Vulnerability in WordPress Google Analytics Plugin Hits +3 Million Websites

Vulnerability in WordPress Google Analytics Plugin Hits +3 Million Websites

The National Vulnerability Database announced that a popular Google Analytics WordPress plugin installed in over 3 million was discovered to contain a Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability. Stored XSS A Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attack generally occurs when a part of the website that accepts user input is insecure and allows unanticipated input, like scripts or … Read more

WordPress Update 6.2.1 Causing Sites To Break

WordPress Update 6.2.1 Causing Sites To Break

A recent WordPress security update featuring multiple security fixes is also causing some sites to stop functioning, causing one developer to exclaim, “This is chaos!!” The update removed a key functionality that caused numerous plugins to stop working on site that use the WordPress blocks system. Affected plugins ranged from forms to sliders to breadcrumbs. … Read more

6 Best WordPress Review Plugins For 2023

6 Best WordPress Review Plugins For 2023

If you sell any type of product or service on a WordPress site, you can benefit from installing a WordPress review plugin. With reviews for your services or products and increasing social proof, you’re more likely to draw new customers to your business and retain existing ones. Building trust and credibility through positive reviews on … Read more

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