PageSpeed Insights Adds New Lighthouse Speed Metrics

PageSpeed Insights Adds New Lighthouse Speed Metrics

Google’s PageSpeed Insights added two new metrics to the PageSpeed Insights API and UI for Lighthouse. The two metrics are labeled experimental are now being collected for field data while the corresponding lab data can be used for diagnostic purposes. Google Lighthouse Updated Lighthouse is now updated with the two new metrics. The new Lighthouse … Read more

How To Empower Content Teams With Real-Time Log File Insights

How To Empower Content Teams With Real-Time Log File Insights

Too many organizations still publish content without clear objectives and KPIs. For organizations to move beyond “just publishing content,” they need to adopt a different mindset. They need to reflect on their past work, think critically, and ask for access to performance data they can use to assess content performance in terms of traffic, crawls, … Read more

Google’s Chain of Thought Prompting Can Boost Today’s Best Algorithms

Google's Chain of Thought Prompting Can Boost Today's Best Algorithms

Google announced a breakthrough research in Natural Language Processing called Chain of Thought Prompting that raises the state of the art of advanced technologies like PaLM and LaMDA to what the researchers call a remarkable level. The fact that Chain of Thought Prompting can improve PaLM and LaMDA at these significant rates is a big … Read more

Google Updates Advice on How to Control Titles in Search Results

Google Updates Advice on How to Control Titles in Search Results

Google Search Central updated a section of the developer support page that offers tips on how to control the site title that Google uses in the search results. The new section is about troubleshooting title tags in order to identify why Google may be changing the title links. Title Link The support page defines the … Read more

Google Allows FAQ Markup for Non-FAQ Content

Google Allows FAQ Markup for Non-FAQ Content

Google’s John Mueller answered a question about FAQ structured data that significantly expanded the kinds of content that FAQ structured data can be applied to, which now includes content that isn’t even in the FAQ format. FAQ Structured Data FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) is a type of content format that consists of answers with questions. … Read more

Using Python + Streamlit To Find Striking Distance Keyword Opportunities

Using Python + Streamlit To Find Striking Distance Keyword Opportunities

Python is an excellent tool to automate repetitive tasks as well as gain additional insights into data. In this article, you’ll learn how to build a tool to check which keywords are close to ranking in positions one to three and advises whether there is an opportunity to naturally work those keywords into the page. … Read more

5 Automotive SEO Best Practices For Driving Business In 2022

5 Automotive SEO Best Practices For Driving Business In 2022

Whether you’re managing a car and truck dealership, a tire shop, or any other type of automotive business, search engine optimization (SEO) is a crucial ingredient in every impactful marketing campaign. In fact, digital marketing spending now outpaces conventional advertising in many industries, including automotive. Since 2015, automotive marketing experts have significantly increased their SEO … Read more

Google Scene Exploration Searches The World Around You

Google Scene Exploration Searches The World Around You

At its annual I/O conference held today, Google announces an upgrade to multisearch that conducts simultaneous queries about objects around you. With a new feature called scene exploration, Google strives to make search even more natural by combining its understanding of all types of information — text, voice, visuals, and more. It builds on multisearch in … Read more

How to Optimize Your Anchor Text Strategy For SEO

anchor text - How to Optimize Your Anchor Text Strategy For SEO

The early days of SEO were like the Wild, Wild West. Blackhat SEO experts did everything imaginable to rank their sites on Google, including keyword stuffing and creating spammy backlinks. It worked–for a bit. These days, Google’s SERP Algorithm cracked down on content quality, and those older SEO hacks have long crumbled to dust. Details … Read more

10 Ways To Optimize Your Site For Future SEO Success

10 Ways To Optimize Your Site For Future SEO Success

Additionally, Google is working on upgrading its search capabilities through AI technology like MUM, which promises to make search more flexible. This valuable knowledge will push you towards the best way to optimize your site. Let’s make sure your SEO strategy matches the flexibility of your customers and Google’s constantly changing algorithm. How To Optimize … Read more

6 Image Optimization Tips From Google

6 Image Optimization Tips From Google

In a new video from Google, Developer Advocate Alan Kent shares six tips for optimizing images for ecommerce websites. While the video is specifically aimed at ecommerce sites, the advice is applicable to any website that serves a large number of images. Clocking in at over 14-minutes, Google’s video is a lot to digest if … Read more

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