How to Build a Sustainable Content Creation Workflow

How to Build a Sustainable (And Profitable) Content Creation Workflow

Being a content creator can be overwhelming. We all start with the dream of being our own boss and escaping the nine-to-five tyranny. But we end up being the worst boss we’ve ever met. No vacations. No time off. Always in hustle mode. That’s why many creators silently burn out. They silently stop posting. They … Read more

Digital Strategies For Brand Marketing Tech Trends For Success

Brand Marketing

Digital marketing has become extremely important leaving all other kinds of marketing well behind. More and more people are exploring digital space due to the increased connectivity offered by the Internet. As a result, a new world has opened up to attract a larger target market. However, differentiating yourself among the plethora of online businesses … Read more

Google’s On Domain Name Selection: Branding Over Keywords

Google's On Domain Name Selection: Branding Over Keywords

In a recent episode of the ‘Search Off The Record’ Podcast, Google’s Search Relations Team, composed of John Mueller, Gary Illyes, and Martin Splitt, weighed in on a topic often discussed among website owners and SEO practitioners: the impact of keywords in domain names on search engine rankings. The Keyword Controversy The discussion was initiated … Read more

32 Free Advertising Tips for Your Small, Large, or Local Business

32 Free Advertising Tips for Your Small, Large, or Local Business

When you work at a small business with a limited budget, it’s not really possible to shell out $340,000 for a 30-second TV commercial or $10,000 for an email marketing campaign. Thankfully there are plenty of avenues for online free advertising. It can be frustrating when your budget dictates how many people your business can … Read more

Reflecting On 20 Years Of WordPress With The CEO of WooCommerce [Podcast]

Reflecting On 20 Years Of WordPress With The CEO of WooCommerce [Podcast]

Growth, Innovation, and Empowering Online Merchants As WordPress celebrates its 20th anniversary, it is essential to reflect on its roots and explore how its history has shaped ecommerce and what this means for your website. Paul Maiorana, CEO of WooCommerce, joined me on the SEJ Show for this special episode to reflect on how ecommerce … Read more

How Instagram Will Organize Story Views In 2023

How Instagram Will Organize Story Views In 2023

This article is provided by the tech team at Host Merchant Services, the top-rated credit card processor, to assist customers with e-commerce merchant services who market on social media. As Instagram continues to grow, more users are taking advantage of its story feature. While the traditional Instagram post is still a great way to share … Read more

What’s Less Harmful: 301 Redirect or “404 Error Pages”?

What's Less Harmful: 301 Redirect or "404 Error Pages"?

Google’s Gary Illyes answered a question about which is less worse to use, millions of 404 error pages or 301 redirects. Gary’s answer cleared the air about how to think about each status code. The question was simple: “What is less harmful: having millions of 404 error pages or millions of 301 redirects, where sold … Read more

How To Succeed In Google Discover

How To Succeed In Google Discover

As a search engine optimization specialist, you already know the importance of content that answers query intent. But what happens when an internet user doesn’t know what information they need? Google took it upon itself to solve this with the release of Google Discover, first seen in 2018. Known as Google Feed until 2018, Discover … Read more

The social media metrics to track in 2023 (and why)

The social media metrics to track in 2023 (and why)

Social media involves the ultimate balancing act of the creative and the analytical. But if creativity is the intriguing icing on the cake, social media metrics are the essential ingredients to bringing the final dish to life. There’s no one “magic” metric to measure. Marketers must depend on a healthy blend of multiple metrics to … Read more

How to Build an Email List from Scratch: 11 Incredibly Effective Strategies

How to Build an Email List from Scratch: 11 Incredibly Effective Strategies

It costs more to attract a new customer than to keep an existing one. Focusing on customer retention is a valuable long-term solution for increased revenue and sustainable growth, and building an email list will help you reach those goals. Cultivating customer loyalty is not easy, but it is possible by continuing to offer valuable … Read more

How Duolingo Struck Social Media Gold with Unhinged Content

How Duolingo Struck Social Media Gold with Unhinged Content

Duo, Duolingo’s big green mascot, might be the most famous owl of the post-tootsie roll pop commercial era. The language-learning app first established a TikTok presence in early 2021 and found its stride by sharing funny videos featuring the sassy owl Duo. Since then, Duolingo’s TikTok account has grown to nearly 7 million followers and … Read more

How Virtual Offices Provide Legal Assurance For Global Businesses

How Virtual Offices Provide Legal Assurance For Global Businesses

Adapting to the ever-changing needs of their clients, businesses of all sizes and types are increasingly gravitating toward virtual offices for their convenience and lower overhead. These offices offer many services, from professional business addresses to efficient mail handling, call forwarding, and well-equipped meeting room facilities. Virtual offices stand out because of their unmatched ability … Read more

Screenwriters, Authors, and Journalists Respond To Threat Of AI

Screenwriters, Authors, and Journalists Respond To Threat Of AI

The rapid development of artificial intelligence is presenting new challenges for writers of all kinds, leading screenwriters, authors, and journalists to respond to the threat of AI. Although generative AI tools are not advanced enough to completely replace humans at the moment, their unregulated use has the potential to affect writers’ livelihoods negatively. Hollywood Writers … Read more

ChatGPT Gets A Memory: New Feature Remembers Your Preferences

ChatGPT Gets A Memory: New Feature Remembers Your Preferences

OpenAI has announced an update to ChatGPT, allowing users to input custom instructions for ongoing and future conversations. The new feature is rolling out in beta for Plus users, with plans to expand to all in the coming weeks. Custom Instructions: A New Way to Communicate Until now, ChatGPT would treat each new conversation as … Read more

Entrepreneurs of Color on YouTube: How They Market Their Businesses & Monetize Videos

Entrepreneurs of Color on YouTube: How They Market Their Businesses & Monetize Videos

Welcome to Breaking the Blueprint — a blog series that dives into the unique business challenges and opportunities of underrepresented business owners and entrepreneurs. Learn how they’ve grown or scaled their businesses, explored entrepreneurial ventures within their companies, or created side hustles, and how their stories can inspire and inform your own success. Publishing an … Read more

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