How to List Products on Amazon: Everything You Need to Know

You’ve identified your niche. You’ve created the perfect brand. You’ve got all your ducks in a row.

Now it’s time to get those ducks and start selling them on Amazon!

In this article, I will explain everything you need to know to list products on Amazon effectively and professionally.

These are the exact steps and strategies I used to create two multi-million dollar businesses on Amazon. If you follow them, you could also capitalize on the platform’s selling potential.Foundr plus dollar trial ecommerce banner - How to List Products on Amazon: Everything You Need to Know

Short on Time? Here’s the Step-by-Step

  1. Click on ‘Inventory’ and then ‘Manage FBA Inventory’ or ‘Add a Product’
  2. Select ‘I’m adding a product not sold on Amazon
  3. Choose your product category.
  4. Fill out the vital product information
  5. Enter a price
  6. Upload images

Identifying Your Price Point

Amazon product listing price point - How to List Products on Amazon: Everything You Need to Know

When it comes to pricing your product, it’s safe to say there’s a fair bit of misinformation out there. Here are my tips and tricks for cutting through the noise and pricing your products effectively.

Review your competitors

Firstly, it’s important to research how much your competitors are charging for similar items. You don’t always want to be the lowest price point, as many people associate cheap with low quality.

However, you also don’t want to be the most expensive, as you will lose out to other, more competitively priced options.

Pro Tip: To calculate an average price point, I take the top 15 products, add up the prices, and divide by 15.

Start low, then grow

As you are starting out, you might want to consider listing your product at a lower price point to drive sales before moving your price point to keep up with your competitors.

While this lower price point will contribute to your sales velocity, it will also help you grow your customer base, improve the authenticity of your brand, and show less confident shoppers that your product works.

Don’t Skip: Is Selling on Amazon Worth It?

Go high and offer discounts

Amazon product listing discounts - How to List Products on Amazon: Everything You Need to Know

Another approach is to list your product at a higher price before using discounts or sales to bring the price of your product in line with your competitors.

That way, you give the perception that your product is a better quality one, as consumers associate price with quality, and they will be tempted to purchase it as it is the same price as your competitors.

Add coupons

Another way to stand out from your competitors is to add coupons. When you use coupons, Amazon adds a green badge to your product listing, which helps your product stand out from the other options listed.

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Crafting Compelling Copy for Your Products

Writing high-quality, engaging copy for your product listing is absolutely essential for driving sales and converting admirers into buyers.

When crafting copy for your product listings, it’s crucial to put yourself in your target audience’s shoes.

What pain points are they suffering from? How are they hoping that your product might help remove those issues? Are they likely an emotional or rational consumer?

These are all questions that will help you frame what your audience wants to see from your product description and help you write something that is compelling and captivating.

In addition, you need to ensure that relevant keywords are seamlessly woven into the copy.

You can’t just stuff keywords into every other word in the hope that it will gain more traction. Still, it is important to include these Amazon indicators where possible. This helps the algorithm identify what your product is and who it should be shown to.

Pro Tip: Write a ChatGPT prompt from the perspective of an ideal customer researching your product, and ask what they are looking for in a product description. You can also include a list of keywords to incorporate throughout the product listing copy.

How to List a Product on Amazon

Here’s a step-by-step guide to listing your product on Amazon.

1. Click on ‘Inventory’ and then ‘Manage FBA Inventory’ or ‘Add a Product’

Amazon product listing manage inventory - How to List Products on Amazon: Everything You Need to Know

2. Select ‘I’m adding a product not sold on Amazon

Amazon product listing add product not sold on amazon - How to List Products on Amazon: Everything You Need to Know

3. Choose your product category.

Amazon product listing select product type - How to List Products on Amazon: Everything You Need to Know

4. Fill out the vital product information

Amazon product listing product information - How to List Products on Amazon: Everything You Need to Know

5. Enter a price

Amazon listing add price - How to List Products on Amazon: Everything You Need to Know

6. Upload images

Amazon lisiting photos - How to List Products on Amazon: Everything You Need to Know

Keep Learning: Amazon Seller FAQs

Completed Your Setup? Now Let’s Start Selling

Now that you have all the information you need to set up your products on Amazon, it’s time to learn how to sell them and take your ecommerce startup to the next level.

Fortunately, foundr+ has all the information you need and more, and you can gain access for just $1.

In just seven days, you will have everything you need to start and scale a life-changing ecommerce brand, including access to world-class instructors, proven frameworks, and a like-minded, hungry, and driven community of founders.

Get access for $1 today.

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The post How to List Products on Amazon: Everything You Need to Know appeared first on Foundr.

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