How to Level Up Your Marketing Career in the AI Era (The Right Way)

How to Level Up Your Marketing Career in the AI Era (The Right Way)

I can’t lie — I’ve been feeling a little AI-fatigued lately. But the reason everyone’s still talking about AI is because it’s not going away anytime soon. The reality is it’s changing the way we work as marketers. Our State of AI report shows that more than half of marketers (60%) are using AI tools … Read more

Career Development – The 10 Best Paying Digital Marketing Side Hustles [Infographic]

Career Development - The 10 Best Paying Digital Marketing Side Hustles [Infographic]

WHOA! Hold on a minute, friend. Over 600,000 marketers rely on MarketingProfs for B2B know-how every day. Don’t miss out on the latest marketing tips and techniques, delivered right to your inbox.Subscribe today … it’s free! Sign in with your preferred account, below.

Navigating The SEO Career Landscape: Degrees, Myths, And Realities

Navigating The SEO Career Landscape: Degrees, Myths, And Realities

In the dynamic realm of search engine optimization (SEO), my career spans nearly two decades, starting in 2004 when I started working for an agency and just two years later moved to in-house SEO for a large company. Since then, I’ve held various in-house SEO roles at esteemed organizations, including, Concur, Smartsheet, ADP (, … Read more

LinkedIn Report: Hiring Still Slow & Career Confidence Wanes

LinkedIn Report: Hiring Still Slow & Career Confidence Wanes

LinkedIn Global Talent Trends report shows that hiring trends continue a stubborn downward trend and employee confidence in their careers are also generally trending negatively. Job posts that mention AI and generative AI receive higher rates of job applications over those that do not. The report emphasizes the importance talent acquisition efficiency and keeping an … Read more

8 Ways To Future Proof Your SEO Career In A Fast-Changing Industry

8 Ways To Future Proof Your SEO Career In A Fast-Changing Industry

“SEO is dead!” We hear again, for what seems like the 20th time this year. “No one is using Google anymore, they’re all using TikTok for searches!” “Generative AI in the SERPs is going to steal all our clicks!” “It’s impossible to prove the worth of SEO in today’s cookie-less world!” There’s a lot of … Read more

Youtube Moderator: Great Journey To Boost Your Career In 2023

Youtube Moderator: Great Journey To Boost Your Career In 2023

YouTube is the largest platform for video-sharing networks, with billions of active users on a monthly basis. It is a platform for large corporations, small businesses, content creators, influencers, and artists as a way to be able to reach out to a large audience base for the purpose of entertainment and knowledge. With this growing … Read more

Technical Marketing: Best Practices and Career Tips

Technical Marketing: Best Practices and Career Tips

You’ll need a solid technical marketing strategy if you sell a complex product or service. This type of marketing requires a firm understanding of the technical aspects behind your product. You’ll also need to communicate complex processes clearly. Without technical expertise, your marketing team will have a difficult time developing content that resonates with your … Read more

Buffer Diaries: Darcy Peters’ Unique Career Path

From the Marine Corps to Customer Advocacy: Darcy Peters' Unique Career Path

Meet Darcy Peters, Senior Customer Advocate Manager at Buffer, whose diverse journey from fitness entrepreneur and Marine Corps officer to Customer Advocacy maven is a testament to resilience and adaptability. In this candid interview, Darcy shares her experiences balancing work, family, and personal growth while embracing challenges and nurturing a fulfilling career at Buffer. 🖊️ … Read more

Why Ethan Yong Left His Career to Build UmamiPapi Into a Chili Oil Sensation–Little Empires

Ethan yong umami papi

Foundr’s Little Empires series uplifts the stories of everyday entrepreneurs building better futures for themselves and their customers. We talked with Ethan Yong, founder and CEO of the social-sensation chili oil brand UmamiPapi. — Ethan Yong started his business because of a DM. Yong was a graduate student working at a prestigious financial firm when … Read more

How Can Security+ Certification Elevate Your Cybersecurity Career?

Technology is becoming increasingly important to organizations and society, and with its proliferation, we have become more vulnerable to cyber-attacks. Cyber-criminal activities in e-commerce and health sectors can have a financial impact and expose the risk of sensitive data. As a result of this, cybersecurity has become even more important for organizations as mobile and … Read more

What You Need To Know About Building A Social Media Career

What You Need To Know About Building A Career In Social Media (No Toxicity, Expert Advice Edition)

Nothing says anyone can become a social media manager like Buffer’s resident music major turned SMM, Mitra Mehvar. However, the question is less can you become a social media manager and more should you pursue this career? Social media is often glamorized, especially in the media — but what does it really take to kick … Read more

Career Objective Tips To Get Your Resume Noticed [+ Examples]

Career Objective Tips To Get Your Resume Noticed [+ Examples]

Whether you call it a personal branding statement, experience overview, or resume objective, a career objective statement creates an important first impression. A well-crafted statement lets hiring managers learn about your skills and career highlights in a straightforward way. That’s if a hiring manager even makes it to your resume, of course. With an increasingly … Read more

Want to Build a Content Marketing Career Path? Here’s What to Do

What Does a Content Marketing Career Path Look Like? Are you looking to pursue a content marketing career path? You’re in a good place. Content marketing is blowing up, set to be worth $600 billion in 2024 (Technavio research). What’s more, 89% of companies that hire content marketers plan to either continue or increase their … Read more

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