Google Aims To Improve Search Quality With New Feedback Form

Google has recently overhauled its search spam report form to combat search quality issues.

The updated form is part of Google’s approach to improving user experience by addressing problematic content such as paid links, malicious behavior, and low-quality pages.

An Improved User Interface

Image credit:, June 2023.

The redesigned form makes it easier for users to report a broader range of search quality issues.

“Now, you can report spam, paid links, malicious behavior, low quality, and other search quality issues, all in one improved form,” Google announced.

This new form introduces a feature for bulk submissions, allowing users to report up to five pages violating the same policy in a single report.

After submitting a report, users will receive a confirmation email from Google, offering help links to additional resources covering Google’s quality policy and directing them to a forum for personalized support.

search quality feedback learn more 648a1c3c28c5c sej - Google Aims To Improve Search Quality With New Feedback FormImage credit:, June 2023.

What Happens After Reporting?

When user feedback reaches Google, the company has a system to prioritize and address them.

While urgent problems might be addressed immediately, most issues are resolved when Google updates the algorithm.

Google’s John Mueller previously explained how the reporting system works, stating:

“The web is so gigantic, and ever-changing, and people ask us new questions every day. Because of that, our goal is generally to improve the algorithms that pull together the search results over all and not to tweak things for individual queries. This may take a bit of time, but it makes search better for everyone worldwide for the large number of searches that are done every day.”

Mueller advises using other channels, such as the Google Search Central help forums and Google’s public-facing social media accounts, for more significant issues.

He adds, “regardless of the contact method, make it easy for Google to recognize the scale and the scope of the problem.”

The exact timeline for Google’s response to user feedback remains unclear and likely depends on the nature and urgency of the reported issue.

The Larger Picture

Overhauling Google’s search spam report form isn’t an isolated move. It comes as part of a more comprehensive effort by the tech giant to improve the quality of search results continually.

Google’s decision to allow bulk submissions of up to five pages suggests the company recognizes the scale of search quality issues and is ready to engage with them more substantially.

The enhanced reporting process can lead to cleaner, more relevant search results for everyone.

In Summary

In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, Google prioritizes user feedback to enhance search results.

With the redesigned search spam report form, Google has a more streamlined avenue for reporting search quality issues.

The new form is the most recent example of Google’s commitment to maintaining high-quality SERPs.

Featured Image: 24K-Production/Shutterstock
Source: Google

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