Google Reminds Websites To Use Robots.txt To Block Action URLs

Google Reminds Websites To Use Robots.txt To Block Action URLs

In a LinkedIn post, Gary Illyes, an Analyst at Google, reiterated long-standing guidance for website owners: Use the robots.txt file to prevent web crawlers from accessing URLs that trigger actions like adding items to carts or wishlists. Illyes highlighted the common complaint of unnecessary crawler traffic overloading servers, often stemming from search engine bots crawling … Read more

Fake Instagram Accounts: How to Spot and Block Them

How to Recognize and Block Fake Instagram Accounts

Over the past decade, Instagram has grown exponentially, with more than a billion monthly active users. However, with that increase in users has come an equal rise in fake accounts. According to this report, as of 2019, there were approximately 95 million fake Instagram accounts, representing about 9.5% of the platform’s total user base​. With … Read more

Who Should Block AI Bots?

Who Should Block AI Bots?

In this blog post, Tom discusses the reasons why you might block AI bots. In many cases, this will come down not only to your beliefs about how this technology will evolve but also to the specifics of the business involved. Source link

You Won’t Be Able to Block Followers Anymore In X (Twitter), Says Elon Musk

You Won’t Be Able to Block Followers Anymore In X (Twitter), Says Elon Musk

Headlines: X (formerly Twitter) owner Elon Musk recently announced that users will no longer be able to block followers anymore. He has explained that you cannot block followers to block their posts. However, you can still block their private messages. Elon also announced that a “new and better security and privacy system” is being developed … Read more

3 Ways To Block Google From Indexing AI Chatbot Content

3 Ways To Block Google From Indexing AI Chatbot Content

Google Search Advocate John Mueller suggests three ways to prevent potentially inaccurate AI chatbot content from being indexed. Website owners should be mindful of potential issues caused by AI chatbots that could impact the visibility and search presence of their websites. Mueller suggests the use of a ‘robotted iframe’, ‘robotted JavaScript file/resource’, or ‘data-nosnippet’ to … Read more

DuckDuckGo Now Says It Will Block Microsoft Trackers

DuckDuckGo Now Says It Will Block Microsoft Trackers

DuckDuckGo responds to recent criticism saying the third-party tracking scripts it blocks will now include scripts from Microsoft. Earlier this year, a security researcher discovered DuckDuckGo’s mobile browser transferring data to Microsoft-owned properties when visiting certain websites. As a company that promises never to track users, DuckDuckGo found itself in trouble when the security researcher … Read more

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