to the pandemic, more resources were allocated to SEO. In fact, 50.5% of SEO budgets had increased in the 12 months preceding our recent State of SEO survey. Why is that? Well, for starters, search is a two-way channel of communication between brands and … Read more

Google’s Digital Marketing Certificate Recommends Keyword Density Percentages

Google's Digital Marketing Certificate Recommends Keyword Density Percentages

Someone from the SEO community called attention to a section in Google’s new digital marketing training course that recommends writing at least 300 words of content, advised specific areas of a web page for seeding keywords and recommended a keyword density for target keywords of under 2%. Some in the digital marketing community called Google … Read more

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