Google’s Responsive Search Ad Guide: Navigating AI In Advertising

Google's Responsive Search Ad Guide: Navigating AI In Advertising

Google recently released a comprehensive guide to help marketers better understand and utilize Responsive Search Ads (RSAs). The guide provides an in-depth look at how Google leverages AI technology to optimize RSA performance for each search query. It aims to give marketers the knowledge to take full advantage of this adaptive ad format. This article … Read more

32 Free Advertising Tips for Your Small, Large, or Local Business

32 Free Advertising Tips for Your Small, Large, or Local Business

When you work at a small business with a limited budget, it’s not really possible to shell out $340,000 for a 30-second TV commercial or $10,000 for an email marketing campaign. Thankfully there are plenty of avenues for online free advertising. It can be frustrating when your budget dictates how many people your business can … Read more

8 Microsoft Advertising Updates Including Predictive Targeting And Generative AI For RSAs

8 Microsoft Advertising Updates Including Predictive Targeting And Generative AI For RSAs

Microsoft Advertising made several announcements in the past month about advertising capabilities for July 2023. These updates span from unveiling Predictive Targeting, an AI-based tool for increasing ad conversions, to expanding Property Promotion Ads to include vacation rentals. Learn how Microsoft plans to help advertisers reach more customers with greater efficacy and cost savings. 1. … Read more

Microsoft Advertising Announces Policy Updates

Microsoft Advertising Announces Policy Updates

Microsoft Advertising is tightening policies, adding enforcement details, restricting ads due to laws. New rules target medical, adult, gambling, and alcohol promotions. Microsoft Advertising is updating its policies to strengthen user protection. The company is clarifying how it enforces policies and penalties for violations. New regulations will restrict some types of advertising in certain countries. … Read more

Microsoft Unveils Predictive Targeting, AI-Based Advertising Tool

Microsoft Unveils Predictive Targeting, AI-Based Advertising Tool

Microsoft announces the launch of Predictive Targeting, an artificial intelligence-powered advertising tool. The technology relies on machine learning to help advertisers reach new, receptive audiences and drive higher conversion rates. Finding Hidden Audiences Screenshot from:, June 2023. Predictive Targeting analyzes signals from advertisers’ existing ads and landing pages and Microsoft’s audience data to identify … Read more

AI Advertising: Pros, Cons, Tips & Examples

AI Advertising: Pros, Cons, Tips & Examples

You’ve heard this a million times by now: artificial intelligence is changing the marketing world and how brands advertise to consumers — and the trend isn’t stopping anytime soon. In fact, the global market revenue of AI in marketing will likely grow from $27.4 billion in 2023 to $107.4 billion in 2028. But is AI … Read more

Microsoft Advertising Boosts Analytics & Global Reach In June Update

Microsoft Advertising Boosts Analytics & Global Reach In June Update

Microsoft Advertising details several important updates and expansions in its June product roundup. The new tools and features aim to enhance website performance analytics, improve cross-device conversion tracking, expand into new global markets, and integrate more seamlessly with other platforms. Introducing Universal Event Tracking Insights This month’s standout news is the introduction of Universal Event … Read more

How the Writer's Strike Could Impact Marketing and Advertising

How the Writer's Strike Could Impact Marketing and Advertising

Welcome to HubSpot Marketing News! Tap in for campaign deep dives, the latest marketing industry news, and tried-and-true insights from HubSpot’s media team. Hollywood screenwriters are now two weeks into their strike against major networks and streaming companies. The strike, which is expected to last well into summer, began on May 2 after six weeks … Read more

Everything You Need to Know About Billboard Advertising

Everything You Need to Know About Billboard Advertising

Whether you’re commuting by car, bus, or train you may find yourself watching the world — and billboard advertising — go by. Some billboards can be very entertaining. And according to 2023 research, 49% of adult consumers notice billboard ads more than they did just one year ago. Billboard advertising isn’t your typical inbound marketing … Read more

A Detailed Guide About Maximizing Your Advertising Strategy With Yahoo Ad Tech

Yahoo Ad Tech

Yahoo Ad Tech is a digital online advertising platform that helps you reach your online audience across every screen. With its DSP and SSP solutions, it provides an easy way to create meaningful connections across advertising, search, and media. It can help you manage campaigns, track performance and optimize your reach. So, if you are … Read more

Best Practices For Unlocking The ROI Potential Of Twitter Advertising

Twitter Advertising

If you’re a savvy marketer or business owner, you’ll probably know the significance of Twitter as a promotional platform. Did you know it clocks over 330 million users every month? That’s a lot of potential customers for your brand, right? But how do you reach the right ones effectively? And what about cutting through the … Read more

Testimonial Advertising: Customer feedback as promotion

Corporate Lifestyle And Communication. Multiracial Coworkers Communicating Standing Near Table During Business Meeting In Modern Office. In this day and age making sales is harder than ever, with a cost of living crisis in the U.K and several places feeling the pinch post-lockdown.  But how do you effectively create a customer relationship without rushing in? … Read more

Why Facebook Is A Great Choice As An Advertising Platform

Advertising Platform

Facebook is not just the most important social network in the world. Most companies use Zuckerberg’s brainchild tools to make their products even more popular. So if you’re still not using Facebook ads, you’re missing out on many opportunities to grow your business. Web developers understand the potential of Facebook as an advertising platform, so … Read more

6 Reasons Your Start-Up Should Embrace OOH Advertising

OOH Advertising

Outdoor advertisements such as posters and billboards are a great way to grow your new business. Here are six ways Out of Home (OOH) advertising can benefit your start-up. 6 Causes To Utilize OOH Advertising For Start-up 1: OOH Adverts Are Eye-Catching A well-designed OOH advert attracts attention from passers-by. Seeing an advert while out … Read more

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