Google CEO Addresses Concerns Over AI’s Impact On Search Traffic

In this photo the Google logo is displayed on the smartphone screen with CEO Sundar Pichai in the background.

In a recent interview, Google CEO Sundar Pichai discussed the company’s implementation of AI in search results and addressed concerns from publishers and website owners about its potential impact on web traffic. Background On AI In Google Search Google has been gradually incorporating AI-generated overviews and summaries into its search results. These AI overviews aim … Read more

Google Ads Liason Addresses AI In AMA Session

Google Ads Liason Addresses AI In AMA Session

A non-profit professional organization, Paid Search Association (PSA), hosted an “AMA” event with Google Ads liaison Ginny Marvin. The session via Slack allowed PSA members to ask Marvin anything related to paid search that was on their minds. During the 1-hour event and with over 15 questions submitted, it was clear what was on everyone’s … Read more

YouTube Addresses Bias & Consistency In Content Moderation

YouTube Addresses Bias & Consistency In Content Moderation

YouTube’s content moderation policies have long been controversial among creators. In a new video, Matt Halpern, who leads YouTube’s Trust and Safety team, openly discussed the difficulties in enforcing rules on the world’s biggest video-sharing site. As YouTube keeps growing, finding the perfect balance between allowing freedom of expression and maintaining safety becomes more complex. … Read more

Say “No” to No-Reply Email Addresses (And What to Do Instead) – Litmus


Your subject line, preview text, and sender name (aka, the “envelope”) are key to getting your subscribers to open your email. But what about after they open—and have something to say? Sometimes overlooked, the reply-to email address and from name are key identifiers for your subscribers—especially if they choose to reply to an email (which … Read more

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