Google Ads Tutorial: Using Automatically Created Assets For Ad Creation

Google Ads Tutorial: Using Automatically Created Assets For Ad Creation

Many marketers find the task of creating relevant and engaging ad assets to be daunting. Especially with the move to Responsive Search Ads, it’s easy for headlines to become redundant – running the risk of poor performance.  Google recently introduced a beta feature called “automatically created assets for responsive search ads” to combat creative fatigue. … Read more

8 Strategies for Google Shopping Ads That’ll Boost Your Conversion Rates

8 Strategies for Google Shopping Ads That’ll Boost Your Conversion Rates

Did you know there were over 214.7 million digital buyers in the US in 2022? Online shopping has become a mainstream revenue source for businesses. So, with the right Google Shopping campaign structure, your business can soar. Google Shopping ads are an essential part of any successful digital marketing strategy. They are a great way … Read more

YouTube Introduces Non-Skippable 30-Second TV Ads

YouTube Introduces Non-Skippable 30-Second TV Ads

YouTube is introducing 30-second non-skippable ads for connected televisions (CTVs), merging two consecutive 15-second ad slots into a single longer-form ad. Responding To A Shift in Creation & Consumption The format of YouTube content has expanded broadly, from 15-second Shorts to 15-hour live streams. The latest Nielsen Gauge Report shows YouTube’s viewership has significantly increased. … Read more

The Ultimate Guide to Google Ads [Examples]

The Ultimate Guide to Google Ads [Examples]

Given Google’s expansive reach, with somewhere with over 8.5 billion searches per day, chances are you’ve seen (and probably clicked on) a Google ad, and so have your potential customers. And if you’ve landed on this blog post, you’re probably looking to get in on the Google Ads action for your own business. You’re in … Read more

I Don’t Do Paid Ads: How I Grew My Business to $270K+ in Revenue

I Don't Do Paid Ads: Here's What I've Invested in Instead to Grow My Business to $270K+ in Revenue

Many business owners assume that the quickest way to grow is to pay to get in front of potential customers (or to do tons of cold outreach). But I never even considered that approach, and I’ve still managed to grow a thriving business in less than two years. When I decided to launch my disability … Read more

How Much Do YouTube Ads Cost? A Beginner’s Pricing Breakdown

Play button youtube ad cost

Why should you advertise your business on YouTube? Well, are you ready for some mind-blowing numbers? YouTube reports having over 2 billion monthly logged-in users across 80 languages in over 100 countries. YouTube is the second most popular social media network worldwide, coming in a close second behind Facebook. There’s a staggering amount of people … Read more

Step-By-Step Guide To Earning Your Google Ads Certification

Step-By-Step Guide To Earning Your Google Ads Certification

In a world where many people offer services like SEO and Google Ads management, it is important to stand out and be as educated as possible. Seasoned veterans and new professionals alike can both benefit from Google Ads Certification. As an industry standard with content tied directly to the Google Ads platform, it is the … Read more

The 4 Biggest Differences Between Facebook & Instagram Ads

So you want to advertise, but you’re not sure which of these two mega social media platforms is “best” for your business. Well, to be honest, no matter how much your budget is… who your audience is… or what you’re offering…  The answer is BOTH… and IT DEPENDS. This article will explain why as well … Read more

Facebook Ads Library – How To Use It To Spy On The Competitors?

Facebook Ads Library

Doing an analysis of the competitors’ social advertising strategies is a crucial step to gathering insights for your own campaigns. The most effective tool to meet your purpose in this regard is Facebook Ads Library. It’s a gold mine for marketers. Why? Because it’s a hub of knowledge and rich strategies for social media advertisers. … Read more

How To Run Linkedin Ads? A Step By Step Guide

LinkedIn ads

LinkedIn is the best website if you are a marketer trying to generate new business leads using social media. Launched in 2003, LinkedIn is the social gathering hub for businesspersons and professionals to market their products and services. However, the primary use of LinkedIn is to recruit new talent. Advertisements are one of the best … Read more

The #1 Mistake Most Marketers Make When Running Paid Ads

Your ability to track conversions is one of the most important foundational pieces of knowledge you can have in the world of paid advertising.  Biggest Mistake Marketers Make With Paid Ads The number one mistake we see marketers make across all advertising networks is incomplete or non-existent conversion tracking. Google and Facebook are the closest … Read more

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