Meta To Launch AI Chatbots With Distinct Personas

Meta To Launch AI Chatbots With Distinct Personas

Facebook’s parent company, Meta, may be preparing to launch a new range of chatbots with distinct personalities, potentially as early as next month. The bots aim to boost user engagement and provide innovative search functions and recommendations on Meta’s platforms. The big tech company is exploring a variety of “personas.” One is rumored to be … Read more

Twitter’s Brand Equity: 17 Years & 12 Million Keywords

Screenshot of stats from Moz’s Domain Overview tool

On July 24, Elon Musk made the surprise announcement that Twitter would be rebranding as ‘X’, with a new logo and brand identity arriving quickly after that announcement. Shortly after, started redirecting (302) to Any experienced SEO knows how perilous a major site migration can be, and has been accumulating authority for … Read more

Wix Studio Offers Freelancers & Agencies Way To Scale Business

Wix Studio Offers Freelancers & Agencies Way To Scale Business

Wix announced a significant evolution of the platform with a new offering called Wix Studio that enables agencies to quickly scale the process of creating business websites for clients. Wix Platform Wix is known as a platform that allows individual businesses to create and maintain their own high performance websites without having to deal with … Read more

5 Merch Ideas For Your Growing Online Fanbase

Greetings, savvy entrepreneurs and creative minds. As your online following expands and your brand gains momentum, your subscribers are probably asking how they can further show their support. Selling merch is a smart way to sustain your business and develop a more personal relationship with your fanbase. So, without further ado, here are five creative … Read more

Gated Content: What Marketers Need to Know [+Examples]

Gated Content: What Marketers Need to Know [+Examples]

As William Shakespeare once wrote, “To be or not to be, that is the question.” Marketers have a similar classic debate: gated versus ungated content. While 80% of B2B content marketing assets are gated and lead generation is one of the top objectives for marketers, it’s not an open and shut case. That’s why we’ve … Read more

WooCommerce Targets 15% Web Share After Explosive Growth

WooCommerce Targets 15% Web Share After Explosive Growth

WooCommerce, the leading e-commerce platform for WordPress sites, shows no signs of slowing down. Powering over 3.4 million online stores already, WooCommerce has ambitious plans to expand its reach even further. In a recent interview with Search Engine Journal, WooCommerce CEO Paul Maiorana revealed upcoming improvements focused on performance, payments, product management, and site design. … Read more

30 Brilliant Marketing Email Campaign Examples [+ Template]

30 Brilliant Marketing Email Campaign Examples [+ Template]

On any given day, most of our email inboxes are flooded with a barrage of automated email newsletters that do little else besides giving us another task to do on our commutes to work — namely, marking them all as unread without reading or unsubscribing altogether. It may not seem like a good idea to … Read more

Why It’s Time To Reinvent And Future-Proof Your Approach To Content Marketing

Why It’s Time To Reinvent And Future-Proof Your Approach To Content Marketing

As a content marketer, you’re likely questioning your path forward. We’re at an inflection point with AI. Many marketers worry about job security. Yet, we face pressures to constantly churn out more and more content in an already far-too-cluttered space. While the volume of content published rises sharply every day, we still only have 24 … Read more

Supercharge Your Shopify Site: A Guide To Boosting Speed And Performance

Supercharge Your Shopify Site: A Guide To Boosting Speed And Performance

This week’s Ask An SEO Question comes from Momna in Dallas, who asks: “How can we improve page speed and page experience for the Shopify store? Shopify won’t allow us to make changes in the code. How can we then stay upfront after Google page experience update?” When running a successful Shopify site, speed is … Read more

24 Best Sample Business Plans & Examples to Help You Write Your Own

24 Best Sample Business Plans & Examples to Help You Write Your Own

Reading sample business plans is essential when you’re writing your own. As you explore business plan examples from real companies and brands, you’ll learn how to write one that gets your business off on the right foot, convinces investors to provide funding, and confirms your venture is sustainable for the long term. But what does … Read more

Five Good Reasons To Outsource Software Development

Five Good Reasons To Outsource Software Development

Software can be more than just a tool for development; it can also be the basis for new business ideas. By utilizing programming, organizations can open vast conceivable outcomes and make extraordinary arrangements that drive achievement. It is essential to carefully consider the concept, architecture, and fundamental functionality prior to product creation. You can speed … Read more

Google Assistant To Receive Generative AI Overhaul

Google Assistant To Receive Generative AI Overhaul

According to an internal email obtained by Axios, Google plans to significantly revamp its Assistant digital assistant to utilize new AI technologies similar to ChatGPT and the company’s Bard chatbot. The change signals a major shift in strategy for Google and how Assistant will work for consumers, developers, and employees. Google plans to support the … Read more

Overcome Your Doubters Today: 13 Super Successful Entrepreneurs Share Their Stories

Businesswoman questioning illustration.

To be an entrepreneur you have to be someone special. By their very nature, successful entrepreneurs have to be different, separate from the status quo, if they want to create change. To other people you’ll seem crazy, because who in their right mind would want to subject themselves to all the trials and tribulations of being … Read more

31 Free Resume Templates for Microsoft Word (& How to Make Your Own)

31 Free Resume Templates for Microsoft Word (& How to Make Your Own)

No matter what industry you work in (or your experience level in that industry), a plain, black-and-white resume written in Times New Roman font just doesn’t quite cut it anymore. But just because resumes have gotten more creative doesn’t mean you need special design software to make your application stand out. On the contrary, writing … Read more

SpaceX’s ‘Mega Steel Pancake’ Will Protect Starship From Fiery Launches

Starship taking off

SpaceX, the renowned aerospace manufacturer and space transportation company founded by Elon Musk, recently conducted a full-pressure test of a new water deluge system for its Starship launch vehicle. This test is a significant step towards resolving one of the major problems that arose during the orbital flight test in April, where the heat and … Read more

Linking To Authoritative Sites Won’t Help SEO

Linking To Authoritative Sites Won't Help SEO

Google Search Advocate John Mueller recently corrected a common misunderstanding about linking to popular sites like Wikipedia while conversing online with the SEO community. Mueller was participating in a discussion on the r/SEO subreddit, where SEO experts exchange ideas and insights about the latest developments in their industry. He clarified that linking to sites like … Read more

How AI Will Change Podcast and Video, According to Riverside's Head of Marketing

How AI Will Change Podcast and Video, According to Riverside's Head of Marketing

Podcasting and video are two undeniably powerful opportunities for reaching new audiences and increasing brand awareness. In fact, there are currently over 140 million podcast listeners in the U.S. alone, and more than 40% of U.S. users report watching online videos each day. But creating strong video or audio content takes time, effort, and resources. … Read more

10 Social Media Copywriting Tips That Will Take Your Ad Game To The Next Level

10 Social Media Copywriting Tips That Will Take Your Ad Game To The Next Level

There is an art to social media copywriting and if you can nail it, you will experience far greater results. If you’ve been struggling to connect with your audience and convert those clicks into customers, read on and we’ll share some advanced tips that can help you take your social media ad game to the … Read more

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