Microsoft Earnings Call Highlights Latest In AI For Search And Ads

Microsoft Earnings Call Highlights Latest In AI For Search And Ads

During its latest quarterly earnings call, Microsoft highlighted how it is leveraging artificial intelligence to improve search, advertising, and productivity. Satya Nadella, Microsoft’s CEO, stated that the company is “redefining how people use the internet to search and create” with AI copilot capabilities. These include GitHub Copilot for developers, Power Platform Copilot for low-code app … Read more

Google Introduces AR Beauty Ads, Promote Products With Virtual Try-On

Google Introduces AR Beauty Ads, Promote Products With Virtual Try-On

Google has launched a new advertising product called AR Beauty Ads, which allows beauty brands to promote their products using augmented reality (AR) technology. The interactive ads feature virtual try-on capabilities that aim to showcase items in a more engaging way. AR Beauty ads are now available for lip and eye makeup products, with foundation … Read more

Hidden Gems in PPC: 10 Underutilized Levers Across Google and Microsoft Ads

Hidden Gems in PPC: 10 Underutilized Levers Across Google and Microsoft Ads

Part of what makes digital advertising challenging is that UIs change just as constantly as algorithms. It can be tough to stay on top of all the changes and tasks required for peak account performance. While these may be known to some, they represent the most common “hidden levers” I see in account audits. Hidden … Read more

TikTok Ads Guide: How to Capitalize on the Fastest-Growing Social Platform

Tiktok ads video graphic

Remember 2012? Advertising on Facebook was in its infancy, and brands that started experimenting with the platform saw hockey-stick growth over the next decade. 10 years later and we’re back at the beginning of an advertising renaissance–this time, it’s on TikTok. TikTok shot past the billion-user mark in just 5 short years (compared to 8 … Read more

Google Bets On AI-Powered Video Ads To Disrupt Social Media Advertising

Google Bets On AI-Powered Video Ads To Disrupt Social Media Advertising

Google announced the launch of a new advertising product called Demand Gen Campaigns, which utilizes AI to create highly targeted video and image ads on YouTube and other Google platforms. This new ad product aims to help advertisers extend their social strategies beyond traditional platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Demand Gen represents Google’s latest effort … Read more

6 Audience Ads Updates From Microsoft Advertising

6 Audience Ads Updates From Microsoft Advertising

In its latest article, Microsoft Advertising highlighted a series of updates to various features aimed at helping advertisers maximize ad campaign budget, reach new audiences, and increase ad options for specific verticals. 6 Updates To Audience Ads This month’s news featured six updates to Audiences Ads, which leverage consumer intent signals, such as searches, web activity, … Read more

How Do Ads Affect Website Visitor Behavior? [Exclusive]

How Do Ads Affect Website Visitor Behavior? [Exclusive]

Almost no one will ask you to show them more ads. We know ads are a powerful advertising medium and great for generating leads and sales. But your website users? A recent WARC report found that 53% of survey respondents felt that “too many ads” could actually damage a brand. There is a delicate interplay … Read more

Google Ads Updates Misrepresentation Policy To Strengthen Standards

Google Ads Updates Misrepresentation Policy To Strengthen Standards

To maintain trust and ensure transparency in advertising, Google has announced an update to its Misrepresentation policy. The update, enacted on November 21, 2023, is designed to tackle issues related to the non-fulfillment of a product or service due to lack of qualifications. Policy Update Details The policy change revolves around removing the non-fulfillment of … Read more

Google Ads Automatically Created Assets Available In 8 Languages

Google Ads Automatically Created Assets Available In 8 Languages

Google shared the latest updates to Google Ads’ automatically created assets and conversational experience to help more users leverage artificial intelligence (AI) to improve ad campaign efficiency. The latest features focus on automatically created assets and a new conversational experience, marking a step toward automating the advertising workflow. Expansion Of Automatically Created Assets One of … Read more

Microsoft Advertising Unveils Video And CTV Ads At DMEXCO

Microsoft Advertising Unveils Video And CTV Ads At DMEXCO

At the DMEXCO conference, Microsoft announced a significant addition to its advertising suite—Video and Connected TV (CTV) ads. The tech giant aims to capitalize on the booming digital video landscape, where people are expected to spend an average of 3.5 hours daily by 2024. This new feature allows advertisers to create video and CTV campaigns … Read more

10 Instagram Growth Hacks For More Engaged Followers (Without Running Ads)

Instagram likes growing

Whether you’re on it to live vicariously through your more adventurous friends or spend hours looking through cute dog videos, Instagram can be a wonderful place. And as a business owner or entrepreneur, it can be an incredible source of new customers or a great place to connect on a deeper level with your current … Read more

What Are Good Google Ads Benchmarks In 2023? [STUDY]

What Are Good Google Ads Benchmarks In 2023? [STUDY]

“Is this a good click-through rate for our campaigns?” “Why is our cost per conversion high? Is this in line with our competitors?” “What’s a good conversion rate?” “Why was performance down yesterday?” How many times do you get asked these questions in a week? A month? Nothing’s more frustrating than getting these questions from … Read more

Google Fights Back Against Misleading Ads With New Policy

Google Fights Back Against Misleading Ads With New Policy

Google is implementing a new “Limited Ads Serving” policy to improve ad transparency and safeguard users from misleading ads. This policy targets unfamiliar or lesser-known advertisers whose ads may have a higher risk of being scams or misrepresenting themselves. Under the new protocol, Google will limit how widely these types of ads are shown across … Read more

Why Enhanced Conversions Are Now More Important Than Ever For Google Ads

Why Enhanced Conversions Are Now More Important Than Ever For Google Ads

The convergence of rising privacy concerns and regulation enforcement with fast-paced technology advancements has sparked a revolutionary transformation in how we approach marketing planning and execution. As technology continues to evolve rapidly, the vast amounts of personal data generated by consumers have become increasingly vulnerable, triggering heightened apprehensions about privacy and data security. Consequently, governments … Read more

How To Scale Your B2B Google Ads Strategy Across Multiple Languages And Regions

How To Scale Your B2B Google Ads Strategy Across Multiple Languages And Regions

Humans are incredibly diverse – and it’s marketing’s job to respect, engage, and nurture that. Expanding a B2B business from English-only strategies to regional, multi-language campaigns can absolutely be the turning point of your success. In fact, it’s hard to believe that not everyone’s taking advantage of it. Mass-market, English-only campaigns cost a ton of … Read more

Move Over Google Discovery Ads, Get Ready For Demand Gen Campaigns

Move Over Google Discovery Ads, Get Ready For Demand Gen Campaigns

Google confirmed that Discovery campaigns are officially being transitioned to the new Demand Gen campaign type. Google Ads liaison Ginny Marvin announced the news via Twitter and LinkedIn on 8/15. The ad format transition is another move towards an AI-first environment in Google Ads. Read on to understand what Demand Gen ads are, what the … Read more

Is Google Collecting Children’s Data For Ads? New Report Sparks Concern

Is Google Collecting Children's Data For Ads? New Report Sparks Concern

A new report accuses Google of serving targeted ads to children and harvesting their data, potentially violating federal privacy laws. The allegations cast doubt on Google’s previous promises to protect children better online. The report, published by advertising analytics firm Adalytics, claims that YouTube continues to serve personalized ads and employ ad trackers on videos … Read more

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