Podcorn connects advertisers with podcasters and manages sponsored messages in podcasts

Podcorn, the service that connects brands with podcasters to acquire in-broadcast sponsored time (not pre- or post-roll advertising), is officially launching its services today. “For brands, the benefit is that we are scaling the discovery of relevant podcasters of all sizes and making it possible to work with hundreds of really targeted podcasters within their…

Guide to Performing Bulk Email Verification

Email marketing has been around a long time as a marketing strategy. It was created to reach the target audience in the fastest way possible. It is not only cost-effective but also more comfortable to address many people at the same time. Here is a guide to performing bulk email verification. Why do you need…

[New report] Reimagining The Home Buying And Selling Experience

This report provides a high-level overview of how the home buying experience is changing, highlighting key trends related to the experience of buying and selling. It is supported by best-in-class examples from the real estate sector and beyond, in order to provide inspiration and showcase the opportunity for innovation within the home buying experience with…

What $30 Million Gets in TV Ads

On Politics Media WatchMichael Bloomberg made a splashy entrance into the 2020 race — and you’ll see one of his ads soon.Nov. 26, 2019If you missed the news on Friday, or haven’t watched television at all this week, the newly minted presidential candidate Michael R. Bloomberg made a splashy and expensive entrance into the 2020…

How Google Interferes With Its Search Algorithms and Changes Your Results

How Google Interferes With Its Search Algorithms and Changes Your Results (msn.com) Posted by EditorDavid on Saturday November 16, 2019 @11:34AM from the I’m-feeling-unlucky dept. Long-time Slashdot reader walterbyrd shared this report on “arguably the most powerful lines of computer code in the global economy,” the Google algorithms that handle 3.8 million queries every single…

Of course big tech is tracking your WebMD visits

Information about our health is supposed to be sacred, but the internet has basically thrown that tenet of society out the window. A new report from the Financial Times has found that the extent to which consumer medical websites share data with internet advertisers like Google, Facebook, and others, is vast. The report specifically looked…

Legislators from ten parliaments put the squeeze on Facebook

The third meeting of the International Grand Committee on Disinformation and ‘Fake News’, a multi-nation body comprised of global legislators with concerns about the societal impacts of social media giants, has been taking place in Dublin this week — once again without any senior Facebook management in attendance. The committee was formed last year after…

How Facebook Gets the First Amendment Backward

What does the First Amendment have to do with Facebook? It depends on whom you ask.Mark Zuckerberg would probably say: a lot. Over the past few weeks, he has repeatedly invoked the First Amendment to justify Facebook’s controversial decision to exempt posts and paid advertisements by political candidates from its fact-checking system. In a speech…

Mark Zuckerberg Had Undisclosed Meeting With Donald Trump, Peter Thiel Amid Furor on Political Ads

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg had an undisclosed meeting with Donald Trump at the White House in October, not long after Facebook quietly eased its policies to let politicians lie in ads and as intense pressure was building on the company to roll that change back, NBC News reported on Wednesday.An NBC source said that ultra-conservative…

Google Will Restrict Political Ads Worldwide Starting in 2020

Everything about digital political ads, from their truthfulness to even their design, has been a hot-button issue for the past few months. Facebook and Twitter have already weighed in with their stances, and now Google has also announced that it will restrict how political groups can target audiences starting early next year. In a nutshell,…

Facebook Loses Only Fact-Checking Partner in the Netherlands Over Lies in Political Ads

Facebook has lost its only fact-checking partner in the Netherlands, Dutch digital newspaper NU.nl, over its policy of allowing politicians to openly lie in ads on the platform, according to an article on NPO 3.NU.nl’s decision to bail comes amid widespread blowback over the Facebook policy. Critics, including some of its own employees, have argued…

Warn Your Parents About Gold and Silver Coin Scams

Here’s one more tricky topic to navigate with your family this holiday season: gold and silver retirement scams. An investigation by Quartz detailed these scams, which con seniors into moving their retirement funds to volatile precious metals investments. Gold and silver investment scams aren’t new, but they’ve been directed at conservative seniors on Facebook over…

Don’t Buy Anyone a Ring Camera

There’s a chance you had never heard of Ring cameras before Amazon bought the company for as much as $1.8 billion last year. It’s possible that Ring still wasn’t on your radar earlier this year, when reports emerged that the home security giant had partnered with scores of police departments, funneling videos and user data…

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