Poll Implies Most SEOs Don’t Disavow Spammy Links

Poll Implies Most SEOs Don't Disavow Spammy Links

An informal and non-scientific poll on Twitter indicates that most SEOs, by a significantly large margin, ignore spammy links rather than spend time disavowing them. The subsequent comments aligned with the poll results, but some SEOs shared how their approach was more nuanced and why disavowing makes sense to them under specific circumstances. Link Disavow … Read more

Google Says ‘Discovered – Currently Not Indexed’ Status Can Last Forever

Google Says ‘Discovered - Currently Not Indexed’ Status Can Last Forever

Google advises the ‘Discovered – Currently not indexed’ status in Search Console’s Index Coverage report can last forever as there’s no guarantee every page on the web gets indexed. This is stated during the Google Search Central SEO office-hours hangout recorded on February 18. An individual named Davor Bobek joins the livestream to ask Google’s … Read more

How Google Crawls Pages With Infinite Scrolling

How Google Crawls Pages With Infinite Scrolling

Google is capable of crawling webpages that utilize infinite scrolling to a certain extent. Here’s how it works and the impact it has on SEO. This topic was discussed during the Google Search Central SEO office hours hangout recorded on February 18. An individual named Nick Jabbour joins the livestream to ask Google’s Search Advocate … Read more

15+ Technical SEO Interview Questions for Your Next Hires

15+ Technical SEO Interview Questions for Your Next Hires

Technical SEO requires technical and analytical skills together with a good understanding of how Google and other search engines work. A technical SEO must be familiar with the most popular CMS systems and know at least the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. In addition to that, a good technical SEO should know the fundamental … Read more

How To Identify And Reduce Render-Blocking Resources

How To Identify And Reduce Render-Blocking Resources

Identifying and reducing resources responsible for blocking the rendering of your web page is a critical optimization point that can make or break your page speed. It can be so critical that it can pay dividends to your site’s page experience metrics (and your user’s satisfaction) as a result. In 2021, the average time it … Read more

Google On The SEO Value Of User Comments On Websites

Google On The SEO Value Of User Comments On Websites

Should you allow users to leave comments on your website? They could help with SEO, as long as you’re able to moderate them, Google says. This topic was addressed by Google’s Search Advocate John Mueller during the Google Search Central SEO office-hours hangout recorded on February 18. An SEO professional named Vahid Parsa joins the … Read more

57% Of North American Businesses Still Don’t Have An SEO Strategy

57% Of North American Businesses Still Don't Have An SEO Strategy

A recent survey of 600 U.S. and Canadian small to medium-sized business owners and their employees has revealed that 57% do not have an SEO strategy – and 23% have no plans to create one this year. The Pollfish survey commissioned by UpCity found that just 44% of businesses currently have an SEO strategy in … Read more

Google And The Right To Be Forgotten

Google And The Right To Be Forgotten

Have you ever searched for yourself in Google and found information that was incorrect or outdated? It may be ancient history, and no longer reflective of who you are today, but it’s still prominently featured in Google’s search results. Everyone makes mistakes. Should a person be punished for that mistake years or decades later because … Read more

Semantic Keyword Clustering For 10,000+ Keywords [With Script]

Semantic Keyword Clustering For 10,000+ Keywords [With Script]

Semantic keyword clustering can help take your keyword research to the next level. In this article, you’ll learn how to use a Google Colaboratory sheet shared exclusively with Search Engine Journal readers. This article will walk you through using the Google Colab sheet, a high-level view of how it works under the hood, and how … Read more

Google Web Stories – The New AMP?

Google Web Stories - The New AMP?

Google’s push for adoption of Web Stories is drawing comparisons to AMP, another lightweight web technology that received a similar push in its early years. With AMP no longer receiving the support it used to, along getting de-emphasized in search results, people are asking if the Web Stories format is here to take its place. … Read more

One Month With $3,000 In SEO Budget For A Local Business

One Month With $3,000 In SEO Budget For A Local Business

There are few things more frustrating for a marketer who specializes in SEO than a client or employer who wants instant results on a tight budget. After all, SEO is a long-term game. It requires patience and strategy. Nonetheless, this scenario happens all the time. So, as marketers, we have to know how to adapt … Read more

6 Common Robots.txt Issues & And How To Fix Them

6 Common Robots.txt Issues & And How To Fix Them

Robots.txt is a useful and relatively powerful tool to instruct search engine crawlers on how you want them to crawl your website. It is not all-powerful (in Google’s own words, “it is not a mechanism for keeping a web page out of Google”) but it can help to prevent your site or server from being … Read more

No SEO Bonus For Keyword-Based Domains

No SEO Bonus For Keyword-Based Domains

Google’s John Mueller answered a question on Reddit about ranking benefits of using the keywords in the domain name. Mueller confirmed that there’s no SEO bonus for keywords in the domain and listed reasons why not to use keyword-based domains. Mueller lists valid reasons why keywords in domains don’t provide a ranking bonus and why … Read more

Good Core Web Vitals Scores Won’t Improve Indexing

Good Core Web Vitals Scores Won’t Improve Indexing

Having good Core Web Vitals scores won’t necessarily lead to improved indexing of your webpages in Google’s search results. This is stated by Google’s Search Advocate John Mueller during a recent Google Search Central SEO office-hours hangout. A question is asked regarding Core Web Vitals and whether the scores can impact site quality, therefore affecting … Read more

What’s The Best Way For SEO, Topic Experts & Writers To Work Together?

What's The Best Way For SEO, Topic Experts & Writers To Work Together?

In this edition of Ask An SEO, Zach from Wichita writes us: “How would an SEO specialist write a content brief for an industry expert with very little writing experience? Or how should my company structure our content writing process when we have an SEO person, industry expert, and content writer/editor?” Great question, Zach. Before … Read more

4 Important Business Benefits Of An International SEO Strategy

4 Important Business Benefits Of An International SEO Strategy

My last column highlighted some critical actions necessary to execute a successful International Search Engine Optimization strategy. This time, let’s take a look at the specific business benefits of creating that strategy, and its alignment with the organization’s strategy as a whole. A well-articulated strategy forms the foundation for all activities within the organization, and … Read more

17 Free SEO Tools For Site Audits

17 Free SEO Tools For Site Audits

It takes the assistance of technology to analyze data, conduct research, validate code, and conduct other SEO site audit checks at scale. The good news is that these tools don’t have to put your SEO budget into the red. There are plenty of perfectly adequate, free SEO tools available to publishers and SEOs on a … Read more

15 Conversion Rate Optimization Tips to Boost Your Rankings

15 Conversion Rate Optimization Tips - 15 Conversion Rate Optimization Tips to Boost Your Rankings

Conversion rate optimization, or CRO, is the process of optimizing your website to increase the completion of a specific action. In most cases, the desired action is an actual sale, but not always. Desired actions could include demo sign-ups, downloading an asset from your website, trying out a new tool, or signing up for your … Read more

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