What Is Ikigai? The Japanese Methodology That Will Change Your Business

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Japan is globally known for not only its masterful cuisine but also its business methodologies. From Toyota to Nintendo, 21st-century corporate leadership methods have been adopted and adapted by businesses from the proven strategies in Japan. Even older than “The Toyota Way” is a Japanese methodology called ikigai. Implementing ikigai into your business (or future … Read more

How to Give Constructive Feedback: 11 Ways to Drive Change

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Giving constructive feedback can feel like walking a tightrope while juggling a pair of rabid ferrets—scary, awkward, and a wee bit dangerous. Sound familiar? Lucky for you, it doesn’t have to be this way. You can learn to give constructive feedback that’s empowering for both you and your employees—it’ll just take a bit of know-how … Read more

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