Engaging Your Audience with Social Media Quizzes and Polls

The importance of creating an engaged and active social media following cannot be understated for startups, regardless of the industry.

When most brands are starting out, marketing budgets are tight, and it can be difficult to justify spending cash on campaigns when it could be spent on other essential areas of the business.

But, with the help of social media quizzes and polls, you can quickly develop an engaged list of leads ready to interact with your brand.

The best part? They’re completely free to create!

Here, we will talk about the power of social media quizzes and polls and how you can create content that will lead to higher engagement and follower counts.

Short on time? Here are the key takeaways

  • Social media quizzes are an excellent, cost-effective way to generate leads, interact with customers, and encourage social sharing.
  • Instagram (Stories), LinkedIn, and Facebook are the best social media platforms for polls and quizzes.
  • Social media quizzes and polls are only effective when they are produced with intent rather than as a box-ticking exercise.

Social Media Quizzes and Polls: Why Are They So Great?

There can be no arguing over the effectiveness of a good social media quiz or poll. Think back to the last time you were mindlessly scrolling through your feed when suddenly you were hit with a question.

You immediately stop, fascinated that such a comparison could even be made. Of course, the answer is A, right? 

“Well, better put my answer in, just so I can see what other people are saying.” you find yourself saying.

In just a matter of clicks, the profile in question has successfully made you stop scrolling, interact with their brand, and become emotionally invested in the results.

In just one single post, they’ve created curiosity, provided personalization, and offered something that’s fun and easy to share.

Interactive content is one of the easiest and quickest ways to increase the time users spend on your brand’s page, boosting engagement rates, whilst also making your brand more attractive to the social media algorithm gods, thus improving your chances of appearing in other users ‘For You’ pages.

Not only that, but every answer on a quiz or poll provides vital data about your customers that you might otherwise struggle to gather.

With just a few polls and quizzes, you can create a clear picture of who your audience is, what their buying tendencies are likely to be, and what products or services they may want to see from your brand in the future.

The best part? All of this is achievable for any entrepreneur, regardless of your social media savvy!

Implementing Polls and Quizzes on Multiple Channels

With all that in mind, let’s take a look at how you can integrate quizzes and polls into your existing social media strategy:

On Instagram

For Instagram, all your quiz and poll-related activity should take place on Instagram Stories. Within that feature, you’ll have access to a quick and easy-to-access interactive quiz sticker that lets you create your own custom multiple-choice questions. Whether it’s about the weather where your customers are based or questions about new products, this feature is super easy to use.

The quiz sticker is a great way to ask quick and fun questions of your audience, keeping them engaged and interacting with your brand without asking too in-depth questions.

Instagram Stories also has a poll sticker, which is the best option for when you want to ask more “closed” questions to get opinions or preferences. 

Need to choose between two colorways for your new line of shorts? Take to Instagram Stories and ask the people via a quick poll.

Not only will it help you understand their wants, but it will also make them feel more involved in your brand and, therefore, more likely to buy.


Although Twitter doesn’t have the same built-in quiz capabilities as Instagram, it is an excellent platform to conduct a poll. While it certainly isn’t the most user-friendly platform (thanks, Elon!), consumer interaction is often much higher than other platforms, and poll results can lead to interesting debates in the accompanying comments thread.

Use hashtags to increase the visibility of your polls and quizzes and reply to participants’ comments to engage with them, boosting the poll’s reach and fostering a sense of community.


Facebook doesn’t have a native quiz feature, but it does have plenty of third-party apps from which you can pick. This allows for more intricate and interactive quizzes, which can improve the experience.

It does have its own polling feature that you can use as part of a post or story, although engagement for most brands tends to be lower than on other social platforms, such as Twitter.

Final Thoughts

When implemented with plenty of thought and consideration, social media quizzes and polls can be highly effective.

They’re a great way to create a more engaged audience with fun and entertaining interactive content and can help you capture their attention in a sea of digital competition.

Social media quizzes and polls are just one of many ways to get your brand to go from startup to standout.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Social Media Quizzes and Polls

What are the benefits of using social media quizzes for my startup?

  • Boost engagement by creating interactive content that captures attention. 
  • Build a more engaged audience.
  • Collect valuable data on customer preferences.
  • Increase brand awareness. 
  • Cost-effective way to generate leads. 
  • Encourage social sharing.

Can social media polls improve my brand’s marketing strategy?

Absolutely! Social media polls provide real-time feedback from your audience, helping you understand their preferences and opinions. This data can be used to guide product development, refine marketing messages, and improve customer satisfaction. 

Which social media platforms are best for quizzes and polls?

The most effective platforms for quizzes and polls are:

  1. Instagram Stories
  2. Twitter
  3. Facebook

How do I measure the success of my social media quizzes and polls?

To measure the success of your quizzes and polls, track metrics such as participation rates, engagement (likes, comments, shares), and the quality of the data collected.

The post Engaging Your Audience with Social Media Quizzes and Polls appeared first on Foundr.

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