Marketplaces 2019: B2B Ecommerce Strategies for Amazon, Alibaba and Others

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As business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce grows, sellers must decide how marketplaces fit into their digital sales approach. While high traffic and demand can expose B2B suppliers to new audiences and opportunities, marketplaces can also be a competitive threat without the right strategy.

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Copyright © 2019 eMarketer Inc.

What is a B2B marketplace?

A marketplace is an e-commerce platform that lets third parties sell directly to customers. Unlike a distributor, marketplaces don’t own inventory. B2B marketplaces facilitate complex transactions for business buying needs like wholesale, bulk orders, invoicing, order approvals, and more.

How do I decide which marketplace to work with?

When starting to build or assess a current marketplace strategy, B2Bs need to understand the different options. Amazon, Alibaba, and Thomas are the three biggest with wide assortments across commodity and custom goods. Niche marketplaces for specific industries — healthcare, auto parts, office supplies, building materials, food, industrial machines, entertainment, and real estate — are also available. Products sold, target audience, and price point are factors impacting which marketplace is best for your company.

How do I open an Amazon Business account?

Amazon Business and other marketplaces are actively courting new sellers to diversify supply. Amazon Business offers a self-service option for business sellers, Seller Central. And Alibaba has an accounts team to help onboard new sellers in the US.

What are the best practices for developing a marketplace strategy?

Marketplaces are a good testing ground to begin selling online or supplement a direct website. Understanding margins is essential for profitability. Product content is also a strong marketing tool, which must be accurate and optimized for search. Conflict between other sales channels should be avoided.

eMarketer has put together a detailed report, Marketplaces 2019, to explore how and why sellers use marketplaces and how these platforms are innovating.

Topics discussed in this report include:

  • B2B e-commerce in 2019
  • Marketplaces as a digital sales channel
  • A deep dive into the marketplace
  • 7 best practices for devising your marketplace strategy

In full, this report contains:

  • 2 Detailed files: Exportable files for easy reading, analysis and sharing.
  • 10 Data-rich charts: Reliable data in simple displays for presentations and quick decision making.
  • 22 Expert perspectives: Insights from industry and company leaders.

>> Purchase and download the full report here.

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