3 ways to get more from your data with Sprout custom reporting

3 ways to get more from your data with Sprout custom reporting

Just as there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all social strategy, there’s no one social report that works for every team. Data analysis and social media reporting are becoming increasingly important skills for social media marketers. Today, there’s an increased pressure, and need, to use this data in more sophisticated ways—on the social team, … Read more

The Top Channels Consumers Use to Learn About Products [New Data]

The Top Channels Consumers Use to Learn About Products [New Data]

Imagine you’re scrolling through Instagram and see an ad for a product you might be interested in. Your first thought might be that ad targeting is too advanced, but you still might be curious about the product. Where do you look next? Their Instagram page, website, or searching for online reviews? These are the questions … Read more

Social Commerce: What It Is & How to Use It in 2023

Social Commerce: What It Is & How to Use It in 2023

Recently, I set an iPhone time limit on my social media use to “45 minutes.” I figured 45 minutes would be more than enough. Almost an hour? Between working at HubSpot, catching up with friends, and attending exercise classes, 45 minutes would be plenty of social media consumption. Unfortunately, I learned quickly that I spend … Read more

Google To Disable Third-Party Cookies For 1% Of Chrome Users

Google To Disable Third-Party Cookies For 1% Of Chrome Users

Google has announced it will begin phasing out support for third-party cookies in Chrome by disabling them for 1% of users starting in Q1 2024. This initial deprecation comes ahead of a broader phase-out for all Chrome users by Q3 2024. Third-Party Cookies Blocked For 1% Of Chrome Users Next Year Beginning in early 2024, … Read more

Google Experiments With Desktop Discover Feed

Google Experiments With Desktop Discover Feed

Google is running an experiment that may bring its Discover feed to desktop users. The Discover feed shows recommended content like news, weather, sports scores, and stock prices directly on the Google homepage, alongside the traditional Google search bar. In a statement, Google confirmed testing the Discover feed on desktop, but only in India. The … Read more

How To Use It For SEO & Content Marketing

How To Use It For SEO & Content Marketing

Google Trends is a Google tool that offers a wealth of information that is useful for SEO and content creation. From real-time search trends to related queries and category insights, Google Trends offers marketers plenty of opportunities to hone their strategy and optimize for better performance. This article will act as an in-depth guide to … Read more

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Ebook Ranking Factors 2023: Systems, Signals, and Page Experience The third edition of Ranking Factors is finally here! It got a little makeover both in looks and content inside. And, for the first time, we’ve put all the factors into a sortable sheet to find the info you need, faster. Download Now Source link

WordPress 6.3.2 Security Update For 8 Vulnerabilities

WordPress 6.3.2 Security Update For 8 Vulnerabilities

WordPress announced it was publishing a maintenance and security release that patches multiple vulnerabilities including one that could lead to a full site takeover. Maintenance and Security Release WordPress 6.3.2 WordPress 6.3.2 delivers 41 bug fixes but more importantly it ships with patches for eight vulnerabilities. The following eight vulnerabilities were recently discovered and patched: … Read more

7 Key Metrics In Measuring Content Effectiveness

7 Key Metrics In Measuring Content Effectiveness

Measuring content performance is the compass that guides successful digital marketing endeavors. It provides invaluable insights into what resonates with your audience – enabling you to refine strategies, optimize resources, and maximize ROI. To do this successfully, you need to understand the metrics behind evaluating a successful customer journey. If you’re looking to maximize your … Read more

How to Use Medium: A Beginner's Guide to Writing, Publishing & Promoting on the Platform

How to Use Medium: A Beginner's Guide to Writing, Publishing & Promoting on the Platform

Medium is a platform for writers. If you’re not a writer, that sounds pretty straightforward. But if you write, you understand just how huge that statement is. Is it a blogging platform? Social media or an SEO resource? An online community or a way to earn money writing? Yes. All of the above. You could … Read more

Research: GPT-4 Jailbreak Easily Defeats Safety Guardrails

Research: GPT-4 Jailbreak Easily Defeats Safety Guardrails

Researchers discovered a new way to jailbreak ChatGPT 4 so that it no longer has guardrails to prohibit it from providing dangerous advice. The approach, called Low-Resource Languages Jailbreak,” achieves a stunning 79% total success rate. Jailbreaking ChatGPT Jailbreaking is a word created to describe the act of circumventing iPhone software restrictions to unlock prohibited … Read more

Google Employees Raise Doubts About Bard

Google Employees Raise Doubts About Bard

As Google expands its new AI chatbot Bard across its products, doubts about the technology’s capabilities are emerging behind the scenes. Recently leaked conversations between Google employees involved in developing Bard reveal uncertainties within the company about the chatbot’s effectiveness and whether the massive investment required is paying off. This news, first reported by Bloomberg, … Read more

Google’s SGE Gets An AI Upgrade: Now Generates Images & Written Content

Google's SGE Gets An AI Upgrade: Now Generates Images & Written Content

Google is further experimenting with generative AI in SGE to create images, draft content, and enhance productivity. Google is integrating generative AI into Search to create images and draft content. The technology will include safeguards to prevent misuse and maintain user privacy. Feedback on these AI experiments can be submitted via Search Labs in the … Read more

Google Streamlines First-Party Data Management With New Tool

Google Streamlines First-Party Data Management With New Tool

Google has announced the upcoming launch of a new tool called Google Ads Data Manager that aims to streamline the management and utilization of first-party customer data for digital marketing campaigns. This tool comes as marketers look to reduce reliance on third-party data. Data collected directly from customers tends to be more reliable and valuable … Read more

5 Marketing Principles To Future-proof Your SEO Strategy

5 Marketing Principles To Future-proof Your SEO Strategy

It’s not uncommon for SEO professionals to find themselves thrust into a role with little to no training in traditional marketing theory. However, as the organic landscape becomes increasingly complex and fragmented, the need to understand and integrate timeless marketing principles into your SEO strategy has never been more critical. Search Engine Optimization > Organic … Read more

Right Now: Tell WordPress How To Make It Better For You

Right Now: Tell WordPress How To Make It Better For You

The opportunity to tell WordPress what you need out of the CMS only comes around once a year. This year, WordPress wants to  hear from SEO professionals, affiliates, recipe bloggers, small business owners, advertisers and others who depend on WordPress. What Is The 2023 WordPress Survey? The people who build WordPress conduct an annual survey … Read more

Upgrade Your SEO & Content Strategy With Pillar Pages & Topic Clusters [Webinar]

Upgrade Your SEO & Content Strategy With Pillar Pages & Topic Clusters [Webinar]

The world of search is ever-evolving – just when you think you’ve got the hang of it, it changes again. And with AI becoming increasingly influential in shaping search results, it’s more important than ever to make sure your content is competitive. So what can you do to boost your rankings on search engine results … Read more

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