Why Web Accessibility Is the Ideal Business Opportunity for Agencies

Why Web Accessibility Is the Ideal Business Opportunity for Agencies

You might think your website gives a peak user experience. But have you considered all your potential customers? Accessibility solutions can open the door for people who might otherwise be unable to fully use your site–and it’s good for business, too. Read the full article at MarketingProfs Source link

What is Servant Leadership? Definition and Examples in Business

Servant leadership boss helping employee graphic

Has a manager ever skipped their lunch break to help you craft an email response? Have you seen your CEO carry product boxes up a flight of stairs? Has your boss picked you up from the airport after a business trip? These are small but mighty examples of servant leadership. Yet, servant leadership theory is … Read more

47 Good Business Ideas That Could Be Your Next Big Thing

Good business ideas graphic

Can there really be that many good business ideas? Yes, there can. This is actually our filtered-down list—you should have seen how many other almost-good ideas nearly made the cut. Whether you’re an experienced entrepreneur or brand new to the scene, we’ve compiled the best-of-the-best business ideas for you to bring to life in 2022. … Read more

5 Keys To Success In Life & Business After Sports

It’s no secret why athletes struggle in the transition to life after sports, but one of the most important elements is getting clarity and understanding on these five components. Because without them, you are going to continue to feel stuck, struggling, and unfulfilled. The Five P’s of Your Success in Life After Sports What’s up … Read more

How the Great Resignation Will Affect Business in 2022

The great resignation graphic

Headlines in the United States have highlighted the “Great Resignation” for much of 2021. The very sound of this name gives employers stress. And many employees themselves don’t know what to make of it. Just because something has the word “great” in doesn’t mean it’s actually a good thing (i.e. The Great Depression, The Great … Read more

Your Local Networking is Killing Your Business. – Jena Apgar [VIDEO]

Are you a marketing agency owner or freelancer? Your local networking is killing your business and Jena Apgar, Founder of LeadFlow365 is here to tell you how to change that. WHAT IS DIGITALMARKETER: DigitalMarketer is the premier online community for digital marketing professionals. It’s a place where you can learn how to market like a … Read more

Business Not Making Money? Here’s the Reason(s) Why

Business not making money piggy bank graphic

90% of startups fail. Most get through the first year or 2, but more than half of all small businesses crumble before year 5. Why? Businesses ultimately fail when they don’t make enough money. The startup either can’t afford to continue operations, or the owner quits to reclaim work-life balance and a better (more consistent) … Read more

Ecommerce Business Ideas That Yield Powerful Results

Woman ecommerce business owner smiling photo

There has never been a better time in the history of the world to have an ecommerce business. Yes, that’s a bold statement. But it’s a proven fact that more people are buying more things more often than at any other time. Globally, the confidence and comfort levels of making purchases online are soaring. The … Read more

How to Start a Business from Scratch (Step-By-Step Process)

Start a business from scratch woman entrepreneur smiling

Building anything from scratch is a worthwhile challenge. Baking bread, assembling a bookcase, shaping your career, forming a family—all start with next-to-nothing and end in marvelous works of art. It’s not easy to create something from scratch, but it’s oh-so rewarding. Building a business is no different. You start with diddly-squat, throw in a bit … Read more

How to Make Sustainable Business Practices Part of Your Growth Strategies

Sustainable business growth plant

What is sustainability in business? Yes, it’s carrying out your business operations in a way that’s in harmony with the environment and your community. And it involves making decisions that benefit society and being mindful of future generations. Those elements are undoubtedly at the heart of sustainability. They weigh on the conscience and drive us … Read more

4 Important Business Benefits Of An International SEO Strategy

4 Important Business Benefits Of An International SEO Strategy

My last column highlighted some critical actions necessary to execute a successful International Search Engine Optimization strategy. This time, let’s take a look at the specific business benefits of creating that strategy, and its alignment with the organization’s strategy as a whole. A well-articulated strategy forms the foundation for all activities within the organization, and … Read more

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