Artificial Intelligence – AI Can’t Write Thought Leadership (But It Can Do Something Else)

Artificial Intelligence - AI Can’t Write Thought Leadership (But It Can Do Something Else)

Hot take: All that content you’ve been creating? It’s not thought leadership. Or at least most of it isn’t, especially if you leave the writing to AI. In many marketers’ eyes, including many “experts,” content marketing and thought leadership are the same. But although thought leadership can be a pillar of your content strategy, it’s … Read more

Artificial Intelligence – AI Update, May 17, 2024: AI News and Views From the Past Week

Artificial Intelligence - AI Update, April 19, 2024: AI News and Views From the Past Week

Catch up on select AI news and developments from the past week or so (in no particular order): OpenAI’s New ChatGPT Mac App. OpenAI has launched a new desktop app for ChatGPT on Mac, with a Windows version coming later. The app includes features like voice chat and screenshot sharing. A notable feature is a … Read more

Artificial Intelligence – AI Update, May 10, 2024: AI News and Views From the Past Week

Artificial Intelligence - AI Update, April 19, 2024: AI News and Views From the Past Week

Catch up on select AI news and developments from the past week or so (in no particular order): Fei-Fei Li’s Spatial Intelligence Startup: Fei-Fei Li, a leading figure in AI research, is developing a startup focused on “spatial intelligence,” which aims to enhance how AI understands and interacts with three-dimensional environments. This technology seeks to … Read more

Artificial Intelligence – Can AI Save You From Marketing Inferno?

Artificial Intelligence - Can AI Save You From Marketing Inferno?

When Dante Alighieri completed The Divine Comedy in 1321, I doubt he dreamed it would someday inspire dread in something uniquely modern as 21st century B2B marketing. And yet here we are, 700 years later, teetering on the precipice of a demand generation inferno, and the analogy is all too apt. In “Personalization, Demand Generation, … Read more

Artificial Intelligence – AI Update, April 19, 2024: AI News and Views From the Past Week

Artificial Intelligence - AI Update, April 19, 2024: AI News and Views From the Past Week

Catch up on select AI news and developments from the past week or so. Stay in the know. 1. Regulation of AI in Various US States. In response to growing concerns about AI bias, some states are proposing regulatory frameworks that compel companies to perform impact assessments on AI systems that influence significant decisions in … Read more

Artificial Intelligence – AI Update: Claude 3 Challenges ChatGPT; Mistral and Microsoft Partner Up

Artificial Intelligence - AI Update: Claude 3 Challenges ChatGPT; Mistral and Microsoft Partner Up

Two major announcements in the past week or so from major AI players demonstrate that the AI juggernaut continues to gain both business and technology momentum. Anthropic Unveils Claude 3 ChatGPT may be facing its stiffest competition yet. In a recent announcement, AI startup Anthropic, backed by Google, Amazon, and other significant VC investments, revealed … Read more

11 Artificial Intelligence Examples from Real Brands in 2023

11 Artificial Intelligence Examples from Real Brands in 2023

2023 was the year AI became mainstream. What was once a sci-fi fantasy is now a staple in day-to-day business operations. AI’s in your smartphone, shopping experiences, and maybe even your morning coffee routine. Mom-and-pop shops, e-commerce stores, tech giants — everyone’s using AI. They’re using it to streamline operations, predict market trends, and create … Read more

AI Influencer Marketing: How Artificial Intelligence Could Change Influencer Marketing

AI Influencer Marketing: How Artificial Intelligence Could Change Influencer Marketing

When I think of influencers, I think of smiling content creators posting unique, relatable content promoting a service or product and how their work helps humanize brands and tap into audiences. So, how could artificial intelligence change influencer marketing if the goal is to humanize a brand or organization to boost awareness and profits? It … Read more

Can Artificial Intelligence Write Better Email Subject Lines Than Humans?

Can Artificial Intelligence Write Better Email Subject Lines Than Humans?

Can AI write a better subject line than an actual person? Probably. Brands like JOANN have had a 10% increase in email open rates, all thanks to AI. Unless you’re an expert email marketer, coming up with brilliant subject lines every time can be tough. This is especially true if you’re sending personalized emails multiple … Read more

Artificial Intelligence – The Power of AI in B2B Marketing and Communications

Artificial Intelligence - The Power of AI in B2B Marketing and Communications

Ever felt like you’re drowning in data but starving for insights? Welcome to the world of modern B2B marketing, where data is abundant but actionable intelligence is scarce. But what if AI could be your lifesaver? In this episode of the Marketing Smarts Live Show, George B. Thomas sits down with Peter Prodromou, President of … Read more

AI Risks: Can Artificial Intelligence Affect Your Brand Equity?

A graphic showing the four elements of brand equity: brand awareness, brand associations, perceived quality, and brand loyalty.

Brand equity — that intangible asset that sets your brand apart and directly impacts its success, can either flourish or wither at the hands of artificial intelligence (AI). Using artificial intelligence in your external communications can be a threat to any brand equity you’ve built up, but does this mean you shouldn’t use it at … Read more

Google AI: How One Tech Giant Approaches Artificial Intelligence

Google AI: How One Tech Giant Approaches Artificial Intelligence

Have you ever sat paralyzed, trying to craft the perfect text message? Well, one experiment from Google AI may provide the perfect solution. The team’s AI-powered Magic Compose provides multiple sample texts, so you just have to choose the right one. You can already join the waitlist to try it out. This year, we’ve seen … Read more

The Essential Artificial Intelligence Glossary for Marketers (90+ Terms)

The Essential Artificial Intelligence Glossary for Marketers (90+ Terms)

AI has transformed the business landscape, and while everyone can benefit from it, not everyone has the technological background to understand exactly how it works and what it does. This piece is an AI glossary of all the essential terms and definitions you need to know to fully understand the technology you use. Table of … Read more

The Role Of Artificial Intelligence In Marketing

The Role Of Artificial Intelligence In Marketing

Artificial Intelligence technology has been around for years. But the new programs available to the public, such as ChatGPT or DALL-E 2, have reignited the debate about the importance of AI. Marketing professionals are also exploring this tool to see if it can improve their effectiveness. Artificial intelligence is becoming mainstream with its ability to … Read more

20 Artificial Intelligence Statistics that Marketers Need to Know in 2023

20 Artificial Intelligence Statistics that Marketers Need to Know in 2023

The world of artificial intelligence and machine learning is expanding, and marketers should pay attention. AI is being implemented in nearly every industry to improve business processes, and the data surrounding this tech are staggering. To help you better grasp AI’s most recent advancements, we’ve compiled a list of interesting AI statistics to consider before … Read more

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